If car can race, car must race. Very simple!
Well I would prefer that you would discuss the topic instead of resorting to back-handed insults directed at me personally.
What insults?
I posted a question.
It’s almost like I already knew that.
Again, if you want non-speed run, aka 15 minute minimum dungeons (Or 45 minutes cause lack of “severely out-gearing” and party member’s lower level gear), FF14 is right over there
yes, get the chore down as fast as possible is the goal
I know the answer to your question is to “get it over with”, but the speed bothers me. As a mufti-healer player I can confidently say that many tanks (or the dps who pull for them/charge ahead) do not care if they hold aggro or not, they do not care that we in the back are taking damage or not, they do not care if anyone dies or not. They do not care about their party at all, and this is not fun for me. I play all the healers, I play both factions, I am “gud”, but I hate speed runs where I am LOS the entire time and spend all my time trying to keep up with the tank. I hate seeing members of my party get low health or die because I have no time to top them up. It is not fun for me.
I have 3 tanks as well, but I refuse to do anything other than follower dungeons on them because I refuse to go fast, and I refuse to subject myself to the comments from toxic PUG players.
I reject the notion that I want a dungeon to last all day, because I do not. I just want to be a healer and have a moment sometimes to top up the low-health folks. It is not a chore for me, although I accept that it is for others. I can go fast, I just do not like to.
Gee, if only there were tools to address this. Maybe an instance chat or vote to kick system?
Going fast is fun
Seeing the metric crapton of adds you can just shrug off as a tank as fun
Tearing through a metric crapton of adds while zipping through aoes left and right as a dps is fun
Seeing how little healing you can get away with while roleplaying a dps as a healer is fun
Leveling a fresh alt to 80 in one day is fun in its absurdity
It also sharpens your skill for the endgame. Avoiding one aoe is brainless and does nothing for you. Avoiding 20 trains your ability to recognize multiple mechanics and parse safe areas between multiple enemies. Going slow teaches you nothing
People enjoy content differently. Just because someone likes to go fast doesn’t mean they aren’t enjoying themselves. It’s not a conspiracy, someone just likes the game a different way than you do
You can’t be serious. lol.
From your reply my next question is; even if Blizzard added a ton of brand new dungeons, content, and harder dungeon challenges. Do you think players would still try speed-runnuing dungeons anyway?
Time is money, friend
My time is just as valuable as anyone else’s, and is better spent getting in and out of dungeons as quickly as possible.
Get in the train or get out. That’s how it is now.
New question: But where is this train headed to?
Why are you trying to gatekeep?
You dont hear me crying about casuals like you.
Maybe if you want a screen full of chaos and numbers you should go do a follower dungeon where you can pull as much as you’d like.
I bet you’re also the kind of person who will pull for the tank and then immediately leave the group after the fist wipe.
I bet you’re the sort that is avidly against the vote to kick system, despite that and the ability to leave being your agency to choose what sort of groups you want in queued content.
Do you RP walk everywhere in the game? Why not?
Why do group content if you’re just going to get upset at a single death? That’s your own fault if you have that kind of attitude toward other people. You’re more than welcome to try to make friends or ruin with guildies if you can’t stand anything outside of perfection.