Speed-Run GO-GO-GO Players. What's The Point?

So you say.

Agreed 100%.

Something we agree on!

But to clarify: If I try pulling slow in TW, I won’t be tanking past the first couple pulls. After that, DPS will be running ahead to do it without me, because you don’t really need a tank in TW.

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Yes. That is a big problem for tanks, when the dps rush ahead of the tank pulling mobs on the group. I do feel when a good tank is left to pull at a good pace and hold aggro correctly it is a good thing. The big problem arises when players who have no idea about what they are doing try charging through a dungeon to play hero but don’t know what they are doing that it becomes a mess.

To clarify; this isn’t about tanks. My real objection is dps such as fury warriors hijacking the real tanks position.

Well, in challenging content, if DPS pull there are consequences. In TW? I have seen DPS detour for an optional boss I skipped, kill that boss without me no problem, and catch back up as I’m soloing last boss. TW is tuned silly-easy so there are no consequences for this behavior. It’s like asking DPS to wait for tank to kill open-world quest mobs.

I was running The Nexus when Wrath was retail in under 10 minutes. Does that mean I was cheating?

But more generally, what users do with something after it’s released does not mean that was the use designed for that something. Without the designers telling you their intention with dungeon design, there is no way you can assert what the design was based on how players choose to run those dungeons.

The difference is a state/municipality has the authority to set a speed limit and determine a punishment for violators. What you’re suggesting is that you think it should be illegal for people to drive more than 25 MPH on a road that has a speed limit of 35 MPH simply because you think the limit should be 25 MPH. Even if the road designer intended for the speed limit to be 25 MPH, the authority to set the speed limit at a certain value comes down to the state/municipality that owns the road; if they say 35 MPH, it’s simply not illegal for someone to drive 30 MPH.

Ok, I think it’s time to turn the case over to Judge Judy.

If you can only do one speed in a dungeon then you shouldn’t run them. People usually don’t care about others anymore. If 4/5 people want to go fast (myself included) but one person wants to go slower, then I slow down. Cause I’m nice and it ain’t all about me.

I’m way more chill and believe there is a fine line between efficiency and how-much-freaking-caffeine-did-you-drink-to-move-this-abnoxiously-fast.

People who enjoy slower dungeons tend to be more passive and allow more aggressive players to speak over them.

Passive players are the majority. We just don’t always care until you wipe us several times in a row. Then we care and sadly we are too shy to defend each other.

We must learn to speak up and describe the stupidity we see.

Completely off-topic, but if someone is driving that slow on a highway, they actually could get pulled over and fined for being a danger to those around them by not conforming to the speed, which is usually 55+ in most areas (In the US, at least. No idea about other countries). It’s one of those rare instances where driving too slow can actually be dangerous.

We have wound up some so tightly that anything 10 miles over the speed limit is deemed as far too slow and this a reason to warrant a freak out.

Everything that goes one way can also go the other.

lol im not making a 5 man take 20 mins… thats a waste of everyones time. 10 mins or less is the answer

Well you see that’s a big difference between us. I prefer to have a leisurely stroll through a dungeon. Smelling the flowers, taking in the beautiful scenery. Dispatching enemies in an organized measured procedure that takes into account the safety of the group as well as progression. I like to stop to buy tea and crumpets at the local concession stands. Perhaps even buying some ice-cream and relax a bit watching some local street performers.

I mean what’s the rush? like really, we are just doing the same thing we’ve been doing for 20 years. Rush to get to max level so we can then do M+ that we rush through on speed timers until we are mentally exhausted. Just to hop unto a new character to do it all again.

And we are running this treadmill like demented rats inside a perpetual digital wheel. If our time was so valuable, we should be doing something more constructive with it. If on the other hand we play a game as a form of relaxation. To wind down from the stresses of the real world. Then there is no point to rush through a dungeon.

As someone who enjoys playing tank, I basically have two modes. One where i’m just casually pulling at a steady rate. Prolly 1 or 2 packs in lfg / lower m+

And then theres, i’ve had a cup of coffee, chugged a monster, and am currently blasting Disturbed and I want to punch everything I possibly can as fast as I can.

Frankly I haven’t really heard complaints about either very often so long as wipes aren’t happening, and yes if i cause a wipe due to my own hubris I will point it out.


Even when it’s the 100th time you’ve been there, and 3rd time this week?


Yes of course. The reason I play Wow is because it is the closest to a virtual reality experience we can get on a computer monitor. A fantasy world we can adventure in, explore and enjoy. And do it either in the over-world or in the dungeons. I come from a time there were no computers, available to the general public. My first introduction to virtual reality were through Sci-Fi & Fantasy literature. Then later movies and tv shows and then the monumental first video games such as pong, space invaders, mario brothers etc.

Now in the year of 2025. We have many computer and console games available to us. One of the best in my opinion is World of Warcraft. Which has a big open world to live in. The amount of work that the Devs have put into making this Virtual Reality for the players is tremendous. Specially the graphic artists who have such a beautiful visual environment for us to virtually live in, enjoy and marvel at.

My whole point is to enjoy Wow’s world in a relaxing leisurely way.

If it was up to me, TW would be tuned to be at least a little bit challenging. I used to enjoy making special TW gear sets with cantrip items from previous expansions. That would solve your problem because then we wouldn’t be pulling the whole dungeon at once. But I don’t think that’s what most players want, or seem to want based on my conversations here in forums. Most players seem to want TW to be like current leveling, or like Remix. They want it to be faceroll so they can feel like gods and not have to pay much attention. And as long as it is tuned this easy, players are going to speed-run because they can. They’ve tuned it to be indy-car speed limit, not the residential neighborhood speed you are asking for.

Agreed, and I do sometimes explore those old instances in a liesurely way. But I do that solo, usually after my friends have gone to bed. I even RP (in my head, not really with others) as I look for old recipes and transmog. I do not expect to have this luxury when I queue up for TW dungeons, because then I’m grouping with 4 other people who most likely want what the majority seem to want.

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vote kick is there for a reason if you have a problem in the dungeon put it to the vote but do be surprised if the rest of the group doesn’t care or maybe even end up with a counter vote kick

lol - FAIR.
I almost have to have some caffeine in my system for tanking or I just don’t have the situational awareness to keep track of everything tanks are expected to track.


Go run your own group if you want scenic. The highway is the most efficient I won’t stop at every red light coffee shop lookout point

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