What!!! the burden of proof??? lol. Well counselor. I direct the courts attention to the fact that all it takes as proof of my assertions is to simply direct the players attention as to what they themselves see happening in leveling dungeons these days, as the primary evidence. The players own experiences fulfill my burden of proof. I rest my case.
That was a lot of words used to say absolutely nothing at all.
Last time I checked, most characters are capable of moving at roughly the same speed. Couple of exceptions, but for the most part. Tank can’t help if you’re lolly-gagging to talk about the good old days. As for one doing the work of five? Maybe those other four should step up! Unless we’re talking about weird tuning issues, in which case sure it would be nice to have those fixed.
Your claim is that players moving quickly is cheating, not that players are moving quickly. How are players able to tell from the pace of a leveling dungeon that the other players are cheating in doing so?
Fair. I am sometimes oblivious to what other tanks are doing because I mostly tank myself. I do attempt to aggro groups as I gather. Now it needs to be a team effort; if other players are ripping aggro while tank is still gathering, they are actively making tank’s job harder. That includes hots from healer; tanks can self sustain long enough to gather before settling into a pull and needing healer support. That beautiful chaos is the flow state we seek, and I think sometimes when we disagree in forums it’s because we only think we’re discussing the same things.
That already makes you a cut above the rest.
I don’t think we’re all having the same experiences. I also wonder if we are even picturing the same scenario when we debate this.
When the dungeon is designed to be completed in 20 to 30 minutes by a group of 5 players. but it is completed by only one player in 3 minutes. Empirical evidence, by eye-witnesses testimony.
It can be tricky sometimes in pugs to signal what you are up to. I try to clue other players by how I move that this is not the whole pull yet, hold dps, let me gather… But sometimes those players are used to tank pulling differently and start bursting while I’m still gathering. Just one more reason why everything is easier with friends in discord.
Do you have evidence that dungeons are designed to be completed in 20 - 30 minutes? Is cheating the only way to explain any group that can complete it in less time than that?
Um…20 years of people running these dungeons.
I would say this is empirical evidence of trivial content. In my experience, dating back to WotLK, trivial content has always been zerg fest. Lace up them sneakers! We’re following the Pirate Code: “Them that falls behind gets left behind.” Not even debating whether that’s how it should be; it’s just how players in WoW have always behaved. Trying to stop that is like trying to drive wrong way on interstate during rush hour.
Yep. Exactly. I remember zooming my way through Wrath heroics back in the day.
Big difference between time spent on a dungeon that is current content vs dungeon that is tuned so easy you can run it in 3 minutes. I mean, I wish TW was tuned so that it required serious attention. I used to enjoy making special TW gear sets, because the dungeons were challenging enough to warrant that. Not players fault that the dungeons are tuned about like open-world content now. Or maybe it is, because players would complain here in forums if Blizz made them challenging.
Close. But I would say that its more like people driving the highway going 100 miles per hour exceeding the speed limit. It’s against the law but some people will always do it, anyways.
The difference here being, this is a video game, and the content isn’t designed to stop people every few feet to clear trash. There is nothing “illegal” happening in that regard. You can say that this is your opinion all you like, but you are factually incorrect.
I would argue Blizz sets the speed limit by how they tune the content. If the content is tuned such that you can only pull 1-2 packs at a time, then people will slow down. I think your challenge (from what I can tell by reading your comments) is that you want people to drive 35 in a 65 zone. Not only is that not going to happen, but anyone trying it will get honked at lol.
That was just a metaphor.
And a poor one at that.
I think as long as the tank gets a read on the group and is paying attention its no problem.