I guess freeing Anduin is the only thing Tyrande considers as “setting things right” then
Not if it’s left unaddressed for the rest of the expansion… which is is unless they do changes to 9.2 before it releases.
I guess freeing Anduin is the only thing Tyrande considers as “setting things right” then
Not if it’s left unaddressed for the rest of the expansion… which is is unless they do changes to 9.2 before it releases.
A part of me hopes that the Sylvanas transformation thing in the final fight with Zovaal (until some expansion later has him return or something) happens when Zozo drops his infinity sigils, Sylvanas grabs them all, snaps her fingers and restores all those who died under Banshee Bae’s orders during BfA back to life, nelves included, and purges some of the sins she is carrying.
I mean, Zereth Mortis is supposed to allow rewriting reality. Surely mass resurrection’s a possibility, and more aligned with its purpose of making death worlds and crap (basically just “inverting the mechanics of death” or some crap). Then, if that dialog from Tyrande is actually directed to Sylvanas, it’d make sense.
It’s stupid, it’s a cop-out, it’s absolutely copied from B-movies and comics, and it demands the question of “well, why not the dead from even before that? Why not everyone Arthas killed to, including all those high elves?” But at least it’d give some measure of closure.
'Course they won’t do that, because “their precious saga”. Still, it’d be nice (if, again, trite AF).
Actually like this and sounds inline with her.
I agree, a lot of people are agreeing. I’ve always believed that taking Zovaal out is the closest thing to justice that all of his victims will get including RG Sylvanas and all the victims of the soul twisted version of her will get. But for some(to include RG Sylvanas herself) may think that an innocent victimized Sylvanas suffering the sins of this thing that used a part of her soul is justice.
I like Alynsa’s proposal.
Not close enough, as you pointed out in another thread:
Killing Zovaal does not excuse those who worked for him.
Ranger General Sylvanas does not think her suffering Bashee Sylvanas’ sins is justice. Ranger General Sylvanas herself says “Her crimes are unforgivable. And she- I… must face the consequences.”
For some, nothing will be.
The choir is preaching to the choir.
This is why I love her character; and her depictions since WC3. Willing to bite the bullet even though she had nothing to do with those crimes, still sacrificing. She’s such an awesome character.
I like this incarnation of Ranger General Sylvanas. Sounds like the same one that dedicated the plaque to her sister’s statue in Stormwind.
I agree RG Sylvanas shieds Sylvanas from punishmen. Maybe Primus can forge a blade to resplit them.
This would include something positive for Night Elves so it’s absolutely not going to happen.
I’m convinced that Sylvanas will just help free Anduin and that’s it. That’s what Tyrande then considers as “setting things right” and she thanks her after the souls of her people have long been obliterated in the maw…
Don’t get me wrong I’d like this proposal but there’s no way it’s going to happen because that would include way too many positive things for Night Elves…
My thought were something along this line^^
Problem is he would be splitting her soul again, I was thinking maybe manifesting the dark magic that replaced the RG part of her soul. I mean Anduin has already hinted at it.
Or using Kyrian methods to purge Banshee Sylvanas’ memories from her, which would leave her soul intact.
Let’s say it is left unaddressed this expansion, there is always hope it could be addressed in the future.
I’m waiting for the day my boy putress returns. It’s been more than a decade.
So everyone around her would keep reminding her that a fraction of her twisted soul committed genocide, while she replies with “sorry I don’t know what you’re talking about” lol
I love our spit balling
Kyrians don’t work like that. There were Kyrians who had to kill their Void corrupted Kyrian friends and family and they were given the chance to remove those memories, and no one is giving them a hard time about it.
Understood, I was just looking at it from the hopes that she will return to Azeroth.
I’m not sure she’d be able to, not without further necromancy binding and twisting her. Ranger General Sylvanas died, after all. Her place is in the Shadowlands now.
I’ve seen less egregious storybeats than Sylvanas returning to Azeroth: ) I mean we have lightbound undead leading the Forsaken for petes sake lol.
I’m not gonna lie, I’m entertaining the thought that she could come back to the Forsaken.
Yeah bro… thats not worse than the current Sylvanas issue.
Sylvanas is the atom bomb and you are comparing it to a house fire.
ahahahaha, that’s hilarious.
I mean I want more of RG Sylvanas in the story what can I say.