I doubt Ranger General Sylvanas would go back to the Forsaken even if she could. Even in her fused state she says she’s no longer the Banshee Queen (or the Ranger General), but still a Windrunner. If the Banshee Queen could be safely removed from her again and just leave the Ranger General and could come back to Azeroth she’d probably return to her sisters before anyone else.
She didn’t stop being an undead construct, just more soul.
There is only one minor issue. To power the rewrite you have to kill Azeroth as the power source. Zovaal is using her as a battery, basically. It doesn’t do anyone any good if you kill the planet to restore people.
To that I say pft.
He’s tapping into Azeroth to rewrite the entire cosmos. In this hypothetical, won’t-even-happen situation, Sylvanas is tapping into that same power to bring some dead people back. It is, by necessity, so insignificantly smaller of a power drain that it shouldn’t affect Azeroth in a meaningful way.
I suppose you can argue that… I just am not fond of the notion, its nearly as bad as “it was all a dream!” They dug this pit, now they should live with the difficulties of finding a proper way out of it. Perhaps they might even learn something.
Well that is certainly one way to end that particular criticism.
“It’s all a dream” implies everything’s undone. That’s not what I’m arguing.
Those who died come back. They still died, still remember all of that, but they’re alive now. Teldrassil and Undercity are still gone. The Horde still committed to following a maniacal leader. Gilneas is still a thing Sylvanas did, and those who died there are still dead. The wounds all still remain.
Imagine of Bob choked you until your heart stopped, just because. But then Bob did CPR and brought you back because he had a change of heart. Bob’s not absolved for choking you out, right? Bob’s still a jerk, Bob will always be a jerk, but at least he didn’t let you die. You’re still pressing charges against Bob, Bob’s still going to jail.
Except unlike with you and Bob Sylvanas did this on a massive scale, knowingly sent the dead to Mega-Hell, and only changed her mind when Zovaal shoved a good inside her.
Sylvanas still would be in that pit. It’s still deep. She’s still got a lot to learn and a lot to make up for.
But at least some of the damage from BfA is undone, Ethriel finally gets something positive for the night elves, the Horde might actually have a path towards their own redemption, and we can start moving forward without the uncomfortable (to players) feelings when we inevitably see the Horde fighting side by side with the Alliance in a future expac as if nothing happened.
Again, this isn’t how things will play out. I have no illusions about that. And I again admit this is a cop-out, a trite and over-used trope, and not a little bit creative. But it’d be nice to see a race, any race get something actually less-terrible happen to them for a change.
I’m not trying to convince anyone that this is some “best option” thing. I’m just trying to explain my reasoning for why I kinda, sorta like it as, again, a never-gonna-happen hypothetical.
After digging around in IGC info I am starting to think there might be a trial by combat between Tyrande and Sylvanas at the end of 9.2, officiated over by the Arbiter.
Given how big a GoT fan Danuser is I can sort of see that really happening.
if its just an in game event where the characters are auto-attacking each other with cringy lines I will literally scream.
It looks to be a pre-rendered IGC, but not 100% on that.
I kinda suspect against a still empowered Tyrande a very normal Sylvanas will be defeated, but Tyrande will not give the final blow and instead allow the Arbiter to make the final judgement.
It is basically a reversal of the position Saurfang was in against the empowered Banshee Queen Sylvanas
Wouldn’t Tyrande give the final blow to give the Arbiter final judgment? The Arbiter doesn’t judge living undead.
That is… true. I am trying to square that against this whole renewal vs vengence thing.
I guess if it is an honorable trial by combat rather than her half mad with anger state she was in before, it might be different…
He-hello fellow shipper I’m so bored of shadowlands and I’m literally only here for Sylvanas to give me a quest to save grumpy man Blightcaller. They said this expac is the final chapter for Sylvanas story - and she’s looking for Nathanos. Her final chapter is a romance
OP, now you have me imagining that both Sylvanas and Nathanos will be the new wardens of the maw. It’s poetically fitting because it’s what Nathanos said - to spend eternity in hell with her.
Also, since Sylvanas is just a Windrunner, wouldn’t Nathanos just be a Marris?? He was Blightcaller in undeath - but he’s no longer undead. He’s literally just a human soul.
He may take on her last name this time.
They never said this was her final chaper. They said this was just closing a previous chapter of her story.
I’m also bored of Shadowlands. For an expansion that promised so much as “Sylvanas’s expansion” it barely touched on her story. I’m excited she’s looking for Nathanos and it’s finally confirmed thier love is mutual. What a good time to be a fan!!!
I just want our stinky man back
Nathanos and Sylvanas should come back to the Horde.
Sylvanas looking for Nathanos neither means that he’s returning to life nor that she is.
renewal isn´t contradictory to vengeance.
That literally flies in the fact of all the messaging for Tyrande in 9.1
At least, the sort of Vengence she was after, which was a blind self centered sort where she was willing to die just to take her foe down with her, consequences be damned. Fighting in a collected manner as the empowered avatar of Mother Moon, champion of her people, in a trial by combat is a very different beast.