To throw my tinfoil hat into the ring, this is my most realistic guess of what the Arbiter will judge Sylvanas to after she dies - which does not seem to be to sacrifice herself to save Anduin, as we’ve seen him back to his golden self after being freed from the raid in datamining:
The more realistic judgment I can see them passing on Sylvanas is assigning her to the Maw to rescue souls that don’t belong there until they’re all rescued, which Sylvanas will just use as an excuse to look for Nathanos.
She’ll be forgiven by everyone, Tyrande will fist-bump her, then she will go burn down Hyjal immediately in the next expansion’s exciting, morally grey storyline.
Whatever the verdict, I can’t imagine she’s coming back to Azeroth. And even if she did, that line about no longer being the Forsaken’s banshee queen or Silvermoon’s ranger-general, but only a Windrunner (all of whom are now Alliance), well… do her fans celebrating tonight really want to follow that to its conclusion?
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To set things right, Sylvanas would’ve actually had to help free Night Elf souls from the maw, but since they are obliterated for the most part already and there is literally nothing for night elves in 9.2, that ship has sailed already.
The obliteration of souls is something that I unfortunately think Blizzard will look away from, as I don’t think they know how to factor that plot point into Sylvanas’ judgment.
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They could’ve just let us free them in 9.2 if they actually wanted positive development for Night Elves, but they seemingly want things to just be as bad as possible for the Night Elves while also absolving Sylvanas and the Horde.
Unfortunately Blizzard wanted things to be sad, but might not have thought about those points beyond that they wanted to write something sad.
Building on this, I expect the night elves to erect a shrine to Sylvanas in the burned out ruins of that hideous weed. Perhaps Tyrande will become the head priestess.
We should make more bovine burgers tonight. They go good with onion rings 
Can I come over? That sounds delicious.
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Of course you can. We will even build a tree house and a statue for the ranger general 
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Sounds kinky but alright. 
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It does thinking about it. But at least we can joke about it 
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If I were a betting man I would put my money on this.
Sylvanas loves Nathanos, it’s confirmed. I’m a happy shipper. I’m on cloud nine right now.
She’s gonna go find him…like she found him when he was Scourge

My heart is a puddle on the floor.
If I don’t reply it’s because I’m basking in the seratonin that has been deprived for years.
Somebody draw the new alliance themed (yes blue) Sylvanas with the judgement set.
Assigning her to such a task would for sure keep her busy a very, very long time… given there are likely billions of dead people floating about that place. though it seem to necessitate she become a kyrian to preform it.
If they dont remove her from her corporeal shell, you might extend that to say that she is also tasked with working to end the suffering of the mawsworn shades by destroying them, one by one.
Something has to be done with those guys.
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I hope she returns to the Horde. We sticked to her for 16 years. Blizzard can’t just take her away from us and hand her over to the alliance. That would be wrong on all accounts. Nathanos and Sylvanas are Horde characters. That should never change.
Well it seems to me that the Sylvanas responsible for everything her banshee self did will basically be gone so I don’t see what she needs to be judged for. At this point if Sylvanas is judged and punished for anything the banshee did it would make those condemning her the monsters. I guess it’ll all come down to how well they understand what happened to Sylvanas. Also it was a little worrisome for me to see her feel like she needed to be responsible for what the banshee did. Horrified by it yes, but she herself is not responsible for any of that.
Excellently said. She remains the most effective leader in horde history.
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