As I remarked elsewhere, posters rejoicing in Ranger General Sylvanas taking on Banshee Sylvanas’ burdens are not treating her very fairly.
Are you suggesting that Ranger General not take on the burdens she herself committed after death? They are the same person after all, just from different chapters of her life.
Your second sentence is indeed the logic for judging the newly fused Sylvanas based on Banshee Sylvanas’ crimes, yes. Ranger General Sylvanas would obviously voluntarily carry Banshee Sylvanas’ sins to see justice for them carried out, but Ranger General Sylvanas is a literal martyr, after all.
I think Ranger General Sylvanas didn’t want to merge with Banshee Queen Sylvanas because she was absolutely heartbroken and repulsed by what she did but she realized that she had to carry this burden to save everyone. That’s her penance, it’s better than rotting in a cell, way more painful.
Ya’ll wanted justice. Sylvanas is trapped having to come to terms with the absolute worst part of herself.
Wait so you’re saying there is a chance?
That is not justice. How could the torment of a half of a soul that would have never committed the crimes ever be considered justice upon the half of her that did?
Ranger General Sylvanas should not have had to merge with Banshee Sylvanas, no. That was further part of Zovaal victimizing her, not giving her a choice, else she be trapped in a coma endlessly reliving the crimes of the monster he created. Forcing her to take on responsibility for Banshee Sylvanas’ crimes was just Zovaal’s spite, not justice.
it pretty much feels like we are punishing one sibling for the crimes of another.
Any punishment on Sylvanas is now muddied because now you have RG Sylvanas kicking around in Sylvanas’ head. But they are the same person now and are merged so… at least not all of it is gone. Its muddy but there is still water in the pool
Realistically she will be judged as wholly innocent because inside, in her soul, the part that really matters was good all along.
No, the banchee Queen is a horde character. Sylvannas is a ranger general. She made nothing but bad decisions and going horde was just another bad decision by the banchee Queen.
-Laughs in Danuser
A chance for what? As I said, 9.2 doesn’t have anything regarding Night Elves so the souls are most likely already obliterated.
The best way I could describe Sylvanas is much like someone who is drunk.
They can feel pain, sadness, joy, and excitement… but something cognitively is missing.
Which convinces them to jump off a roof.
Either Sylvanas will be treated as such. You still did the things, it was still you, you just weren’t in your “right state of mind.”
Or, she’ll make some sort of sacrifice, stick around the Maw and be the warden of the damned with Nathanos, in a bitter sweet happily ever after.
(Which will feel hallow to any Night Elf or Worgen player, but those people don’t matter, lets be honest. )
Please don’t lump me in the with psychos rez. Be a good little undead or I might use your head as a chew toy
Joking aside though, I’m excited for the new RG Sylvanas. I really am curious to see how this ends and what her fate will be
So an important thing to note is from her PTR presentation her personality and mannerisms are not radically changed. She is still her old self. Just… You know that little voice of your conscience that tells you when you are doing terrible things? Yeah, that seems to be what the Ranger General fragment became within the merged whole of her soul.
To quote an appropriately Christmas classic “Sylvanas’ heart grew three sizes that day.”
I think cdev have a few paths they can still take at this point in regards to the dynamics of soul splitting Sylvanas. RG Sylvanas was clearly not in control of the decisions made when her soul was split, therefore a fully functional and restored Sylvanas isn’t responsible for a chunk of her soul did.
Nothing is gonna take away the fact that Sylvanas is a victim, but in order for her to heal she’s gonna have to merge her soul and endure pain, but in the end I suspect she will have finally gotten the healing and happy ending she deserves.
Notice Ren said ya’ll, I think she may be talking to those who want Sylvanas to suffer no matter if she is innocent or not; they just need her to suffer no matter what. That is(and should be) justice for them. I could be wrong tho.
As I said, it cannot be and is not justice. Ranger General Sylvanas having to feel guilt for Banshee Sylvanas’ crimes is unfair. Ranger General Sylvanas is an entity that was not around for Banshee Sylvanas’ actions, and as such Ranger General Sylvanas’ suffering is no more justice than Rastakhan’s death would be considered justice for Teldrassil when they had nothing to do with it.
I feel like this is the best course of action.
I mean, that if she were to “help free Night Elf souls from the maw” she would be absolved of all sins, including Southshore.
No, but setting things right would mean freeing the Night Elf souls, but no they had to be obliterated of course because why would the Night Elves get anything positive ever
but why would anybody want to set things right by going into the past when there is an immediate threat to all reality?
Even from a neutral point of view, sure it sucks they died - but the Jailer is about to undo reality - which also includes the bottomless pit of the maw.
Saving reality is also giving these hypothetical souls an indirect chance to be freed another day.
Sylvanas’ plan against Zovaal doesn’t pay off so far, as her intended contribution was to have Anduin tell them how to defy Zovaal’s domination, but turns out Anduin doesn’t know anything, and it’s left up to the Primus to come up with a plan that does work.