Spectral Tiger Mount

If you spent thousands of dollars on a virtual item then that’s honestly a you problem.

Im more understanding of the people who don’t wage mage tower skins to return since at least that took skill.

I wouldn’t complain if it showed up there :smile:

I wouldn’t either. I mean, blizz has made everything else cool and rare, not cool and rare anymore. So what’s another one.

Or they take a mount, swift zulian tiger, an easily farmable mount. They take it away, and add it back in to the game in the dumbest, most expensive and annoying and time consuming way possible.

I wanted a swift zulian tiger so badly. But you were either able to get it to drop. Or you didn’t. Or, now you can just happen to have that point 1 percent chance to be at the BMAH and a point 1 percent chance you have 2 billion gold lying around on one toon, and another .1 percent chance to click the, buy this swift zulian tiger button, before another player presses it first.

Like i would not care one bit if all those mounts were added to the trading post.

jesus, why does everyone jump to this conclusion? it’s obnoxious, and frankly insulting. I’m not stupid enough to spend that kind of money on a virtual item.

I spent in-game gold on the mount. I got filthy rich cornering the JC market in cataclysm, transferred all my gold to illidan and bought a bunch of TCG mounts.

I’m solidly against the TCG mounts coming back. recolors? bring it on. but the originals should be left in the past where they belong.

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I think hivemind is still the fastest mount, fully mounted.
At least static flight
Can anyone that has it, and access to 4 friends that they got it with, confirm or deny the speed boost with dynamic flight?

I hate the thought of rare things being brought to something like the trading post. What an awful feeling for something that is so neat to be brought down to a trading post level.

I don’t mind if rare things are brought into the game, or back to it, but make them difficult to get so that they MEAN something. I know the Spectral Tiger mount is a card but still…it’s rare and rarity has meaning. Imo.

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People that have it now act like they’re going to one day cash in on selling their account and retire on an island. :joy: :joy:

It doesn’t matter because Hivemind doesn’t have dynamic flying. Also, are you always gonna play with the 4 that got the mount with you all the time?

Despite having four companions accompanying you, your speed will remain inferior to dynamic flying.

I largely agree.

They have done it for other rare mounts before but I think for the spectral it’ll likely be very rare or very expensive if it returns.

Heck that mount is what’s keeping fireland booster sealed boxes at nearly 2-4x the other sealed boxes.

It’s just rationalized envy, all of it. It’s sad.

There’s also the fact in many places, like Latin America, the TCG was never released there, meaning you are unlikely to find anyone on QT/Rag/Drakkari that owns it, played only in latino servers and didn’t spend thousands of dollars on Ebay.

What about Latinos, who never got the TCG there to begin?

There’s also the fact they sold the Spectral Tiger on the Blizzard store in chinese servers…

I don’t have the mount so I didn’t know it couldn’t.
It was really only great for multi boxers and active guilds.
I’d get it if they took the restriction off though. Pretty neat design

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What are you going on about? You don’t have anything at all to do with what I have or don’t have.

That’s exactly what I said. I have been very happily farming for my mounts on multiple alts, and I will continue to do so until I get them. Mounts that I can get from playing the game are one of my favorite things about WoW.

None of that has anything at all to do with the OP asking for a promotional mount to be put on the Trading Post. They have, in fact, put several promotional mounts on the Trading Post thus far. While I prefer they make all new mounts for the Trading Post, I understand Blizzard wanting to reuse resources and save themselves time and money. So, if they eventually add trading card rewards to the Trading Post, I won’t be the least bit surprised. Feel free to demand your refunds if that happens, but don’t hold your breath waiting for them.

Swift Spectral Tiger is not and never has been a promotional mount though. They put the turtle mount in there which is worth about $90 from TCG. Not anywhere close to the $7,995 Swift Spectral. Those appear in the auction house from time to time. Purchase WoW tokens and then get one.

Flying clefthoofs and mammoths though…na.

Everything from the Trading Card Game was a promotion. The game itself was a promotion. Sorry to burst your bubble, but yeah, it’s a promotional mount. But I doubt Blizz will put it in the Trading Post. At least not until they’re getting desperate.

Lord God, I would die laughing!

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Let’s be real, if the spectral tiger mount was to be introduced again, it would be on the store.

There’s $$$ to be made… unless you mean it goes on the TP for some absurd amount of tenders, and Blizzard offers a tender “bundle” that’s suspiciously the amount of tenders needed to get the tiger.

Blizz simply needs to relaunch TCG. For both Classic and retail. That would bring them in a lot more money too.