Spectral Tiger Mount

Yes. You can do exactly the same thing, nothing is stopping you.

No I’m not. Nothing needs to come back. It already is back as it never left. I just don’t want people getting it for free. If they do that then their team should refund each and every player of every micro transaction we have ever made to make them free too. Every player in all of WoW gets a refund on every micro transaction then.

The ones on EU realms are only about 2k or so. The ones on US realms are 6K + to 10k +. People are still buying them right now to this day. They don’t want that to all become free.

THIS! My husband just laughs when he sees me cycle thru alts parked at different expansions trying to get that achievement for that mount that I have the desire to own but will not even spend an aggregate of 5 minutes using. For example the Gooey Snailemental where I spent the entire weekend every 3 hours for the chance of a drop or two to create the snail, LOL, and have I used it? Not since I created it! But that’s OK!

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Doesn’t matter what you want, what I want, or what anybody wants. Blizz will do whatever THEY want. And you won’t get bupkis in refunds. Personally, I think if they make the Spectral Tiger available, it’ll be a Twitch drop, not a Trading Post reward.

In any case, in the future you should think harder before you spend cash on something you don’t really own, imagining somehow it’ll always be “exclusive.”

Lol. It is funny because it makes people like you very angry. So you don’t actually want the mount then? You want to see what it looks like? I can log into my toon on Illidan realm right now and mount it for you and then you can take a sceenshot of me on the mount right next to you that way you will always have a picture of it and know what it looks like…

Cuz as you said…

So why do you want it so bad?

Why would I want it? Where did I EVER say I wanted it? What in the world even makes you THINK I want it? Seriously bro.

You don’t own your mount. Blizzard does. You don’t own anything in the game. Blizzard does. You don’t even own the game. Blizzard does. They can take it all away in a heartbeat, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it.

If you really spent $20,000 on mounts, I can’t help but think your priorities are a bit screwed up. But, whatever. It’s your money, and you can do whatever you like with it. But don’t buy stuff thinking ANYbody will be impressed that you have it. That’s getting a tad pathetic.

It’s just funny watching you rage about it though. Nothing stopped you from buying it way back in the day, NOTHING. And on Illidan realm I used to give them away to my best friends who did well in game.

You want it that bad, you can go out and buy it right now this very second. You quite obviously do want it, you refuse to stop talking about it. The hate is swelling in you now.

obviously didn’t tell you no enough, cuz you’re still here crying about something you don’t have.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Man, you are the absolute WORST judge of people I’ve ever seen.

Have fun with your dreams of me wanting it. I guess that helps you feel better about wasting all that money. Whatever works.

There ARE a couple of mounts I really want though. Invincible. Emerald Drake. When I get those, I’ll be happy. :grin:

Used to be 100% drop rate.

You can still get. Both came out in WoTLK AND…SST came out in Wrath as well. Sounds like you didn’t play during original Wrath and so now want everything that came out when Wrath did. I said they should have put in TCG for Wrath Classic but you all were against that even though the intent of Classic was to give us what we had before but they didn’t. So same basic group of people who didn’t want TCG in Wrath Classic now want everything that was in TCG to come into WoW retail but get it for free from the trading post.

How so? They’re not taking your mount away. You’ll still have the option to mount it.

There is no prestige with TCG mounts; it doesn’t matter if you bought a TCG pack and got lucky, bought the mount in-game, or bought the mount on eBay.

Personally, I want to see Blizzard give everyone an SST mount. Even the people who already have one. Just so they’re forced to let it sit in their banks or delete it. I think getting upset at Blizzard bringing back unobtainable items is funny. Sodium rising because someone else might acquire “your” tiger, when you’re the one who opted into buying it.


The kind of thing that makes people think their mounts are special. That’s wild to me, spending that much on pixels. To each their own, but WoW mounts are not a flex.


Yessss. Is your reading comprehension really that bad, or are you deliberately trying to gaslight?

I have been working toward getting those mounts for ages. I’ll be happy once I get them. And then maybe I’ll work on something else.

Really? Why is the last requirement I need for the achieve that rewards the Emerald Drake a mount that drops from Deathwing?

Fyi, I started playing WoW in BC, but didn’t have my own account until Wrath.

Don’t put words in my, or anyone else’s, mouth. I NEVER said anything about TCG for Wrath Classic. Not here. Not in any other post I’ve ever made in these or any other forums.

More ludicrous assumptions. It is NOT the same people. But since you keep telling me what I think, what I say, and what I want, I guess you can’t handle the idea of different people having different opinions.

The funniest part of all of this is nothing you or I say matters. Blizzard will do what Blizzard will do. Maybe they’ll put the Spectral Tiger on the Trading Post one day. Maybe it’ll be a Twitch drop. Maybe they’ll put it in the shop for $90. They’ll do whatever they want, and there’s not a freaking thing you can do about it. :grin:


That one night elf tiger mount that changes color really reminds me of the spectral tiger. It’s just the armor on it that makes it less appealing. Ash’adar


just make an hd version of it so all of the crybabies upset that their purchase likely ranging in either hundreds of dollars of wow tokens or thousands on the actual tcg card will be placated

No I think yours is. They don’t often put stuff in there that you can still get just as you could before. Nothing is stopping you from going out and getting one right now.

You act like it is my fault that you don’t have something that you have had almost two decades to get.

It’s here!

New spectral tiger mount for $40 on blizzard store.

Buy the Sha-Infused Heroic Pack to get your tiger! The resolution on the mount is better than the zulian and spectral tigers.

That’s not a spectral tiger. It’s a Sha-Warped Riding Tiger. Looks nothing like the spectral one.

I bet if the only way to obtain the mount is through buying countless packs of cards you’d want it. But, because anyone can buy it for $40, there is no exclusivity in it, thus there is no value. If the spectral tiger became a vendor mount no one would care.

It’s all pixels in the end. All ground mounts move at the same speed and all flying mounts fly at the same speed. The only time mounts had different speed was in TBC where glad mounts were 30% faster. But, those days are gone.

I don’t think anyone cares if you’re using a .000001% mount or a 100 gold original mount.


Id pay $100 for the giant rooster, the cat… not so much

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I love the rooster too! But the resolution is so low on it. I dunno if it’s worth the price.