Spectral Tiger Mount

I can think of a million other items to spend actual money on over polygons.

Yea, they should probably start adding all the mounts like that.

It’s completely fair, they chose to pay real money for it and that’s on them.

Blizzard didn’t set the price of these old cards. Probably mostly scalpers made money off of it. Like how it is today, always the same. Pokémon cards, basketball cards… you name it.

If they released spectral tiger in the shop for $25 I can’t even guess how much money they would make from it. Probably millions in an hour. :joy:


And you chose not to pay real life money on it so that’s on you.

Or release it for just 2k in the Blizzard shop, label it as final time to get the tiger and no more will be released ever…Just selling to less than one tenth of a percent of the player base at that price would bring in more than selling it for 25 USD ever would.

Still doesn’t mean they shouldn’t bring them back into the game as a trading post thing. It’s not locked behind achievement.

i prefer the zullian Tiger mount.

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It is on the AH from time to time. If you really wanted it as bad as you claim you would have it already. It always goes for gold cap which is a LOT cheaper than buying it with real life money.

I don’t want it that bad, there is just ZERO reason to not throw it on there… you purchasing it means next to nothing to me, blizzard or anyone else.

The old ZG mounts should never have been removed in the first place, either put the OG instances back in the game beside the new ones, or add the mounts to the appropriate bosses loot tables.

Adding things back in gameplay positive ways is great, throwing them out for “free” like confetti just because Blizzard made a deal with another company to sell them our data or whatever not so much.


I dunno tbh. I figure it would be much more profitable if available to more players for unlimited time. It doesn’t matter though, I don’t work for Blizz lol. Just sticking to what I said and that I feel no mount is really safe from the trading post. It’s a good thing, players get to use something they may have dreamed of having before.

Rarity is still nice to have in the game, it keeps us chasing stuff. But also some of these things have been basically impossible for some to get for 15 or more years now. That’s a long time.

Id be down for a tcg coming back


They had the blizzard legacy cards, I collected all the base cards and got some rare ones too! Got a Gul’dan card that is numbered 7/25. That’s my rarest I think? Some of the cards are so cool. They have ones with different textures, in plastic cases, card that emote when you move them, cards with patches on them. It’s fun

Not just wow tho. It’s Overwatch Diablo hearthstone wow and StarCraft

Just collector things but still fun.

They should have re-released it for at least a part of the Classic WoTLK launch since that is when the tiger was most popular was during Wrath.

I felt same way when they gave everyone my feldrake, but I had like 10 years of being “cool”. While I was initially pretty salty, I don’t really care. Bring it all back I say.
MT skins, ZG and OG Nax via Timewalking. Even challenge mode mist sets, why not?
More stuff to farm, more draws for players.
Just don’t give the stuff away on twitch/TP
TCG fine I guess


I’ve both Spectral Tigers and I want both back in the game for others but it shouldn’t be via Trading Post…that’s too easy, Devs should add some kind of challenge, more gameplay in game for good rewards.

I won’t like a RNG drop without BLP that will frustrate players.

GOOD parents say “no”.


The Spectral Tiger is overrated doodoo. The only reason people who have it and use it is to flex.

It’s pretty boring by comparison to other mounts you can get these days without forking out 10 grand. Even the tiger mount that’s part of the current TP anniversary is much cooler looking.

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You assume everyone is as old as you are

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If you are willing to spend a crazy amount of money for pixels that’s your issue.

100% it should be in the trading post or the very least a twitch drop.

10/10 post


LOL, no.

I’m sure you do.

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