Specifically "Dialogue" Audio disabling on it's own

I have copy-pasted a post I began in customer service as I was told to bring it to here and tech support. I’d appreciate any insight.

I’ve now done 4.5 Emerald Nightmare runs so far today, all of which have had their dialogue audio shut off after Nythendra. If I manually disable and re-enable, and then re-log, it turns back on. If I do nothing, it stays off across characters as well as realms.

After extensive troubleshooting, combinations of addons, no addons, logging out, exiting, and everything else you can think of, I have not been able to “fix” this. I can re-create it on every character (across 4 so far) that ran this raid. I have not tried other raids yet, however.

The consistent bug seems to be after defeating a single boss with it’s regular audio dialogue, every other NPC in the raid no longer has audible dialogue. The speech in chat still occurs, the game just acts as if I have Dialogue disabled in Audio settings when I do not.

I will report this as a bug, but I wanted to post here to see if this is known or if there is a known solution, as my forum search only turned up posts from 2020 or older.

Thank you.

Edit - After more troubleshooting and attempts to isolate the issue, this definitely happens after a boss is defeated and shuts off all audio dialogue until a full exit of the game. Not just boss speeches or combat dialogue. After defeating Nythendra, Malfurion does not respond audibly when clicked on as he stands by the Iris to the Moonglade. I did a full exit, logged back in, and the NPC once again had audio dialogue upon being clocked without me changing any of my own settings.

Edit 2 - It is not a bosses death, I have found. I spoke to Malfurion to open the iris, and after clicking the option to do so (to continue to Cenarius), there was no more audio dialogue. Therefore, I cannot say with much certainty what is causing this, only how to fix it and what it is. (2.5: The audio shut off again on it’s own as I exit the Emerald Nightmare. I flew through a World Quest and there was no speech to accompany the talking head. Again, this is specifically the “dialogue audio” and nothing else. I get music, notifications, ambiance, everything but dialogue and the slider is maxed. )

Final update: I have done The Nightwell and experienced no dialogue audio problems. This might be isolated to the Emerald Nightmare. (Final final update: According to current replies, this is not isolated to the Emerald Nightmare Raid.)


I had this happen to me on Mythic Raszageth. This is some kind of systemic issue or something.


It seems to be completely random when the dialogue audio gets disabled, as far as I can tell.


I am experiencing this in Mythic Antorus. Turalyon speaks when I enter, the first boss speaks, then I don’t hear any dialogue from any NPCs afterwards, like the Lightforged yelling “Legion Ships incoming! Take cover!” as you run down the ramp after the first boss. Velen and Turalyon talking at the transport pad is quiet, all boss voices from there on are muted. Can’t seem to find a rhyme or reason. Closing out of the game and relaunching let me hear voices for Eonar’s fight, then they stopped again when the fight was finished.

edit: Battle of Dazar’alor is making it happen, too, in LFR

edit 2 weeks later: following the advice in this post, it seems to have solved my issues. Odd since a lot of the dialogue is not ‘talking heads’, that it would still disable boss dialogue and other npcs!


I had this issue today too! On my alt’s transmog/mount runs I did: Antorus(mythic/lfr), Tomb of Sargeras(mythic/lfr), Freehold(mythic), and all were missing most or all of the npc voice audio. In Freehold, I did the route where you run straight to Sweene and the whole run was silent (the bird poops didn’t activate either but that’s something I’ve had happen before the patch).

Vault of the Incarnates worked as normal. I haven’t shuffled around addons though to see if they’re a culprit.

Happening to me too

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Just happened to me in a keystone, so it’s not just raid bosses.

Edit: if I uncheck the box, recheck the box, and restart the client (I have to restart; can’t just disable/enable) it works again, briefly, and then immediately breaks. I’ve done it between each dungeon and it breaks again in the next one.

Turns out I rely a lot on audio cues from bosses because this suuucks.


Yep. My dialogue option is checked - but I hear no dialogue, not even quest NPCs.

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I have noticed boss dialog not working in m+ since patch. Even with dialog on and turned up… no voices in dungeons now. Must be a bug.

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I’m seeing this as well, nalakk was muted, all npc voices in M+ muted…

Same issue. I noticed I wasn’t getting Raz’ Thundering dialog during a CoS M+ run. Then I noticed that NO dialog was happening. My settings have dialog enabled but it just quit working out of nowhere.

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I have done several M+ tonight with no boss dialogue. Very annoying!


Haven’t ran a single CoS this week without the dialogue audio breaking.

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Toggling the setting and doing a ReloadUI doesn’t seem to fix it.

NPC sound in general keeps turning on and off for me, off more often than on. I did a scan and repair and that didn’t fix it.

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Same issue here since last week. Happened in Antorus. Turning the option off and on then restarting game has not been working for me.

Make sure its the “Dialogue” toggle you’re turning on and off, not just turning it down to 0% and back up to 100%. It should fix it, but its temporarily and it could break again. I’ve had it break a couple times almost back to back (tested on an NPC when I came back in, then had it break shortly into the next dungeon for example)

Not sure if this will help those experiencing the issue, but there was a change made by Blizzard in the most recent patch to allow addons to write cache data to the Config.wtf

The problem is that if an addon writes more than 1103 characters to the config, it starts to affect the formatting of SET variables, such that they start overwriting cvars. This could be happening to SET Sound_DialogVolume

Try disabling addons, re-enable dialogue, restart the game and it see if that works.

Details Damage Meter in specific has been causing issues for me.


awesome to know, but will enabling addons just cause it to break again?

If it’s the cause of your issue, then yes it will.

As Details is the only addon that I have found so far that causes this underlying Blizzard code issue to occur, you could try disabling just this addon. I have already been in contact with the author who is aware of the problem and is looking to implement a work-around on their end, even though this is a problem with the way data is written to the config.wtf file by addons.