Specifically "Dialogue" Audio disabling on it's own

This is happening to me too in several m+ including CoS and HoV. I do not have Details addon so that is not my culprit.


Hi everyone, I discovered that my addon BeQuiet has been breaking this seemingly due to a race condition. I’ve submitted an update to curse which will delay the mute by 1 frame however you still should not hear audio and this will prevent dialog from breaking. If you use a different addon to mute talking heads please inform your addon author. I have an update pending review on curseforge.



Thanks for the head’s up Xorag.

Just as a note for in case any QA from Blizz do look at this thread: I am not using any addons that mute or affect sound in any context, and I’m still having this issue. I haven’t tested in a keystone with addons enabled since I need them there, but disabling addons outside of instances doesn’t seem to help since it seems to break mid-instance.

I’m sure there might be a native use-case for these functions to be called, one appears to be if a talking head fires during a loading screen.

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Please fix this.

Yes, definitely no dialogue in M+, started happening after patch.


This is happening even when I disable all of my addons.

This is also affecting dialogue in the overworld as well - clicking NPCs has no voice for example. Cutscenes for questing has no voice acting. Etc.

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I missed some dialogue in BfA and Legion dungeons the other day. I even checked to see that I had dialogue checked.

Edit to add: I am hearing no dialogue in BfA dungeons today.

I’m experiencing this issue as well. I’ve had it happen multiple times when starting a Mythic+ and the only way I’ve been able to fix it is to reboot the game.

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Sorry, they too busy nerfing Frost DKs and Survival hunter and ignoring paying customers…same issue, but zero faith they even care.



I am not using any addons and it happens to me every once in a while, so there is something else going on. The addon is probably just triggering the bug more often than the game is.

Edit: To clarify once in a while, I mean every 10-20 minutes.

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Just adding my voice here as well; this same thing is happening to both my wife and me since the 10.0.7 patch. No NPC dialog audio in dungeons, cutscenes, etc. Went through the Baine questline and only had subtitles, no speech audio - very disappointing…

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Also been having this issue, and I too agree that this seems to have been going on since 10.0.7. It seems like 90% of the time dialogue just doesn’t work. I’ve tried disabling/enabling the Dialogue option, but it doesn’t always seem to work. Even after logging out, it seems like it breaks again the next time I start up the game.

I tried moving my Cache/WTF folders out of my _retail folder, so that I could generate new ones, which seems to have fixed it, but I really don’t want to have to go through the effort of rebuilding my UI and settings all because something was broken in the patch.

Hoping that we can get a blue post about this or some guidance beyond clearing out those folders.

Edit: Forgot to mention, that like other people here, I also did the Baine questline and had no dialogue there and just subtitles. That’s when I first noticed there were issues, but have noticed it in other world content, M+ dungeons, and as of today, Timewalking dungeons. Seems like it affects all NPC dialogue audio.


After a ton of troubleshooting addons 1 by 1, I finally found the culprit. For me, World Quest Tracker had suppress talking heads enabled. Disabling those options fixed the dialog sounds for me. You’ll need to disable the talking head options and reset all instances before testing again.


Thanks! Took me a moment to find the World Quest Tracker options. They’re in the World Map, lower-left corner.

World Map → Options → Open Options Panel → General Settings → Suppress Talking Heads

Edit: Although, I’m not sure it solved the problem: I still had to alt+f4 and restart to hear my yak NPC vendor offer me munchies, crunchies, lucky-dos, and loot.


This fixed it for me! thanks @Megabite and @Harrowheark for posting. It was driving me nuts! lol :slight_smile:

BeQuiet was doing it for me

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Still happening to me in Halls and COS specifically

(edit to clarify: I dont have any addons or settings impacting audio/talking heads like some others, nor did I have the issue prior to 10.0.7. Those might just increase the frequency of the bug)


Thanks, I found this and made these changes.
I hope this fixes it. def had these settings enabled and wasnt aware.

I think it’s because the addon disables the audio when loading the game, so exiting and opening the game again fixes it and should work from hereon out.

That was my problem, WQT had those options enabled, weird option for that kind of addon though lol