Most of the time I can make it to level cap in an mmo before deciding if I really like it that much.
But I can’t even get to level cap in ffxiv, I find it boring.
I’m glad some people like it more, and I have nothing against the game itself. Its definitely well done, and…i mean…cat girls…thats a plus.
What I can’t stand about it are the shills who come over to here and preach about how much better it is. Like dude. Go away.
OP I agree with a lot of what you said, except the dps being interesting part (I find it boring).
I play both games. I like the story and some aspects of 14 better.
I like the combat and class/spec customization, as well as general daily content, in WoW better.
I also didn’t read your post because my goodness that’s a lot of words.
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Honestly I saw one video about a class in FF14
I believe it was about a samurai class and at the end of it I decided I’d never touch that game if it was the last MMO on earth
I don’t exactly like the idea of standing still and hitting like 15 buttons one after another sounds like anything interesting
Yeah, this never happens. The reality is in 14 most of the mechanics in raids/etc. involve safety dances and positioning.
Rarely do you ever stand still in meaningful content.
Think I might have been looking at some dud content
I’ll pay the art team tho
Some of those fights look liked crazy
It’s all memorization - the hard part is really just knowing where to go and when to use your abilities so you don’t get hit with a mechanic and waste it.
DPS become interesting once you have their full skillset and special meters and such. Not before. It sort of has the problem many classes in WoW have where you don’t even understand the full scope of your rotation until max, only even harder.
Your rotation will often COMPLETELY change when getting 1 new skill in ffxiv.
many of the DPSes also have very different flows, and complexity.
Also to poster above me, yes very much that, to a fault. The content is all memorizing a dance in end-game.
I haven’t noticed the combat in either game takes a tremendous amount of skill. The games have different fundamentals though.
To me, WoW is a much more of a button masher, and as long as you mash the buttons as fast as you can, it’ll turn out OK. I think this is because WoW allows mods, so after a certain point the only thing you can design around is click speed. FF is a button masher, it is an MMO, but the combat at least tries to be more tactical with regard to combos and rotations. You can still bumble your way through it OK if you make half an effort.
I will say, people in instances are much more likely to offer help, explain mechanics and explain how your class works if you ask them. Not always, just more likely.
I can say though 100% tradeskills are much more fun in FF.
Sounds like a whole lot of anecdotal complaining about a game you don’t play anymore. Why don’t we talk about wow, and let those that enjoy FFXIV play FFXIV?
Useful yes, fun is questionable lol, it’s better now but I remember before one of the patches this expansion that no matter what you ALWAYS had a chance to fail quick crafts at your level… so mass crafting sucked.
Because a forum is a place to go to discuss, and I’ve seen people singing it’s praises, so I decided to share a perspective as someone who is a “refugee” from that game to this one.
Hahaha, I was thinking the same thing…I didn’t read it but I don’t really care about FF anyway and very briefly tried it but wasn’t my cup of tea. Your comment was a good laugh though, thnx.
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This is what I kind of hate about 14. The level sync. Some jobs its not so bad, but try playing BLM this way. Your rotation isn’t even close to the same and you have to have dedicated bars for lowby content because you don’t even use the same abilities at 80.
It’s fine I guess, since none of that stuff is particularly relevant, but its frustrating sometimes and I end up just not trying and literally facerolling the keyboard because I don’t want to play the gimped version of me.
Compared to say, Timewalking, where your ilevel is all that gets squished. At least you press the same buttons.
TBF when blizz started party sync they did the same thing, with locking abilities.
What 14 needs to do for me to play it as my “primary” mmo (i play it because the wife likes it, but mostly WoW is my baby)
Meaningful 4-person content. 14 NEEDS mythic plus, or some other scaling difficulty content that doesn’t have its own stupid leveling system (PotD, HoH, etc.). Raids and Alliance raids are fun, but you can only do “teleport immediately to boss room” before it stops feeling immersive. I like dungeons. 14 doesn’t care about them.
Meaningful overworld combat content. As a non-crafter, I spend zero time in the world because frankly there’s no point. Same goes with mount collecting. Everything you need to do is available instantly from the DF, and since the overworld has nothing to do in it, you never even mount your mounts.
Daily combat-oriented tasks that give meaningful rewards. As it stands, outside of weekly tomes and my lockouts, I’m done by Wednesday and I have absolutely no reason to do anything after those two conditions are met.
Finally, for all of the above to contribute to player power in some way. I feel having all jobs on one character, and the game being inherently alt-unfriendly, it’s just too easy to be “finished” for the week in the whole game in a day after reset.
Compared to WoW, I can always hop on and do something, an M+, WQs, etc, and gain character power. If I’m done on one character, I can easily hop onto an alt and do it all over again and gain as much or as little power as I want.
In 14…you only can become so powerful and there’s only content to do if you don’t care about player character power.
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I would need more raids, 14 bosses an expansion is pitiful.
Well another thing is raids are just “teleport straight to boss, kill, collect loot, repeat.” There’s no feeling of immersion like in WoW. Like, we went to the Lost freakin’ City to fight N’zoth. We went into the Lich King’s Citadel.
In 14…again you teleport directly to the boss and kill it. Over.
Alliance Raids have more of this feeling, but they are irrelevant from day 1 outside of the weekly token. Gear is for glam only, since the crafted stuff and Normal Raid gear is better.
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Yea, i don’t need a bunch of trash like wow LOVES to put everywhere, but it is kinda of jarring to teleport to the boss, kill it, and have to queue for the next one.
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Floating square battlefield with death walls (or cliffs) is the most immersive battlefield in existence. Therefore, no need to change it.
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