Also pissed at the latest trial, Warrior of Light. Broke my mf keyboard on that thing.
funny thing is, both the coils and alexander felt better because you actually got dropped in and had to run to the boss.
the pvp is terrible… i dont care about a mmorpg with exclusivity in pve, if i want exclusive pve i should play final fantasy 7 remake instead, the graphic and gameplay is a lot better in that game because its not multiplayer
I love me some Square, but I have reserved a special place for them in my mind-hell for making FF7 remake multi-game release. I started playing FF7 remake, only to realize an hour in that they wouldn’t finish the series for another 10 years.
So I just stopped.
OP’s post comes off more like a hate post than an analysis from someone who actually did play the game. Some of what they said makes no sense to me.
As someone who genuinely did play FFXIV until mid-Stormblood (and many other MMOs) I think FFXIV mostly suffered at creating repeatable content that can keep you busy until the next major raid tier. Also, their raids may look amazing but they are incredibly short and only around the “heroic” difficulty landmark and most serious raider are done with them after 2 months.
Blizzard on the other hand are excellent at taking one piece of content like a dungeon or an instance and then throwing in systems that keep you coming back. That’s how we got mythic+, that’s how we got horrific visions, and that’s how we’re getting Thorghast. FF’s devs struggle at creating content like that and at one point you’re just logging in to cap tomestones and this is why people get bored of their game.
On the other hand they have much more enjoyable classes, and yes that includes tanks and healers. Yes their tanks are essentially DPS with defensive cooldowns however they’re all very fun to play and like it or not that makes them easier to pickup too. Their healers are only boring in savage raids because of the pressure to DPS while having no DPS rotation. In dungeons and in roulette content where you have a lot of mistakes to heal they’re a ton of fun. The huge issue with their classes is that almost all of them give a terrible first-impression due to how slow they start off with. (Slow GCD, etc.)
I also think the game has the best story in an RPG since at least the Mass Effect saga. The thought that someone might prefer BfA’s story is hilarious to me. If I decide to resub the story will probably be the #1 reason for me to do so, as I heard the latest expansion’s story is even better than Heavensward. Now the story is mostly not voice-acted and the pacing is awful in ARR so I’m not saying that the presentation is great, but I think the actual story that is told is leaps beyond that of any other MMORPG (including SW:TOR) and many single-player RPGs as well.
So yeah, the game is not perfect but it has its strengths for sure. I choose to play WoW because that’s what my friends play, I enjoy mythic+ dungeons, the raids are way better here, and I am looking forward to Shadowlands, but I can certainly understand why someone would play another MMO as WoW does have its failings too, especially in BfA…
As a primary tank player, Shadowbringers really did homogenize tanks quite a bit.
They all feel almost exactly the same, with only big differences being how they deal damage and their support abilities. And maybe TBN.
I read the whole thing. I find the comparisons to other games fascinating.
If you just saw a long post and said There’s no way I’m reading that”, perhaps you need to see a doctor about some undiagnosed attention deficit disorders.
There’s a huge difference between mmo pve and single player games though.
I don’t pvp, ever, but I love playing wow for it’s multiplayer pve components. I’d also love to see and exclusively pve mmo.
I also disagree about the classes being better in 14. They’re more balanced, but that’s due to the fact there is ZERO player customization. Each job plays exactly one way, and you aren’t going to change that in any meaningful way.
Regarding WoW, yes, it’s a nightmare of balancing - but you get the choice to play the way you like. And one thing about these borrowed powers, even though they make balancing a virtual hell, it does make it more interesting to find new ways to play that you may enjoy.
14 has none of that.
Pointing out somethings flaws isn’t “hate”. I happen to like FFXIV. I wouldn’t have played it for years otherwise.
I can point flaws all days about that game, there’s a reason I don’t play it anymore.
But a lot of what you said seems very odd or untrue to me. Like pointing to Stormblood as the peak of their storytelling when everyone who did play it knows it’s Heavensward…
I highly doubt they meant stormblood, few people like stormblood.
They were probably speaking of shadowbringers. Which is the peak of the story telling so far.
Au Ra kick and they’re great BECAUSE they’re less Waifuey. Not everyone wants to be a pretty princess in a game, I’m attractive irl I don’t need game validation and would rather be a monster. Plus, their lore is great. That being said, I agree and disagree with the OP as a fan of both games.
When it comes to healing, that was why I came back to WoW- in GW2, ESO and FFXIV “healing” has been reduced to “subpar dps that throws out a buff or heal once in a while”. Healers are getting more and more dps opportunities in WoW, and it scares me tbh. Nothing wrong with helping dps with a full mana bar but if it’s possibly evolving in that same direction (which they already are in cutting edge content) I’d hang up my staff for good.
Sometimes I want to be a cleric. Because it’s still technically, kinda sorta these days, an RPG. Why would I want the stress of healing AND doing trash dps (low damage compared to dps AND a boring rotation) when I could just be a pure dps and do bigger numbers with less pressure?
Been playing 14 on/off since 2.0 started.
Heavensward was great storytelling, and introduced my favorite job - Dark Knight.
Stormblood was weak storywise, I didn’t like the aesthetic, but it fixed a lot of the gameplay problems with Heavensward and ARR. It also introduced my second favorite job - Red Mage.
Shadowbringers is just great overall; however, its definitely front-loaded. The first 5.0 MSQ is a good 40 hour single player masterpiece on its own, but subsequent patches have only offered a handful of hours per patch of actually fun content. They’ve polished up a lot of the jobs, but with that came a lot of homogenization.
The game is good, I still play it, but has a lot of flaws.
From my experience it also has a playerbase that is incredibly adverse to criticism for the game.
This is my super most beautiful red mage. Tell me what do you think:
(video was made to show someone framerates…didn’t turn out so good, i’m blaming the 33.6mbps of RELive I set and Youtube.)
Looks good! Also that’s another thing not brought up, FFXIV has FANTASTIC music. I personally roll some pieces into my “generic RPG playlist” that runs while playing either game.
Soken is my bae
I read it, it was interesting.
I started my MMORPG journey with Everquest, and have been here in Warcraft, still so in love with the game, since 2004.
I’ve been tempted to try Final Fantasy.
Yes, BfA has been a demoralising expansion, I’ll never leave, though. There’s always so much to do still.
my dude, I literally said that’s subjective, and look at my name and character. I’m a weeb.