i think the classes are pretty balaneced, the problem with mch is its lack of utility and damage. a good brd or dnc can do everything a mch can do and do it eaiser too while bringing more utility. why mch needs is something like refreash back that way it can bring more ultility like a brd.
Personally I’d rather it just be the “selfish” ranged physical, much like SAM is the “selfish” melee and BLM is the “selfish” caster
they would have to do less damage then a monk by comparison for that to work or no one would take monk.
i mean, you could have a hierarchy of blm, sam, mnk, mch
Or they could increase mnk group utility.
what utility could a monk even bring that a drg couldint? it couldint be anything more powerful then eye and battle lenteny
i mean, in that case you would just take a SAM over a MNK now anyway, this is the thing that’s going to keep happening more and more as they add more jobs, and they will keep adding jobs.
As long as they stick to 8 man it’s going to get messier and messier. Best thing to do is just find a guild that lets you play what you want.
Amount of buttons has nothing to do with actually being engaged. Most of those buttons are either tiny, or just part of your rotation. WoW’s tanking feels way more active. Instead of blue dps, I really feel like a tank.
Neither games current tanking is good. WoW’s is nothing more than DPS lite either.
I didn’t at any point make the assertion that it “was” more engaging, just that I personally got more engaged in it, which could mean a lot of things.
I also explicitly put that it’s subjective…
I assume you meant blue mage, but yeah. I would’ve preferred it to be a full class.
I agree with most of this stuff, the open world has been something that has bothered me for awhile. I feel like a lot of the people that often praise XIV as being 100x better just mostly enjoy the glam, community that act like they are the best yet took the red pill and passive aggressive behaviors so they aren’t banned, not always but it’s their version of being toxic, and people that have invested a lot into the game they’d rather not leave, like old WoW vets.
Also, they just enjoy their characters being cuter yet still sexy and the fashion in XIV.
The newer XIV players I feel are still in a honeymoon phase and just playing it for now. Most of my friends that played XIV for a period of time quit before max or if they got max, were addicted for about a year or so before quitting. It runs out of stuff to do. If you get caught up and do most of what you want to do or farm. You pretty much play patch by patch or farm relic weapons until you are done there. It’s perfectly fine to play the game as a side game, only coming back during new raid tiers every 6+ months. Catch up on stuff from the odd numbered patches, then take a break again.
community is a hit or miss. I’ve met some nice people in XIV but not many lasting bonds personally, but I know some that kinda just float from group to group since they are more RPers, going to clubs or whatever other social events are going on via the party finder at peoples houses. never fully clicking because a lot of the kinda people that sort’ve socializing draws in lol. There’s often a lot of fake happiness in that game.
Combat wise is eh. I agree with the points made, but also with DPS, nothing really clicks for me. It’s often close but then there’s some just MASSIVELY glaring flaws that make me not enjoy the class. hoping around classes trying to find something fun at all times. There’s also no variation on top of it all being scripted. your entire dps rotation is pretty much always planned and optimized with very little RNG or procs to spice it up.
All this said, I still go back and play XIV a lot. been playing since 1.0, just doesn’t hold my attention.
Whelp, I totally do mean blue mage my bad
People say the WoW community is toxic.
But the community in FFXIV is why I couldn’t keep playing that game. Some of the most uptight, snobby, easily offended clique mentality people i’ve ever met on the internet.
Half the “mentors” in that game only got mentor for the prestige and icon, and don’t actually care about helping you.
Both games are cesspools, that’s why i stick to my guild.
This is a big problem I have as well. I’ve tried going back a few times, and will often very quickly get caught up and run through the new raid tier in like 2 weeks, then just get bored and quit again once there’s no more content.
I stopped going back as much knowing I’d just repeat this pattern and wouldn’t find it that enjoyable.
Yeah, I mean I go back still personally but It’s because I like the story, the gear sucks and it’s boring with it just being stat sticks with barely any increase to my over all feel of the class and then theres not much to really utilize that increase in power. Most stuff scales your ilevel down. There’s trials which you don’t really need to do besides for alts or mounts, eureka type content which we may see again which syncs, dungeons that provide VERY little besides to cap, etc. It just feels hallow to gain gear.
I read the entire thing and it was an interesting read as someone who’s only real FFXIV experience is leveling to 33 and seeing people here praise the game for not being WoW
Your first comment to a stranger alone about sucking FFXIV off already proves my point about wow being more toxic.
I’ve seen less toxicity on League of Legends and Overwatch combined than I have on FF14.
Ok, now you’re just lying.
Nope. Especially on Bahamaut, it’s very bad there.