I’ve seen so many people on here talk about how FFXIV is some kind of amazing game and 2nd coming that is totally killing WoW and so amazing. Keep in mind that I’ve played since launch and was one of the turbo-nerds that would max and gear every combat job for fun for a while. I used to do End-game every time new content came out, on at least one of each class type. Melee dps, Ranged DPS/mage, Tank, Healer.
Now I’m going to talk to you about why I’ve left FFXIV and come to WoW, and loved every second of it, yes, even during BFA where I’ve been told it’s the weakest in a long time.
Binding Coil 1: Class design
I see a lot of vocal people talking about how the rotations are better and more robust in FFXIV…and for the most part they’re completely right!..if you’re a DPS player. See, most of these posts you’re going to see are from DPS players, because in many ways DPS rotations in FFXIV are way better. I agree with them. With a few rare exceptions DPS rotations in FFXIV almost spoiled WoW for me with how much better the DPS rotations are…
…buuuut, if we’re talking about tanks and healers, that’s a different story. They’ve openly admitted they were having trouble balancing the healers, which is why we haven’t gotten a new one in so long, and in an attempt to balance them they homogenized the healers, and DESTROYED the gameplay of one in particular, and it’s in a joke state that makes it very undesired at end-game.
On to tanks. See, in WoW, most tanks have some form of active mitigation that they’re maintaining at all times as part of their rotation, and you’re fully engaged in tanking the whole time. Ignore pain, the stagger mechanic entirely, Blood constantly self-healing etc. FFXIV doesn’t have this, well, they kind of do but on a MUCH lesser scale. You’ll be spending most of your time rotating like a more boring DPS, then popping a cooldown once a big hit is about to come, rinse-repeat forever.
Binding Coil 2: Design Philosophy
The real issue with the way FFXIV is can be broken down to design philosophy. I can say with CONFIDENCE that no job in FFXIV will ever have a spell-reflect like warrior. I can GUARANTEE you that no healer will have a heal that damages the target after if they don’t take damage. I can easily argue with you that something like stagger or ignore pain would NEVER exist in ffxiv. They will NEVER introduce a melee healer that has a window where they heal by damaging, or a healer that gets a bunch of it’s healing from damaging enemies like Disc. Why is this?
Balance. Is. King. FFXIV has to remain sterile and clean at all times. Every fight has a very specific way it’s done in very specific windows, and deviating from that at all will kill you. They can’t have anything be too unique in that game, because they can’t have it break their precious and delicately designed fights in any way shape or form. Anything that does is often nerfed or changed fairly quickly.
Healing in particular is so scripted and easily predictable, that healers spend more of the fight spamming 1 DPS button than actually healing, and heals are so much bigger that you pop off 1-2 heals on the whole party and everythings K. Everyone’s healthbar Yoyos around in ffxiv because of how fight design is. You’re all EXPECTED to live at exactly 10% hp each. Your tank is EXPECTED to die to this unless he pops a cooldown. Your tank is EXPECTED to live this one at exactly 50% hp. There’s nothing wrong with boiling things down to numbers, it’s what our genre was built on, after-all, but there comes a point where it’s too much. FFXIV is at that point, and it makes healing and tanking feel the same in every fight.
Tank: Do DPS rotation> Pop cooldown for tank buster> Get healed > Tank swap.
Other tank does the same thing.
Healer: DPS until tank buster or aoe damage, heal once or twice, continue to DPS.
Do other mechanics that usually involve standing in a spot, not being pushed off a platform, or killing ads, often in a specific spot.
Binding coil 3: Story
Now, the base game has sort of a joke of a story. It’s kind of funny to me how many “refugees” talk about how great the story is at first, when it’s literally a massive fetch-quest that forces you to go back to an annoying spot to get to every few quests about 10 times or so.
It gets better with each expansion, and I won’t lie and say Stormblood or Shadowbringers were bad. The writing itself is fantastic!..and yet…
I find myself far more engaged in the story of the Zandalari and a few of the extremely stand-out characters in WoW’s storyline even in BFA Bwonsamdi is easily a cooler character than anyone I’ve seen in FFXIV and I hope we see more of him.
This section is less of a huge point for me, as I don’t usually play MMOs for the story anyways, I’d say this one could go either way.
Binding coil 4: The Open World
At any given day on FFXIV the only people you’ll usually find in the open-world after about a week into the expansion is the crafters-gatherers. You’d be shocked to hear FFXIV is even WORSE about this than WoW. The incentives you’re given to actually go out in the world and do things are TINY. This is to the point that it’s laughable. It’s a shame, too, because some of those zones are really breathtaking. There’s not even something like Open World PVP to encourage people to go out there because, well…
Binding Coil 5: Twin- I mean PVP.
FFXIV is built on a bad engine. It’s not Older than WoWs engine, and yet from the start it was incredibly more restrictive. They’ve tried to fix it, but PvP has always felt like an absolute mess, to the point where they had to YEP you guessed it, sterilize and homogenize. Many skills and abilities are just gone in pvp. Stats are all polished to specific exact numbers. 1-button rotations, you name it. The way the engine works, the tick is so laughably bad people are just sliding all over and sometimes it feels like you’re playing with weird bots, not people.
This is true in more than just PvP but that’s where it’s the most apparent and silly.
Binding Coil 6: The community
This’ll be a stort one because a lot of this is subjective, but in my time on Emerald Dream I’ve stricken up more conversations and made more friends than I EVER have in FFXIV. The way that game is designed, You could be literally in the middle of town trying to find people to talk to, and you’ll be avoided like the plague.
The only time anyone ever talks to you in FFXIV is in dungeons, in linkshells, or if you’re in their guild. It feels way more like a bunch of exclusive chatrooms than a community at times, and yet in WoW I can just walk right out into the middle of Org and say something dumb, and the whole place erupts in conversation. I’ve made a bunch of my friends this way.
Binding coil 7: Closing the door on the crystal
WoW just offers so much more to me in terms of freedom to actually play how you want. Like I said, there’s a load of skills and even whole specs that just would simply never exist or work in FFXIV. Don’t even get me started on stealth as a whole, no, ninja does not compare. Not remotely. You can’t expect anything that interesting or special from FFXIV, because it’s designed to be so specifically how the devs want it to be at all times. Sure the WoW devs are constantly doing stupid things, but at LEAST they’re willing to get their hands dirty and try it in the first place.
Look at the state of Blue-mage, they were so scared that job was going to kill their precious perfect balance they made it it’s own single-player mini-game after years of people asking for it, because it’d be “too strong” in normal content, and then they limited the skills it could use in that content ANYWAYS defeating the purpose. They also said it’s designed to be single-player content but forces you to do multiplayer content in order to…look, I don’t want to get into it, I’ll be on this forever.