Speaking as someone who played FFXIV before WoW

Yes, of course you can find fault with them, which is why you come here tauting how great WoW is and how flawed FF14 is. Stating FF14 lacks creativity is ojectively false though, and the various features like Mage Tower and Garrison in WoW are just thrown away after an expansion too. Mage Tower doesn’t even exist in the game. Also, there’s quite a few things in FF14 that people would like to have, like how they handle flying, which you’ll probably want to pick at as well.

Like I said, you act like WoW can do no wrong and FF14 can do no right. Both have existed for long enough that neither is going away and it’s silly to be writing a thread about how much you like one more than the other when over on the FF14 forums they are doing the same, or making videos about why they prefer FF14. There’s plenty to list about the issues in WoW, just like you do with FF14. Heck, there’s plenty who hate your chosen allied race and wish it never existed.

Just play the game you prefer and be done with it, but don’t say silly things like FF14 has no creativity or that the community in WoW is so nice and friendly whereas the FF14 community is just toxic. It’s no surprise that people on the WoW forum will discuss how they prefer WoW, just as it isn’t surprising to find people on the FF14 forums tell you they prefer FF14.

The difference here is FFXIV PvP was intended as a minigame whereas blizzard just treats PvP like a minigame as they focused more on PvE

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im so so sorry

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You sat here and told me that all of these things in WoW have faults, and my rebuttal is “yes, they do, So do all of these things in FFXIV. I don’t think I’m over-reaching at all.”

You’re also putting words in my mouth. When did I say the FFXIV community was “toxic”? At most I said I find it harder to make friends and start conversations there.

Which you’ve already been told is inaccurate

I agree with this response to you.

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When you’re a new player in dungeons, people are nice.

When that green leaf goes away, and you’re approaching max level, things change a bit.

Again, completely different experience for me.

Lost my leaf while maxing out each job in Palace of the Dead.

People were nice to me at max level.

Would get randomly approached while goofing around at Gold Saucer casino to join community events.

Was mostly house parties. People wanting to show the player house they just acquired.

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My favorite thing about FF14 is the music that plays during boss fights. So many different genres, I still listen to some of the Primal fight songs even though I haven’t been subbed for half a year now

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I’ve played at end game and roulette, and the leaf doesn’t seem to honestly matter. They are nice when you play well, they are more mean if ur holding everyone back and causing tons of issues.

Don’t think that’s unique to FF14 though.

Was the same, until the community drew me in.

I went from “this is so dumb” to “I can be Sailor Jupiter as a male lalafell, the skirt isn’t sex-glam locked, we just need to go get the dye guys

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I play a Paladin Tank in FFXIV.

The one thing I don’t like about tanking is you are a gloried dps. Nobody cares about your damage mitigation or anything like that they care about how much dps you do as a tank. You are only judged on your DPS. Want to join a raid group as a Tank people want your tanks dps logs.

Basically you are a dps that positions the boss does your dps rotation and uses a cool down during tank busters and does a tank swap if there is one.

I like FFXIV but that is the one thing I dislike about it people caring so much about tank dps.

Everything you said is true, the only thing I found about FF14 to be super nice was its progression system, class diversity, and CC requirements early on. It reminded me of the BC era of WoW and classes actually felt unique unto themselves.

The aspect of progressing beyond a dungeon, or getting a Heroic dungeon and it being a complete remake of the Normal version of the dungeon was absolutely amazing! Them having specific end game for the most dedicated felt like you had something unique and special for all of your efforts put into the game. As a very casual MMORPG player, I appreciated this focus on progression and they seemed to understand why progression was important.

Fast forward to me trying FF14 out again more recently however… I have to say the Class uniqueness has been thrown aside and homogenized, the healers… homogenized, the stats… homogenized, the progression and want to achieve has been made baseline with an LFR type system meaning you have nothing unique for your efforts, just a rehash of a raid you can do on easy mode, so why bother…

However, it is a little shocking you find WoW interesting, maybe you haven’t fully gotten into the Hamster Wheel phase leading to nowhere yet, but WoW is very, very similar in many ways. Play all the tanks and DPS, you will notice they generally all play the same. Tanks are AoE, using defensive 2 charge mechanic, back to AoE, with some unique flavor with thing like Ignore Pain or Healing as a Paladin, but very much the same architype. DPS = Builders and Spenders in general. Everyone is essentially a Rogue now with different looking art.

Overall, MMOs just blow atm. I have this account because im playing Classic as its the only MMO that doesn’t have the above to an extreme degree. Classics weakness is in its raid mechanics and Class limits because of debuffs. However its progression system and its idea of catchup mechanics, Class systems (especially while leveling or in PvP), and feeling of achievement is spot on. Oh yeah… also… World Buff meta is almost game ruining.

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I love FF.

So much fun and crafting is actually respected. :heart_eyes: :heart: :heart_eyes_cat:

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I like the Bar Food vs Restaurant analogy. WoW has good combat, and everything is funneled into combat. The rest of the game is pretty minimal. FFXIV has other things that are fleshed out to a degree that wouldn’t really be possible in WoW at this stage, but the combat is not as fun.

There’s a difference in art styles, which matters to some people more than others. FFXIV’s art style has grown on me, and once I cut down on the spell effects works very well.

If I was going to offer a core difference between the games, I would say it comes down to the context of why you’re doing what you’re doing. In FFXIV the context of why you’re doing things and killing thousands of sentient creatures is important because without it, the leveling progression won’t be terribly interesting. In WoW you can skip it because the combat is somewhat interesting. There’s a faster pace to it; I think this is because of mods to the game, but it could be a deliberate design choice.

In WoW, interesting combat does not hide the effort put into getting the player to spend a lot of time literally repeating the same content over and over again so the game can make more money without spending more effort on content. In FFXIV, if you are a person who would be interested in the story, the context of why you’re doing things hides the repetition very well. In addition to this there is a variety of content readily available for the player to consume if they want.

There are other differences around the repetitive nature of MMOs that are different between the games. FFXIV has offered a good bit more stuff around transmogs and character dress up, but that only matters if you’re interested in it. Ditto for crafting. After level 10 on a combat class you can spend all your time as a master level crafter if you want. FFXIV offers more, but it doesn’t really matter if those aren’t things you’re interested in.

** edit ** I would edit this to say WoW’s combat is not somewhat interesting, it’s interesting and fun.


Mileage may vary. When I played it, FC and dungeons were the only places people talked to you.

FFXIV is focused far more on PvE than PvP. PvP in FFXIV is kind of an afterthought.

Personally… I find every single aspect of FFXIV PvE to be better. Crafting actually has a place, boss fights are engaging, skill cap might be a bit lower than WoW, but at least you don’t have 50 addons telling you what button to push or where to stand.

The biggest benefit of FFXIV over WoW is the community. WoW is jammed packed with entitled / elitist little kids who will whine about every little tiny thing if it isn’t exactly as THEY think it should be. FFXIV community is much more laid back.


I’m bumping this because it’s become relevant with people making videos and discussions that say these things that I said this long ago, and it’s SO funny to me that people are finally catching up.

I guess that’s what happens when you’ve played just about every MMO on the market for over 20 years.

Okay thanks for your novel we dont care.

Maybe you should go back to FFXIV that way we have 1 less annoying member of our community thanks

hahahaha this is so cringe. You feel like you deserve credit for a comparison thats half a decade old like you were the first one or something. No one cares bro. Chill off the narcissism.