Bro you care so little you commented twice lmao
Most of those people are just parroting some streamer (who was paid to promote the game). FFXIV has always been mediocre, i mean it was far worse before it was scrapped and remade. But its still meh even its present state.
I mean, you make some good points but, at least for me, FF14 is still the best MMO on the market. WoW is more akin to an ARPG than an MMO: it’s all about the loot. Loot is everything and basically the only thing that matters in this game. The social aspects have been devastated over the years and still, after nearly 20 years, there is basically zero evergreen pieces of content.
The tribal mentality of MMO players is only a disservice to themselves. All these MMOs have things they do better than one another, and there is no “best” one.
You have to really play them all and get a feel, because you may discover you like one more than the other.
WoW does endgame better than ESO, but ESO absolutely destroys WoW when it comes to open world content. And none of these MMOs do story better than FF14 and SWTOR.
I have played WoW since the first day of Vanilla. I have also played FF14 up to the ending of Shadowbringers. I find that FF14 had a much, much better story. Was more alt friendly also. I feel like WoW has better questing, better dungeons and better raids, better class design and much, much, better PvP.(FF14 had the second worst PvP system I have played, only better than ESO’s)
I agree with this.
The only reason I have as much a feel as I do for MMOs and what’s good or bad design, or maybe just what I Subjectively appreciate is because of the sheer amount of them I’ve played.
So commenting twice on a thread makes me little? In what logic?
Dont you think ranting about some lame video game comparison which ultimately means nothing… coming back THREE YEARS LATER because you want to get credit because your that much of a loser and have nothing else to look forward to is the only thing that can be considered little here?
I highly suggest you move out of your parents house and get your own place… you need a bit of a reality check. Bigger things like girlfriends etc will come after, start small.
Bro took “Little” as an insult somehow.
Why am I arguing with someone who can’t read? Nah, you have a good night.
I’m sure I can guess why.
Well I’m not reading this giant book. All I’ll say is There’s no rare mounts or set pieces that make me feel special for having it.
I farmed an entire giro set thinking it would never come back, and it came back the next year. Totally killed it for me.
In terms of the community and content though, that games amazing.
You’re literally a narcicist resurrecting a post from THREE YEARS AGO drawing a comparison that no one cares about anymore. The FFXIV hype has been over for a while now.
Sorry no one pays attention to you irl
I bumped this because I’ve seen an influx lately of content creators making videos of their problems with the game, and they’re very similar to those I outlined up top…
I couldn’t get into 14 myself. i tried a few times but with the story being so long, and with ARR story being meh, i turned away withing a few hours each time. I don’t mind there being a long story, i just don’t want to literally sit 40 minutes at a cutscene. When I could be playing other parts of the game.
Plus the super anime cutsey vibe didn’t fit me to well.
Though i did like the races
I’d take walls of text from people who can critically think over not having them and only getting one sentence tantrums or rude comments from the simple minded.