And I did and because of that misconception and it being suboptimal because of that you couldn’t get groups unless you had a friend. No group was going to wait on your speed test results lol. Just take a Bard same utility and no downside.
Yeah, and here I am being a Black Mage main. Oh, I don’t have the group utility of Summoner or Red Mage, but I still got into groups just fine for Savage/Extremes.
Didn’t have a dedicated group for Ultimates so didn’t even bother with those.
It’s an MMO, like the other poster said, they’ve been trying to ease you into doing group content because it’s technically an MMO despite the fact you can accomplish so much of it solo. WoW was honestly much more like this, and every zone actually does end with a quest for a dungeon, or other breadcrumbs leading you to do group content. If you want the full story in WoW, you are still going to end up doing group content. If anything, FF14 is guilty of trying to ease you into it with easier dungeons. I know what you are describing with higher level trials or farming dungeons, but in terms of MSQ, it’s kept much easier and now even possible with NPCs in shadowbringers. I get what you mean by forced, but to say WoW doesn’t push you in the same direction is a bit unfair.
How often do you think boomkins or even ret palladins get chosen for raids in classic wow? and when they do, how much loot do you think is given to them? When people are doing Mythic Keys, how often are the feral druids being invited or the sub rogues? It’s not an issue unique to FF14.
I started Machinist in Stormblood and got just mountains of rejection so I dropped it for White Mage. The meta for healers was cancer so I swapped to Warrior and mained it the rest of the expansion. I really liked the high end tank community. It was super chill.
It doesn’t though. I’ve been extremely casual in Wow lately and all I ever do is WQs and level alts. I haven’t done a single dungeon in months. I’m not forced to do it.
Never said it was love.
i read the bullets that are important to me in WoW.
It doesn’t though. I’ve been extremely casual in Wow lately and all I ever do is WQs and level alts. I haven’t done a single dungeon in months. I’m not forced to do it.
Well, Like I said, it’s a very unique way of playing the game. Are you planning to play shadowlands without ever doing a dungeon or LFR? The irony is that there actually more single player content in FF14 including all the seasonal events, hunting logs, sightseeing, Fates, (which are like WQs), deep dungeons, levelling up crafting and gathering, levemets, spending lots of time in the casino, and of course blue mage which is a class designed for solo content. Anyway, you do you.
The WoW community has been cheering for the game to die while paying their subscription for 15+ years. Won’t change.
See you at 30 year anniversary.
No. I got burned out at performing at the highest end in FFXIV so when I came back to Wow I just had no drive to do it. That and the Mythic+ community in this game is just absolutely one of the worst thing I have ever delt with. But I do plan on doing some other high end things if I can that aren’t mythic+ depending on Blizzards game design I might just super casual it up for another expansion. But I was never someone who wanted to do high end things, but I had good friends when I was playing FFXIV that dragged me to Savage and Extreme content and I took to it like a fish to water and I wasn’t screaming at people so a lot of people thought it was refreshing.
Obs something I haven’t gotten to yet. Looks like n-key rollover might be useful for that. It also looks like you can click your mouse to get through it too, as long as it doesn’t open your chat window (or so I’ve read).
it’s almost as fun as when you see in WoW someone suddenly say, “1111112222221111111111122222222211111” in raid promptly followed by “gdi”
I wish FATEs were like WQs. WQ rewards tangible things like reputation while FATEs are a gamble and inconsistent as far as where they appear, whether or not there will be enough people around to complete the more tedious ones, etc.
So you played back in 2016 and left for FF and got burned out on FF and have come back to WoW. Got it.
same thing can be done in FF14. Callin this out right now. The server I’m on you can talk and chat with anyone without connections, in dungeons,etc. Your experience doesn’t 100% tell how things are fully in FF14. As I’m proof of my own experience that what you claim there is bull…my server you can say something dumb and people react just like you claim only happens in wow.
I love some of the Job in FFXIV, like RDM, and DRK, but The game as a whole if just that that great to me. So yeah, I agree wholeheartedly to the OP.
If they really thought it was so much better then they wouldn’t be hanging out on the WoW forum, they’d be playing FFXiV or hanging out on the FF forum. lol
Not really - I like both games but the truth is, the FFXIV community is intolerant of criticism. The forums are echo-chambers of group think.
To be fair, the FFXIV forums are absolute garbage compared to these forums. While the moderators are a 3rd party company, people can and have been banned for frivolous reasons with no means to appeal it. If you get mistakenly banned, you’re banned, period.
Also the people there are asinine. Don’t play meta? Be prepared to be called every name in the book, given death threats and stalked from thread to thread while nothing is done about it.
I don’t see that here. While this forum has it’s own issues such as people agreeing with themselves on their alts, people giving support advice that’s wrong, people trying to trigger others. I’ll still take this over the former any day.
And don’t you dare criticize their baby.
Look at the state of Red-mage, they were so scared that job was going to kill their precious perfect balance they made it it’s own single-player mini-game after years of people asking for it, because it’d be “too strong” in normal content, and then they limited the skills it could use in that content ANYWAYS defeating the purpose. They also said it’s designed to be single-player content but forces you to do multiplayer content in order to…look, I don’t want to get into it, I’ll be on this forever.
Red Mage is fine, you are thinking of Blue Mage.
As for the rest of the game, I loved it and loved the community. Honestly, I miss it and feel like going back to my PLD main but I can’t bring myself to go back. For me it is that I had the leader of my FC, that was a good friend, die in RL and every time I try to go back, I think of him and it is just too depressing. Luckily, I have never gotten that close to anyone in the community in WoW so I have no worries about the same thing happening there.