I tried FF multiple times over the years, I have never gotten to max level though the leveling is such a big slog, I would really love to try raiding and dungeons but I just cant get over how slow leveling is.
From my experience with other MMO’s, WoW biggest asset is the way the game flows, im not talking about rotations, but how responsive it feels when actually pressing your buttons.
I was there for an hour, my wife, less than that. From the get go I knew exactly the feel they were trying to do and it cannot work in an RPG, it’s more of a FF offline thing only.
The only game that will truly ever kill WoW is WoW. No other game can ever stop WoW from being and once this goes, so does the one true juggernaut of MMO’s. Say what you want about the state of WoW, nothing will ever come close to the heights this game has reached and nothing even comes close to the state of the game now, not even the real reported numbers from FF14 come anywhere near the estimated WoW numbers, and even if we are 50% off the real WoW numbers, we are still way in front.
The funny thing is that all of these MMO lite live-service battle-royale style games hinge on playing with like 100 people at a time.
It’s only a matter of time until the next step is “What if we can make it so you can fight EVEN MORE people!?” then we just get MMOs again, but they’ll be fresh and new once more.
Right, and I just want you to appreciate that if people thought these things were balanced, and represented real choice, they would be happy with them. Put the reality is Blizzard has basically always had these systems where they say there will be choice, but it doesn’t materalize. Like saying you have so much freedom within a given class because there’s so many talents and different specs. Ultimately, there’s as much freedom of choice as you see in FF jobs. There was honestly probably more diverse builds and freedom back in TBC days. In classic, they didn’t even create the classes with rotations in mind. Now, they definitely have an idea of what the rotation should be.
That has always been the crux of the problem with the borrowed power systems(and talents to a lesser extend), Blizzard has never come close to anything resembling balance. How can a system like legendaries/azerite traits is ever going to work when having the correct one can basically double your dps.
I dunno, my friend was telling me that his samurai attacks every 1.8 seconds + one extra attack every 4 attacks, which seems REALLY slow compared to all of my WoW characters.
I’m also not interested in the lore at all. I feel like the feel of FF changed drastically after FFX. The only game I enjoyed after that was FFXII, everything else has been pure garbage.
Yeah, that’s not how ADD works, sorry. I know you were going for a personal attack there, butnot wanting to read an 18 paragraph essay doesn’t mean i have trouble paying attention.
I’m sure you were really hoping for a burn there, sorry to disappoint.
Played both since the beginning and I can confirm a few things.
Jobs in FFXIV are cool but there is only 1 way to play them. If you’re a Pld, you’re a tank, period. If you’re a Scholar, you’re a healer, period. In WoW, you have 3 ways to play each class.
The story in FFXIV is arguably better. A few forgetful characters but it at least made more sense than WoW’s hodge podge story.
You are correct about the open world. FATEs were an idea to get people out in the world but offer extremely limited rewards.
The community in WoW is considerably better than FFXIVs. While here, you’ll get some trolls or goofballs and even recently, tryhards trying to push the failed “healer DPS” concept on everyone, it’s worse in FFXIV. In that game, people have been given real life death threats for not playing those kinds of meta and the company does nothing about those threats.
This criticism doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense when you consider that you can play as every class in the game so you’re not locked to just one specific role while playing.
GCBTW - “Great community, by the way” is a bit of a meme for FFXIV. A huge majority of the playerbase can be nice to new players, but when you don’t have that green stalk next to your name peoples’ expectations of you as a player rise - and if you don’t meet those expectations, people can jump all over you for making the smallest mistake.
This is the main reason I quit the last time I played ffxiv. That game so freaking toxic. I never understood where that lie about it being sunshine and rainbows came from. It’s the same anonymous jerk who plays any other online game, but somehow because more is asked out of your average casual player people feel the need to dogpile on people not playing “correctly” it’s so bs when I hear how it’s not toxic. Those people must have the most insular experience in game only playing with guild mates and friends, because I’ve played on all 3 data centers for extended periods of time and the friendly RP realms gave me the most toxic players I’ve seen in my 20+ years playing online games.
No matter how you slice it. There is 1 single way to play each job in FFXIV. You can’t join a group as a DPS paladin. You cannot join as a DPS dark knight. You can change jobs yes but that does not dismiss the fact that in WoW, I can be a paladin and tank, heal or DPS in a group.
That’s one of the reasons I stopped playing. Not because I was jumped on but because I was sick of seeing people jumped on. I felt bad for someone who was very clearly not anywhere near BiS, whether they were newer or TRYING to gear up and you get some guy with a glowing weapon joining content they’re clearly out-geared for and making condescending remarks and trying to shame the guy(s).
I have no idea where that line came from either. Whenever I see somebody say that it’s a much better community, I know they’re trolling.
Now, it’s not to say it’s an overall bad game because I had a lot of fun playing it and for the most part, I could just not ever read anything anybody says and do just fine, it just didn’t have enough stuff for a solo guy to do. WoW has all kinds. They may not be super fun but I can at least log in and partially accomplish something before work.
It’s interesting to hear this perspective, and I didn’t read through the entire thread here so apologies if someone else mentioned this, but your quote here is basically how the Cataclysm expansion was for raiding and heroic dungeons. Huge spike damage that stopped purposefully so the healers could land those big heals right on time. I’m sure most players don’t miss that style.
Maybe so, but I think just kinda given how that game in general asks more out of its players than Wow to me is the main reason why these kind of toxic interactions even happen. Wow doesn’t have forced group content with mechanics. Just that alone drives off most casual players. Couple that with this expectation that after a certain length into an expansion you would’ve seen most mechanic and been expected to know how to deal with them. And those expectations lead to arguments and name calling/death threats.
If anything I would expect Wow to be friendlier since it doesn’t force players into that playstyle. Hell you can roll a tank in Wow and never tank at all. Suboptiamly play a dps, but never in a group so you would have no idea.
I just feel like FFXIV has too much going on and too much asked of it’s lower skilled playerbase. And because of that it just invites negative interactions. And it’s almost like the community knows this and is trying to bury it with kindness. Because if you know going into it what I know you would never even try it.
Well not everyone has the time to level up more than 1 class, so being able to do multiple roles(or different flavor of the same one) is seen as a positive.
You also can’t join as a shadow priest, and then heal.
You also never join as a Paladin, you designate what role you play, and you have a few options if you are a class that has multiple specs, and even then you actually need to know how to play in that role.
Even then, it’s not like some amazing feature in Row, it’s more something that is possible for certain classes, and even then it’s rare that someone is raiding as all three.
The community for FFXIV definitely isn’t as nice as it thinks it is, but I’ve never seen anything close to what you’re describing, and I almost exclusively use DF/PF for grouping up.
I’m not saying that you didn’t see them ofc, there are always extreme examples, but it sounds like you just had tremendously bad luck or something.
On any given day I’d personally rather deal with the FFXIV community over the WoW community.