Spamming Trade: LF1M =/= Community

Raiding is an entirely different matter, many players and raids resorted to outside of game tools for those.

As far as I remember, I think they open new channels like how you have /trade /local defense /worlddefense and so on, but they don’t display the text in your chat. I’d have to dig through and recheck, it’s been a really long time.

But yes, you’re right about the last part and having to step on a lot of toes to break it if they go that route.

Don’t like Vanilla and prefer turd? BFA exists


They did that in TBC, and some other small incremental changes since then.

TBC added unit identifiers to the logs, so it could distinguish between the Druid named Kitty and the hunter pet named Kitty for example. They also increased the range of the combat log as I recall. It’s been a lot of years since then. I believe they’ve kept the modern capabilities for those feature sets as they’re not gameplay items in most uses of the term.

JUst get use to it, this is Classic grinding, you grind to death , even to find a tank you have to grind spamming the trade chats , it is part of the gameplay I guess.

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Basically they break SendChatMessage in such a way that addons cannot make use of “global”/custom channels

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While its inconvenient to spam trade chat for 2 hours looking for one person you need, yes? this is the part of Classic up until Wrath… and today as we know… retail.

Even if ClassicLFG has if you message the leader you get an applicant but it has automation like Auto invite. I didn’t support it when Icy-veins first promoted when I knew something is not going to end well for the author. Never liked it when I heard this addon and I will not be using it if Blizzard didn’t listen to this. I would like to experience the inconvenience than something trying to automate and make grouping easier and brings things from Retail to classic, which doesn’t belong. I know some of you might say we don’t need to live in a stone age but sorry its World of Warcraft Classic not Retail.

Also, There are ways to get more people to help fill your groups, which I had an easier time forming groups in the beta without an addon doing it for me, here is some ways.

  • Join a guild

  • Make friends, be social.

  • Discord

Note: You might need to join a server specific discord for the server you are playing on. I have seen most of them being advertised here like Herod, Pagle and other servers I forgot about. Haven’t tried this but it depends on the population of the server discord. Some may have an easier or hard times finding a group.

Those are what I have listed, if it stills doesn’t convince you that you can’t survive an addon that makes groups for you in ease, sorry to say but Classic is not going to be for you.

It would actually affect how people play together. I am sorry but this is not another expansion it is supposed to be close to Classic.

the problem is that those places are full of elitist that won’t let anyone join, they ask you to fill applications and do things and have the days off that they have and a lot of things, and if they take you they test you and if you fail they kick you out.
At the end level 60 is endgame for many players that mostly just play bgs and sometimes can get to some dungeons, but will never play all end game content , raids.

They CAN’T control what you do outside of their game, if you really feel it’s better, faster, or more interactive no one is stopping you. Blizzard CAN stop addons from using that type of system in game.

If you can’t dedicate time to do an activity you pay to have access to, why are you paying.

Classic is not a game for everyone.

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Call to Arms did not autoinvite. It was also hilariously broken to the point nobody used it. People need to stop bringing up that addon.

Haha so true, someone googled “vanilla LFG addon”, found CTA, and said “Hah! It DID exist!” … without giving any thought to the fact that it had something like a 1% usage rate.

Wow that butt-hurt set in fast, lol

I know I’m late and no one cares, but. . .

I played a lot of FFXI back in the day (early 200X’s), and the cost to setup a group was extremely high. Lots of prep time and looking for members. You could wait 4+ hours finding an XP group.

The difficulty of forming a group HIGHLY incentivized making friends.

That’s an extreme example of the basic concept that:

The higher the “form a rando group” cost is, the more likely people will form networks of friends.

Everyone is different, and some (like OP) likely won’t interact w/ this problem at all. Others will utilize out of band solutions like an external website. Overall, it’ll probably move the median player though. Considering a game as big as WoW, that’s a lot of people.

:point_up_2: All this ignores any argument related to “What classic was really like.” Apparently a similar addon existing during some patch of classic (per OP) so that part seems pretty clear. My main point really is on the concept of community building and the distribution of player decisions.

Just because you don’t understand the importance of making social decisions, doesn’t mean it’s pointless. “Spamming for hours” is hyperbole which only diminishes your argument, because ultimately it’s a way to reach out to the rest of your server in an attempt to clear things together.

An addon stops you from needing to reach out.

Again, if you don’t understand the importance of this…you’re not trying.

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They legit cane out and straight up said they changed their api to break this and prevent other similar add ons from working. How dense are you? You’re saying they can’t do something they already did, proving you’re a moron.

No, they didn’t. If you actually read the message, “Thus, in an upcoming patch (in the weeks following launch), we will be adding restrictions to the Classic add-on API that will significantly limit this add-on and others like it.” They haven’t broken anything yet and it will take them weeks to do so. They probably have to investigate what to remove from the API that won’t stop auto invite in things like CTraid.

I’m a little late to the game and I didn’t read the whole thread. I think what Blizzard is going to break is the add on’s ability to communicate with other instances of itself forcing it to run everything through chat. The fear is this add on could have been used to create exclusive social networks among users who maybe might could possibly choose to stop using public chat and instead create a private channel among users to form groups, making others feel left out if they don’t install it. They’re going to do that on discord anyway but whatever.

I’ll wait for the updated version. As long as it sorts the scrolling city chat, I’m happy. That’s all I wanted in the first place.

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And doing that would break other addons as well, no more spamming damage meters after downing a boss which was very Vanilla.