Spamming Trade: LF1M =/= Community

In classic you had to talk to people to build a group.
In retail it’s like ordering Uber.

Not the same, talking to people is part of the community.


Not really.

  1. General: LF4M Baron Strat.
    So and so whispered you: invite.
    \invite so and so.

Just seems like people are being purposely obtuse when debating things. No one needs a definition on the boundaries of metaphorical eco-systems in reference to a video game. I mean, it’s a disingenuous semantical non-aguement that ignores the point that I see a lot of people making which is simply: Your actions effect others in a society or a replication of a society.

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Oh I’m not worried about it because I know they can’t pull it off without screwing a bunch of other important things up. Hence my example with one button dps macros still being a thing. Even though they have tried multiple times to break them over the past 10 years or so, they can’t pull it off because it would kill off too much other functionality to do so… Just look up lazymacros or whatever it’s called. People are using them to pull epic and legendary parses, depending on spec. I actually know someone who pulled a 96 the other night with it and all he does is holds down one mouse button that has a 0.5 second spam rate to it.

Again, your tone hinted toward a direction, but I can see that you probably have issues with social skills and don’t understand these things. I’ll leave you alone because I’m not going to bully someone who’s probably on the spectrum.

But all I’ve got to say is lol at your attempt at insulting… “No wonder you post from a hunter. A simple class for a simple thinker.” :rofl: I actually took a screenshot of that because I found it pretty funny!

I gave you space and left you to your dribble.
I also read all your post history.

You lied about defining anything. The closest you came to anything resembling a justification was concerns about you being excluded due to an addon.

You are a bad.

makes a good argument

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People that aren’t worried don’t make posts like this.

Said no one ever.

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You are just too dumb to understand metaphor then. Must suck to need everything spelled out to a T, not like you’d have the capacity to absorb it even so.

most of my arguments turn into memories and wet spots

Here you go


The great thinkers of the Add-on dick riders everyone!

Personally, I don’t care either way. I’m going to be playing with a lot of old friends and new friends. I just know how annoying it can be forming groups when nobody is available.

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Which hardly anyone knew about or used.

It’s amazing. NOBODY in the wow forums has talked about “Call to Arms” for years until it suddenly became a talking point for justifying the ClassicLFG mod.

Suddenly everyone is an expert on it.

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Once more

/Double facepalm

Well your addon is dead… We won.

Lol, well your insistence eventually made me laugh quite alot.

It’s not mine sunshine. You gonna stop clogging up my inbox and let me have the last word yet?

Yes, I hope at least one person was entertained by our flame war.

Lies it’s mine

An automated LFG tool doesn’t do you a lot of good if it only works for people in the same guild as you. Now if it “bridged” by also allowing people grouped with a guildie to share information with their own guilds, that’s another matter. But I hope no addon dev tries that, as that’s going to break a LOT of addons if Blizzard decides to step on that as well.