Spamming Trade: LF1M =/= Community

I was talking about add ons communicating directly with other add ons. You’re right though. If they stop the direct interaction with chat, it’s going to break a lot more add ons causing far more trouble than this add on ever did.

… because it unravels what was Classic.

That’s been restated multiple times.

It undermines the social interaction and the pace of the game.

Like that’s your answer. Whether you understand or not is another question but that is THE answer.

It really doesn’t, you still have to yell at everyone to get to the dungeon, you still have to yell at someone about why they aren’t at the dungeon yet, you have to yell at the warlock to summon them, you have to yell at people when they dont CC something correctly or keep hitting the sheep, you have to yell at someone for going AFK for too long, you have to yell at someone to decide who gets the chest in the dungeon, you have to yell at people to get them to pay attention before doing the final boss. This took away none of that “social interaction.”

It really does.

…and the original devs have decided the same.

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Because all the Paid Streamer rooster suckers are all Activision gives a turd about, this is just another example of streamer privilege at its finest.

Theyre likely scared the people with said Addon will be 60 before them lol.

I hope the creater of this addon updates it in a way that Blizzard has to break even elvui and every other addon in the process.

It really doesn’t, and they are wrong.

They made the game.

They get to decide.


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Some of them made the game, they mostly restored it.

Retail babies BTFO go back to your gambling simulator


I’m bailing on these forums…there’s just too many people who are unwilling to accept what the overall vision for Classic is. Both from the developers, and those who’ve wanted to play Vanilla again for a very long time.

So, uh…

Bye forums.

Dont let the door hit you on the way out.

I’ve played since the original beta, seen worse addons than this including ones that would teleport you from spot to spot in the world that never got disabled until months or even years later.
Your crying about a small insignificant addon, back when the API allowed for far worse things during that time.

Only thing here is that some paid streamers are crying and because all together they got a bunch of slaves that almost number up to a million, that likely most of which wont even be playing are getting heard.


You’re just throwing a sad that there are going to be tons of retail players playing classic.

So because you’ve seen worse, and because you dislike the sway streamers have with the community…we should accept a version of Vanilla that we didn’t have for a majority of the game?

Your logical leaps are on the same level as your generic quips.

I’m leaving through an underground secret passageway, not the door. :slight_smile:


It’s not like I enjoy spamming a channel for a group. I’m just against addons in general. They give an unfair advantage to people who use them vs people that don’t. I believe if people think addons are necessary to play the game, then Blizzard should look to changing their UI or adding the addon mechanic people want into the base UI.

Oh yeah, the peggle addon was so game breaking. 9_9

Where are you getting your information from, we had tons of addons during classic, just because they were in half created states or they werent as popular then dosent mean they werent there.

You want a pure never happened state of the game, Vallidorn has the best suggestion here.
edit: not his suggestion, but ill expand on his idea.
Remove the addons feature all together, have every database shutdown regarding wow, including wowhead and anyone talking about quests and any mechanics within a raid, any information talking about talents should get a cease and desist letter as well which includes clan websites.

Then see what all these people think of the classic experience.

Um… Yes it does, actually.

I’ve played WoW in Beta, Launch, Post-Launch. Up to a bit after TBC before I took a break…

I’d much rather spam LFG in chat, try to form bonds and friendships that way, get a nice friendslist of dungeon doers and just all around good people to play the game with. I expect towards the end of hitting level 60 I won’t have need of spamming LFG because I will have a group of dedicated buddies I made during my earlier times of using LFG chat as a tool rather than having an automated addon find the people for me, run the dungeon no communication because we were randomly grouped up instead of manually formed.

No one cares until you actually put time into finding/creating a group.

Think about it, you’re there spamming LFG for SM, 2 players answer and join, so now you have a group of 3! While you are looking for 2 more to fill your ranks, the 3 of you have a conversation about roles, or what you are trying to get in the dungeon, etc… THIS IS ALREADY FORMING A BOND.

Seriously, I’ve been doing retail LFG for the past month, low level grinds AND moving on to level 120, NO communication, NO friends being added to my list… NO COMMUNITY.

Sorry, I don’t want that. A community is built when people put time in and try. If it’s automated for you NO ONE CARES

Back in vanilla, the community would frequently “report” loot stealing / ninjas in general chat. That made it harder for those people to get groups for a few days at least.

Since there is no cross realm, your reputation on the server matters. If you become a notorious ninja looter or overall toxic player - you would find that your experience became much worse and much more difficult. LFG that automatically invites people takes that “community” away. So… yeah, it’s about socializing, but also about accountability.

But that’s not true at all. If you don’t like spamming trade chats for tanks, you have two very simple options:

  1. roll a tank
  2. join a guild


Yep, that’s what it looks like they’d have to do. Which would kill off a ton of addons in the process… Thanks for linking the API though!

I don’t know, I vaguely remember using it for a bit during a PvP rank grind and remember it seeming to do the job just fine. Don’t remember if it autoinvited though or not. Not like clicking a name is that big of a deal though.

There were actually several addons like this and they tended to be used by PvPers. There were also addons that would help guilds fill their roster for a raid that predate the modern calendar system, though I’ve never used them.

Not butt-hurt, Blizzard claims #NoChanges, that means leaving the API unchanged an in the state that it was during 1.12, which would have eventually given way to addons of this sort.

I fail to see how “LF1M UBRS” “/w dudewithgroup INVITE!” and then saying a handful of words like “omw” “running there” “ccing left mob” and so on, equate to “reaching out” and “community.” They don’t. You people are blind to the reality of how vanilla actually was… Outside of guilds and friends you’ve made, people aren’t as chatty as you think you remember.

How dense are you though when you don’t comprehend how an API works and that all sorts of addons will need to access the exact same information that would be polled by the LFG addon…? You’ll see pretty quickly that the addon will still be around. At the minimum, it will still be able to parse and show a list of people. There is no way they’d kill off the API needed for all of that. I’m almost positive the only things they will break are autoinviting and maybe “click to invite.”

That’s just it, they can’t break one without the other because they rely on the same commands.

During vanilla? That’s like an average of 5 or more hours per day if you divide it out over two’ish years. There were times when I was playing for 12 hours a day and times when I took couple week breaks. That’s just the /played time for this account, I don’t know what it was for my second account, but I’d assume it was around 50 days as well.