Spamming Trade: LF1M =/= Community

Except the only reason why they had to do that is because they had to protect their intellectual property due to it being a “re-performance of our established works.” That is an actual quote from the letter they sent them to shut them down.

Adding an LFG addon doesn’t fall into that category, so no, they won’t C&D anyone over it.

If you read it, you would realize that in order to fully kill the LFG addon, they’d have to remove parts of the API that those other addons use…

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I agree, which is why I think people believing the LFG addon would be used by even a noticeable amount of people were completely crazy. I’m sure many people who don’t troll these forums aren’t keen to go hunting down addons unless they have friends that recommend them, and hell, plenty of players here both against AND for this addon weren’t going to use it.

It’s an addon, it doesn’t come with the game, it only affects those who actively seek it out to install it to their game.

The concern is that the addon would end up creating an environment much like what GearScore did. Whether you wanted to use the addon or not, enough of the community was that is basically becomes required to do anything in groups.

It doesn’t need to fall into the same category. They can send a C&D if you keep finding loop holes on something they are trying to prevent, but cannot without disabling many other add-on development. It’s a last-resort, but it is an option they can take if the author(s) decide to continue after Blizzard put their foot down on the issue.

not really, there are layers to the communications API they can remove without impacting DBM or DamageMeters.

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They can do it pretty easily, know why? They made the damn game and code… Sounds like you’re just mad they took your precious add on. Poor guy…

Want to find groups quickly? Join a guild, thats what we did.

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I’m pretty sure this has been the main problem with it.

I think a lot of Retail players have gotten so used to using an auto-tool that performs this function for them (forming a group), they just can’t imagine having to play without something like that. Which is sort of understandable, but that’s why they need to stick with Retail. Classic is not going to be fun for them; and I would wager many of them will not even play Classic for more than a month.


This is nonsense, though. It maintained interaction through the same way everyone else does when looking for a group, to ensure that you could find people looking for a group who didnt have the addon. All this did was enable group finding outside of major cities which was already possible just admittedly far less feasible.

Without it, players who wanted a smoother experience in finding a group have been pushed to discord, and your argument is ‘well they’re lazy so they’ll just have to deal’. Even though this addon would have never affected you by not getting it.

Its a poor showing. I can understand this addon being badly timed with layering abuse though, at least. Hopefully someone will make just a simple chat parser for the LFG channel and that’ll be what they can do.

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Finally someone with a brain

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I had zero intention of using the addon, it doesn’t really do anything for me. I really doubt players have some kind of fixation on an auto-tool for group finding, thats definitely reaching.

Simply, its because there is nothing damaging about this addon (and the fact that there is no reason why it couldn’t exist in vanilla, especially since other addons did this in vanilla) that people fought for its existence.

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FYI, in the stress tests, there was a public /LookingForGroup channel.


To those wondering why we’re so happy for this, let me break it down.

Humans are going to take the path of least resistance. That is human nature. If you want people to behave in certain ways within a game, you design the game’s systems to encourage, or even force, them to behave in those ways.

Classic WoW lacking a consolidated LFG tool forces players to seek out groups themselves. You may think typing a single line in a chat channel is as little effort as pressing a button, but the difference is you’re still engaging socially. You’re interfacing with people directly, not with a tool that gives you the statistics you need to form the party. You have to dynamically decide people are not fit to group with. This may cause some inconvenience, but that is how it works in the real world, as well.

That is why we’re so adamant about getting rid of this addon and anything like it.

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Then they would just make the addon use the same layers as DBM and damage meters… They just use hidden chat channels to communicate…

Oh really? You obviously don’t know anything about coding and how APIs work… Luckily, I do. Here’s what’s needed to make a basic LFG addon:


*This can be killed off, but would disrupt some “whitelisted” addons that use similar functionality. The alternative, if killed off, would be to just manually send the invites out with a click.

Alternative to autoinvite: Click to send invite

*Breaking this would require a straight ban on /invite XXXX from macros even, to where it could only be executed if manually typed in chat, which could be done I suppose.


*To break these, then you’d be breaking dozens upon dozens of other popular addons.

Basic attached keyword information for which zone

*Simple text, what will they do, ban certain words like DM or UBRS?

A method of parsing chat text

*Would kill off dozens and dozens of other addons. Could kill off a lot of weak auras that rely on text in chat as triggers, and or DBM if it has any scripting that looks for boss text.

A method of communicating using public or hidden channels

*Breaking it’s access to public channels, would obviously break dozens of other addons. Breaking it’s access to hidden channels would kill off portions of DBM and damage meters that need to communicate for synchronization purposes.

So tell me exactly how they are going to completely break this again addon again? Like I said earlier, with the example of one button dps macros, where they tried multiple times to break the API for them, yet it’s 2019 and they are still going strong… Why can’t they break them? Because to do so would mean modifying the API to the point that it would break a bunch of other things.


“We all” did nothing. Just because people don’t agree doesn’t mean we automatically need to separate into pro and con groups who snipe at each other.

I am sorry if this functionality makes your gameplay less enjoyable. I’d like you, and every other player, to have a good time starting Monday.

Openraid was popular and used widely, forming groups on it was very easy.

Lmao “try to break”

If they want your stuff broken, all they have to do is edit a single line.

You don’t understand how addons and APIs work, do you… They don’t have a magic button to just disable an addon. They disable access to API functions, which control what information an addon can access. To disable this addon, they will have to remove functionality from the API, which will have an effect on other addons.


More like you don’t understand what you’re talking about lol

Ever break an API?

I have.

You can do it by altering singular lines within specific areas of the API mostly within its protocols

Breaking something and fully prohibiting something are two different things there genius when it comes to the topic.

They literally teach you how to break API with line breaks in entry level courses.

Again, you still don’t know what you’re talking about. You would have to break portions of the API that other addons will use… You aren’t just going to be able to selectively break portions of it without breaking the same bits that other “good” addons are going to need to access.