It is obvious. People have said so in other threads. Do you need it spelled out for you in small words?
Very well said.
I give it a week after release, tops, before someone makes an alternative and the rose-tinted glasses fall off people so they get the fun of waiting an hour or more to get a lowbie dungeon so they can try and get their first plate shoulder.
Speaking from experience, there, incidentally.
Its impossible to break entirely
A lot of people only played one main back then and when they were already geared, they didn’t feel like wasting time running lower level content, for people’s alts, due to usually having to farm for raids. Yes, I had plenty of friends that I ran stuff with. However, sometimes there would only be two or three of us and we’d need more people to fill the group.
Also, high end guilds back then didn’t usually invite alts either, so you didn’t get /guild chat.
Lol… Yeah, like we haven’t heard that one before… Another good example: Look how many times they’ve tried to break one button dps macros. I think they’ve been at trying to since BC?
Correct, like I said in the first post in the edited section. Too many things rely on chat parsing and channel communication to actually break the LFG addon.
Yes please. Use your small brain to write the small letters, little man.
When bitcoin was first put on the market, did anyone care or know about it? No.
When CTA was created, did anyone care or know about it? No.
If Facebook creates a new version of Instagram, will anyone care or know about it? Abso-f*cking-lutely.
If ClassicLFG is allowed, will anyone care or know about it? Abso-fcking-lutely, and it will destroy the social aspect of the game and turn it into the mindless autoqueue bullsht of retail.
It’s a wonder that so many people who intrinsically hate Classic so much come here with so much to day about it. Fascinating.
It’s a wonder that so many people who intrinsically hate Classic so much come here with so much to day about it.
There are parts I love, and parts I hate
I’m hanging around till I get my tier 0.5 and then calling it
Cry some more.
When bitcoin was first put on the market, did anyone care or know about it? No.
When CTA was created, did anyone care or know about it? No.
If Facebook creates a new version of Instagram, will anyone care or know about it? Abso-f*cking-lutely.
If ClassicLFG is allowed, will anyone care or know about it? Abso-fcking-lutely, and it will destroy the social aspect of the game and turn it into the mindless autoqueue bullsht of retail.
Really? Because 99.99999999% of my “social aspect” is within my guild or within my pugs. Typing “I’ll go” isn’t exactly engaging conversation, and doesn’t magically stop people from not feeling like talking while they’re in a dungeon.
Did you play during vanilla? Because it sure as hell sounds like you didn’t and that you have 0 clue what you’re talking about.
If you’re looking for more in Trade for any reason other than to meet total rando’s and have some laughs, then you’re playing the game wrong.
Did you play during vanilla?
I played on a server with little to no Oceanic players, because they didn’t have Oceanic time-zones.
My particular Vanilla experience may not be everyone’s because most of my experience consisted of being on a dead server whenever I was on
Typing “I’ll go” isn’t exactly engaging conversation, and doesn’t magically stop people from not feeling like talking while they’re in a dungeon.
Exactly… There is this weird delusion that people are going to chat it up like a bunch of drunks in a bar getting girly drink wasted, while in dungeons.
No… It’s not how it was back then. 95% of pug conversation was “CC left, I’ve got right.” The only real talking that usually happened was on the run there. Every once in a while, you’d get a chatty group and that was always nice, but the same can still be said in retail…
I think a lot of these people spent so much time on pservers, which was always a specific niche social group, that they’ve completely forgotten the realities of what the game was like back then.
I’m seriously still wondering where this game that everyone helped each other all the time is. And where all those tanks and healers who weren’t annoyed by constantly being /w by random bads that they’ve never talked to before to do a dungeon are. Oh, and those server blacklists…
And the real irony is how much more was automated by the community back then than what has been at any point since.
They could always send a Cease & Desist to the author(s) like they did to Belluar for an add-on he was having his team create for retail to make the game look like a console game and re-do the quest interface as well as add voice acting for all quests. All of that is possible, but Blizzard did not want that, so they crushed it. If they ignore the Cease & Desist, they can sue. It’s not something you want to ignore from a large company with teams of lawyers on their payroll. I assume if the author(s) keep developing and finding loopholes, Blizzard will just send out that C&D letter.
“DBM and damage meters” are not the same as an addon that allows you to search and invite players without talking to them.
Shoo, troll.
I never, EVER got “chatty” groups in retail. Like, ever. Nobody ever said anything other than “hey do you need that loot”, because loot trading and all
You actively seek friends, guild, and acquaintances to avoid having to resort to spaming LFM in trade. You are encouraged to socialize and interact with other humans and make friends and connections so you can get groups more easily.
Addons/LFG simply make it so you DON’T have to make friends or seek out guilds/friendships because a program does it for you. This creates anti-social behavior and makes it harder to make friends because less people are seeking them as they are not needed.
Very well said.
Banning the addon makes people use websites, not spam trade chat. you will never, ever stop peoplefrom using partially or fully automated group finders.
Enjoy “classic” (onlynotreallynotever).
i don’t think that option is going to work as well for them as they think it might. Never underestimate the power of lazy. If you have to go out of game to do it, most won’t.