This sounds like the most likely assessment.
Vanilla only? I withdraw my assertion. That is quite a lot within the expanse of 1 or 2 years. Pity there is no way to prove it. However, it is entirely possible to disable one addon and not another. Furthermore, the cultural impact of disabling an addon will dissuade future attempts at preparing any similar addons.
that channel already exists, its called LookingForGroup or /4
To me, after watching some videos and reading through how many damn posts about the functionality of the addon: I wouldn’t have downloaded it either way whether or not it stayed. I think the main problem of the addon was would it become a necessity to do things/progress? IE openraid, oqueue. What then after that would become the “norm” for getting through classic.
Go back to retail.
This typical response is futile. Classic isn’t ONLY for purists obsessed with vanilla. Last time I checked, it’s available for everyone to play…
Says the level 120.
That’s good.
I think I’ll follow asmongold, he makes good points.
This isn’t a question because the answer is immediately obvious. The way others play the game dramatically affects my gameplay.
No. 10 character limit.
But not everyone can do that.
Some people aren’t very good socially.
Some people work often and/or work off peak hours.
Some people have a busy social or real life that makes it hard to be on often.
I DID play during vanilla. And I played with my husband and brother in law and other family and friends, and made amazing friendships in game.
I also almost never made any friends from running stuff with people I didn’t know. I made friends in guilds.
And I continued to make friends when LFG was a thing.
So your argument doesn’t make any sense. And worse it is telling people to be social and go make friends so they have people to run with and don’t have to run with strangers. Well what about those who don’t get to? What if I can’t find a good guild I like that plays when I can? What if it is kindof cliquey, and people have their mostly set people they run with? I had a great group of people in vanilla and I still had to look for more sometimes in towns.
Literally when looking to fill a group I had to just sit in town and spam LFG or LFtank or whatever. And some random person would whisper me and say I’m a tank and I would invite them. That is how social finding a group was… How is that MORE social then an addon?
Wouldn’t the social part be running the actual group?
But that is it right there, you people want to be the people sitting in town spamming trade chat with stupid crap and sitting on your butt in town just “being social” instead of actually playing the game,
All it does is hurt people, who ENJOY playing the game. I want to be out in the world PLAYING or PLAYING by doing a dungeon, not sitting on my butt waiting for an hour to get a group together, half of which will suck and I will wipe for an hour before going back to town and starting over
Spamming in trade chat to form groups is the best kind of social activity this game has though. Who are you kidding?
Elite players are so toxic always telling everyone it is not for them and the game is better without them
Did somebody say " Lame-tonnerre, épée bénie du Cherchevent" ?
Ok ok, no need. I know where the door is
IIRC, as part of the prorected/secure template API, there is the ability for them to require a “player action” before certain actions are taken. So as I think about it, it may not be as bad as initially believed. But that means the addons which use custom/global channels are going to have popups along the lines of “Click this to send message for _____”
The API specifically was one they were very upfront about being #changed as circumstances warranted. We knew we were getting Retail’s secure template framework(introduced in the TBC pre-patch) to prevent a lot of automation that was even possible in 1.12
It does in Classic. Maybe you haven’t considered that it’s a whole other game?
Ya know, I was against this mod because it pretty much excludes people who aren’t using it, but you make some very good points.
It’s funny because some of the posters in this thread have complained about time metric and how longs thing take in retail but are defending how longs things take now to push their bias agenda. Funny, that is all.
I believe you are referring to time gates, you need to get to exalted , but we are only giving you 4 quests a day… see you in 2 months. That’s a big difference than it took me 2 hours to get enough mats for my wonder hand 2 handed mace.
Time Gates are stupid, Taking a long time to farm mats is part of an experience.
Why would you want Classic, which so many people have wanted for a long time. To have common features of retail. Not to mention even devs have said the regretted adding lfr and lfg iirc. I think most people believe it’s a slippery slope when you start having retail features as a part of classic.