So...Venthyr Vampire AR

(Commentary): I want to see Kael’thas redeemed. Him joining the Alliance is not going to accomplish that. The people he needs to atone to the most, are the Blood Elves. Becoming their enemy is the LAST thing that he should be doing.

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I just dont want alliance to get stuck with venthyr females. they look like men in wigs

True. They’re that ugly. Too bad they didn’t go with the concept art for them.

every female in the game, even bald ones, look more like females than the female venthyr, and that’s saying alot. its possible the males and females are transgendered, as the males have female bums and really nice super long hair. and the females have flat bums and shorter hair. or the artist was just trying to change things up. somebody mentioned the males use a modified zanda troll skeleton. i can see it. can you?

but it’d be an interesting twist. on the order of that wtf moment when belfs were put on the horde.

(Commentary): I disagree. I think it’s be an interesting twist like the existence of the Void Elves; something with a fair bit of potential that will never be capitalized on or explored or even cared about.

you think kael’thas on alliance wouldnt be cared about? HAHA. sorry. hehe

(Commentary): I do. Lor’themar is generally considered by most Blood Elf players to be their true leader, and Kael’thas dismissed as a traitor. Him going Alliance would just cement that indifference. Over on the Alliance side of things, what does he even really have? After falling to Legion corruption I cannot imagine the Night Elves will particularly like him. Void Elves are just purple Blood Elves so I don’t imagine they feel any better about Kael’thas than the actual Blood Elves do. I just don’t see any real threads to connect him to the Alliance.

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click it to enlarge and look at his face. he’s so pretty. hehe anyway, didnt he have a thing for jaina?

(Commentary): That outfit makes him look like Undead Elven Medhiv.

(Commentary): Pretty sure it was a one-way thing. Besides, Jaina’s in a relationship with a blue dragon. I also have a hard time imagining Kael’thas to have that much of a libido. The Venthyr seem properly undead to me. Then again, maybe the Devs really enjoyed Castlevania and want Jaina to be the Lisa to Kael’thas’ Dracula.

dunno. never played castlevania. just trying to figure out why some people think alliance is getting venthyr. just about the only thing that’d make it a plus is if kael’thas was the racial leader.

(Commentary): I was referencing the Netflix show.

(Commentary): Four new entries were found in the Allied Race directory via datamining. Their names are: Skeletons, Vykrul, Forest Trolls, and Tuskarr. However, the Model IDs for male and females link to Kyrians, Night Fae, Venthyr, and Necrolords. Furthermore, their crests match existing Allied Race Crests. The Kyrians and Venthyr match Alliance Allied Race crests, while the Night Fae and Necrolords match Horde Allied Race crests. Kyrians and Necrolords make sense, but the Night Fae and Venthyr certainly do not.

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Its never going to happen. The desperation of that group is annoying.

Maybe it will be explained in the expansion. Idk.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yeah, I see it. I think they both use a modified Zandalari skeleton. They look like the spawn of playable nightborne males and zandalari trolls.
Yeah, none of the “ugly” playable female races look as bad as the venthyr do. Yuck.

I’m not going to mention what makes more sense as a race because apparently exercising my opinion is irritating to some.

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Yeah unfortunately some people are desperate enough to try and paint a false picture of those that want San’layn, but what are you going to do? People can take a look in the San’layn thread if they want the truth rather than taking a random on the forum’s word for it. Looks like this thread is for a Venthyr Allied Race anyway.

I’d way rather have San’layn as well, and don’t really like the Venthyr at all, but I wish those that want Venthyr and are kind about it the best of luck. We’ll see what happens in the end.

I have nothing further to contribute to this thread, nor do I want to start a back and forth argument on the matter. Therefore, as I said, good luck building up your arguments and key lore points for Venthyr (not at Balesong, but at others). Note: I’m also not responding to anything further here, as it’s not my desire to argue in this thread.

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I still love to make the vampires join the alliance.

You know it’d be cool to get “wings” as a mount

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Yea I believe Kyrian and vampires will join the alliance.

Night elves are the summer court. Fawns are the winter court.

Why do they need to be Alliance?