So...Venthyr Vampire AR

Pot kettle black on the desperate part.

If Courts existed in Warcraft, Night Elves would make zero sense in Summer.

And that aside, Ardenweald is already stated to be the place where the Ancients go to recover, and the Ancients are firmly allied to the Night Elves. The Fauns are basically bipedal dryads. If they went Horde it would just be chopping up night elf story and identity and handing it to the Horde. Again.


This is why I believe we need to have a dark allied race in the alliance. It can change things up. Plus the vampires in the alliance could make things a bit more interesting.

Which is the main reason why they would go Horde. Is what blizz wants.

Is there a chance I can play a venthyr on the alliance side.

Bump! Gotta support the supreme race. :bat:

In the alpha, there’s a Kyrian who mentions wanting to visit Azeroth.

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Reminds me when Yrel did the same like 4 times. /sigh
Not saying is not a clue, just remembering how blizz set that up and then just threw all away for no reason.

The only theory I have is one necrolords do invade Kyrian and venthyr and two the emblem on then are alliance allied race. Kyrian are void elf emblem while venthyr are dark iron.