So...Venthyr Vampire AR

Vampires for the alliance!

I think if they add 4 new AR based on the expansion, you should be able to choose the faction. Like pandaren

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Alliance are getting mechaelves.

To make up for horde getting high elf customizations.

The entire body, minus the head, is mechanized meaning you cannot transmog anything except for your helmet and weapon.

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Weren’t the skeletons that you would see in somewhere like northrend also in those files? Normally, those are just set aside in order to make them compatible with gear so the clothing don’t end up as fixed models, giving the team an easier time using say, one armor set for all of the venthyr models instead of modeling each venthyr to have a unique armor set.

You can’t have werewolves and vampires on the same faction!

That’s illegal!1!

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Male and female Night Fae fauns use the female Draenei model.

I think that’s really appealing to me because I really like the female model and I only play male characters. Night Fae are blue. Tyrande has a lot to do in Ardenweald. The connection of the Drust with the Kul Tirans. It’s pretty clear that Night Fae Fauns will be Alliance.

For the Horde the Venthyr are close to Kael Thas. We will help save him along with the Venthyr. The Horde have the San’layn Vampire Elves. The Horde are accepting of the background more of the Venthyr as well as those are the “rejected” and forgotten souls who need some punishment for their actions. Saurfang’s speech he gave in Borean Tundra rings true to the Venthyr. How the older Orcs on the Horde regret their past transgressions working under the Legion influence and how they have to live with it.

The Necrolords just appeal to how the Alliance have societies of non-combatans while the Horde have a smaller population but their people are all mostly warriors. Necrolords being the “military” of the Shadowlands and the connection of the Forsaken to Maldraxxus is pretty obviously Horde.

The Kirian fit well with the Alliance in a similar way the Forsaken connect with the Necrolords. The Alliance populous are more connected with the light and agree with the Kirian form of morality more so than the Horde does. The Horde are tribal, warlocks have no need to hide in the shadows there and their virtues aren’t the same as the Alliance. Uther represents what Stormwind is in it’s essence while the Horde has so many various views on morality in it’s faction. It just makes sense that Kirians would view Stormwind as a place more agreeable than the more open Orgrimmar.


Venthyr and Kyrian for the Alliance? I’ll take it. Both races share visually similar themes.

And does that mean we get Kael’thas?


The winter Queen, the night fae leader, is Bwomsamdi’s mysterious boss, which means Night fae are directly related to Bwomsamdi and therefore the Zandalari (Datamining also found them related to zandalari as a race). As for Tyrande. You really think things will go well for her?

Kael’thas is the villain, we’ll kill him and get back their zone for them.

No, he kill.

In the scenario we save him from the text in the datamine.

Bwomsamdi is connected to the Zandalari yes but Tyrande is also connected to Ardenweald and will be introduced to the Winter Queen. I guess this is neturalized but we still can’t deny that HALF of the entire realm of Ardenweald is connected to the Drust/Kul Tirans while the other half is connected to the most druidic people on Azeroth, the Night Elves.

Sorry Hordies… Fauns for Ally. :wink:


Scenario? wasn’t he the raid boss?

Drust are enemies of Kul’tirans though, not friends.

And if you wear helmets you become bald.

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Is there anything to suggest Alliance will be getting Kyrians? That’s all I care about.

I believe we slap him to his senses after Denathrius tries something funny.

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The datamine text shows that we might have to fight like a mind controlled or dark version of himself. Something like that but we don’t kill him.

Think of Wrathion fight. He’s on our side and we don’t kill him.

Not true. “Most” Drust are enemies but the other Drustvar actually taught Kul Tirans how to be Druids. The connection of Drustvar to Ardenweald is there. This is why Kul Tiran druid forms are Wicker like. They learned from the Drust about Druidism.


Uther is part of the Kyrian experience. So Swole bois for the Alliance (if the covenants do become faction stuff).


Oh Fair enough, still We’d have to see what happens with that. Belves hated him and Alliance has Velves now so it’s not as clear.

Yeah yeah I know the lore but Ulf mentions he’s the last one of the Drust who lived with the Kul’tirans and the ones who are in the realm of death are the evil ones who attacked the Waycrest.

Personally I’d prefer fauns, specially since it’s pretty much the nelf/draenei aesthetic that would just go to the Horde but I won’t really get any hopes up.

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I know just look at the chains and exposed chest on his corrupted model.

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Tyrande is part of the Night Fae experience. So Faun bois for the Alliance (if the covenants do become faction stuff.)

I agree with both the above statements. ^^^^

I mean Drustvar themselves don’t have more connection with the death side of Ardenweald than Kul Tiran Druids do.

Drustvar isn’t in Ardenweald. Ardenweald just includes both life and death inside it’s realm and I guess we’ll see more of it but the Kul Tirans themselves, bypassing the Vrykul Drust, have connections without them either way. The Vrykul don’t have more of a connection than Kul Tirans do, even though they were more powerful and taught them. How else were they defeated?

I mean they put races on both factions for a reason of sticking true to the factions.

If you take away Elves from both factions, the Alliance all of a sudden looks very “Stormwind and civilized” while the Horde looks very “Primitive and tribal”. Belfs are a tiny population anyways and don’t dominate Horde culture at all.

People keep hoping Blizzard chooses to stop keeping the Horde and Alliance with their themes but it doesn’t seem like they’re giving up on it.

The Horde is a tribal and clannish primitive faction, regardless of the Belves and Nightborne, or even goblins. The Alliance is still a socially ordered “for the greater good” faction, regardless of the Dark Iron and Worgen, or even Night Elves.

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Too tell the truth I still want to believe that the vampires will join the alliance or be a neutral race. But everyone thinks that an Druids should join the alliance. I say let’s have the alliance final have a undead/vampire and horde deer people.

I vote none of them become ARs. IMO adding so many is starting to have some serious diminishing returns

Why would Horde get fae? Tyrande and Night Elves are suppose to be a huge part of that storyline.

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I would count on her remember her and nightborne.