One of the slot is reserved for Ogres.
Though, here’s a little food for thought. We could actually be building up the potential for Vrykul, and San’layn in this expansion.
See, if and when we do get the Covenant races, there’s something that needs to be noted about them.
See, there’s only 3 skeletons for 3 of the races. The males and females share the exact same skeleton for the Night Fae, Kyrian, and Venthyr. It makes it easier to develop, and also makes sense.
Thing is, Kyrian use a Vrykul Female skeleton. And Venthyr use a brand-new skeleton. If they finish these models and polish their animations, we could possibly have the work done for two races next expansion.
Not to be a debbie downer but didn’t blizzard say they have no plans for any allied races next expansion or did that change?
That would be awesome i kind of wanted to play one of those.
Agreed. This is what I hope doesn’t end up happening.
God wills it!!
No. They never said that.
They actually said that “Allied Races don’t make sense with the initial story of Shadowlands”
Pay attention to that word. INITIAL. Meaning they don’t plan to release any at Launch, but they plan on releasing some later.
If not, why would they say initial?
I was asking a ? no need to be rude but ty for that info anyways i wasn’t sure what they said i don’t really like looking at ion.
I was never being rude. I was just explaining something to you because you asked.
Alliance players reaaaaly need to stop getting fond of the fauns. They are most likely going horde lol.
That’s probably a reason why venthyr models have so little care done to them if they re going alliance.
It’s fairly accurate. Horde has gotten basically everything they have asked for and more while alliance has gotten hot topic elves diaper gnomes fat humans light covered spacegoats. Blizzard literally let the horde cross dimensional timelines to get brown orcs and then gave them every other clan as well.
Venthyr are not vampires. Anima is not blood.
That’s the thing, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be an Allied Race. Because the system as it is now, they have implemented more varied NPC’s with different poses… animations… customizations for that very reason as to populate the zone.
BUT assuming Horde get that. Alliance will get Swolkins lol
No need to be always so jaded about ‘‘stupid, insulting garbage…’’ that alliance might get. Shadowlands have a lot of great looking ‘‘possible’’ AR’s that fit Horde and Alliance.
to be fair, i dont like any of them myself, cept for the fauns…if they dont make them as tall as draenei, that is.
That’s a given, it’s subjective taste and I am only speaking for myself in that compared to Azeroth’s AR’s… Shadowlands has more detailed, varied, and interesting AR’s.
I’d much rather have San’layn which are actual blood drinking vampires with an established history in WoW. Said history is connected to Kael’thas who has a role of fair importance in Shadowlands. San’layn would also make sense in a death themed expansion pack and the story of Shadowlands.
It’s my opinion that we’re not actually getting covenant races, but races connected with them thematically who share characteristics.
It’s going to be hilarious when horde get the two cool races again and ally get the lame blue angels and fairies lol.
They never said any of that stop spreading false info
90% sure that Fauns and Kyrians end up being the most played. Skeletons might be “cool” but a gimmick race that would be just semi interesting at the end of the day, like Tauren. Venthyr meanwhile are stupidly ugly. Same as worgen being werewolves didn’t save them, Venthyr will have the same problem.
Fauns have an interesting model, and Kyrians specially are yet another “sexy” race.
That being said, looks like it’s Horde Skeletons and Fauns and Alliance gets Kyrians and Vampires.
Hopefully it works this way. As Alliance I want the literal 2 blue races because the Horde claim anything with a spike, an evil face, a cool weapon, and super anime like. The Alliance only get ugly off-humans and short ugly humans… Even though we have Void Elves, Worgen, Draenei, and night elves… “NO! You guy FLESHY human variants only!”
The Angels are blue humans… Alliance ok? The Night Fae fauns are literally what you’d get by mixing Draenei, Night Elves, and Worgen together… Alliance.
The Horde have Dark Rangers, Forsaken, and the San’layn Vampire Elves… Necrolords and Venthyr anyone?