So...Venthyr Vampire AR

Venthyr belong with the Forsaken. So do the Necrolords.

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There will be no Shadowlands allied races. Blizzard has said as much. Why would these races that “live” in the realm of the dead give even one iota of crap about the mortal realm?

“Let’s go fight for the Horde in this realm that has literally nothing to do with me!”

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Just because it looks scary does not make it belong to the forsaken and if that is the case then it would be the necrolords not vampires.

Blue humans or something generic and unattractive compared to the top 2 allied race, in terms of attractiveness…

I hope we don’t get them. They’re ugly AF.

Just gimme them San’Layn.

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They look exactly like Nightborne race with ugly version.

Ppl, have been requested this race for a long time now. Butt…bb…lizard are too… Stubborn


I don’t post in the thread too much but i’m definitely one of Fallynn’s silent supporters. lol


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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Then i’d better get drinking lol


The male’s idle pose is quite awkward. Not that I think the actual covenants will be playable, mainly because how are Necrolords going to wear armor on top of their armor and they wouldn’t give playable Kyrians permanent wings for various reasons (not the least of which is I can’t see the fire on the ground because stupid angel people are in the way) leading to LOLBLUEHUMANS.

Venthyr AR will just be a new coven of San’layn. Kyrian AR will be Val’kyr built off the female Orc rig. Night Fae AR will be two-legged Dryads/Keepers. Maybe Satyrs if they’re Horde as rumored, an unholy fusion of Night Elf torsos with Draenei legs. And IDK what Necros AR will be, maybe those madlads really will give us skeletons and they’ll have to cover them up with zombie textures in the Chinese client.

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Would take vampire dudes over trash gnomes or hairy draenei any day.


Would we get the really cool General Draven (I’m assuming) model or just the Nightborne Troll hybrid?

OP, you do realize those race ID’s have display ID’s that take you directly to Venthyr, Kyrian, Faun, and Necrolords, right?

So your Venthyr are pretty likely. As for faction? They’ll, in all likelihood, be Neutral.

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Blizzard has already said that they dont like neutral races.


False. That was said by Ghostcrawler.

He no longer works at Blizzard, and he hasn’t for over 7 years. He has no sway over anything.


Seeing as Horde and Alliance will get to pick ANY Covenent to align with, I actually see all 4 of them being Neutral.

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Personally, I would much rather have traditional San’layn. :man_shrugging:


I love all the different races and being able to play them so I say add them too! More the merrier.


This ^^ 100%. Just to back your stance more, think about this.

You bind yourself to a Covenant, and then they turn around an join the other faction?

On top of this, if they went the faction-bound route, you are putting an entire group of Horde or Alliance on their opposing faction. That’s horrible and makes literally zero sense.

The only reason Legion races were tied to factions was because it didn’t make much sense to have a Neutral ally party in a faction war expansion. It only worked with Pandaren because they were different groups of Pandaren.


I actually think San’layn should be a class, though, only available to elf races. And we know how a lot of people feel about that.

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