So there are not any living elements in “New Lordaeron.” Good to know.
Thats also incredibly reductive of the Gathering. When the living relatives were asked if they wished to see their undead relatives, most flat out rejected the opportunity. Even of those who did show up not all were happy, not even briefly. Some were flat out rejected by their families out of sorrow, anger, disgust, or other emotions. There were the few who were genuinely accepted.
You keep arguing for this imagined community that is simply tone deaf to these individual communities. The Forsaken players, largely, do not want to see a tamped down, bland, and devoid expression of what they’re playing sprinkled around Lordaeron. They want to see what makes the Forsaken… Forsaken, what makes the characters interesting to them. They want their cooky southern gothic Frankenstein monsters doing cooky southern gothic Frankenstein shenanigans. Twisting someone’s head around three times and the right and twice to the left to tighten it back on jusssst right, ‘sun bathing’ with one of those three panel mirrors in a dreary overcast sky and thick fog, arguing if cyanide, arsenic, or asbestos tastes better in their stew, flaying a Scarlet or Alliance ‘reclaimer’ (HMP) up on a tree to make a Nightlord blush.
Poor Worgen fans only just got their city back 12 years later and even then they had to watch the Forsaken blight bomb their city again, get a silly top hat and monocle transmog, and lose their Worgen leader all in the same day. They want to feel like Worgen again. They want the fang and claw Bloodfang Pack, to stalk the night, to struggle with their curse. This was suppose to be one of the Alliance’s ‘beast’ races, their opportunity to play a werewolf and all that came with it. They’ve been denied their Victorian Gothic and almost Faustian horrors.
Thats not even to begin on the bland Wonder bread that are the remaining Lordearon and Stormwind humans. Taking Gilneas out of the equation, all thats left for significant human culture and depth is Kul’tiras, and I suppose Arathi in the future (but even they don’t have a set identity). Are we going to throw Disney world in with our two horror factions?
We can exemplify the positive traits among each of these peoples without forcing this would be bland homogenized wafer for the sake of… what? Faux peace and respect? Making the Scarlets go away? Dive into the peoples individually and you can create respect and killing Scarlets out of that. Your peace at whatever cost doesn’t have to mean forced kindness. Peace may be exemplified with tension, peace may exist with animosity, peace may exist without cohesion.
There is no winning for everyone, but there is winning in the areas that matter most for the people who value it and thats investing in our chosen fantasies and the core identities of the races/nations we primarily play.
Ian said 4 new/updated zones. It was a little off handed, albeit, but that has been the major trend the past couple and going into this next expansion. We could probably go so far as to call that standard. So as of now, that is all were getting as far as major zone updates and remakes go.