Southshore was my favorite town in classic WoW, and now we know in canon, it’s been reclaimed by Raleigh the Devout. Now that Gilneas has been reclaimed, Southshore would make a good neighboring settlement. Been great to see Hillsbrad get the Arathi/Blasted Lands treatment.
where was this
Exploring Azeroth books.
Southshore being rebuilt was very strange.
Interesting. Cata questing said they couldn’t make Southshore inhabitable for a hundred or so years.
Oh my. 250? This thing doesn’t go past 250. How are you still standing? You should be a puddle of goo by now. Sylvanas will be most displeased with this information. There might be some things we can do to reduce the lethality levels of the area by a few decades, but that still leaves us out by about a hundred or so years.
Never underestimate the power of Contrived Plot.
They found a means to remove the Blight from the surface of Lordaeron City so…
Of course that means a living Plague monster created from the Blight needs to die but that is no loss.
The Blight becoming a living Plague Monster is testament to the Nathrezim’s corruption using the Plague on Lordamere Lake inflicted by Kathra’natir combined with Scourge taint on the land itself to create a Plague that is designed to reduce all to Slime combined with ingredients from Northrend to allow the Plague to dissolve things even far away from the central will in Lordamere Lake.
Kathra’natir is in Dalaran at the moment stuck in a crystal powering it’s defense system and no one at the moment is interested in asking him the secrets of the Plague in Lordamere Lake.
Then again since it came from Apocalypse which had previous masters who all forged and reforged again and again it perhaps we should be studying the Rune Blade itself giving it over the Primus, Margrave Sindane and Plague Deviser Marileth for their personal study to find the source of the Plague’s sentience and destructive potential.
Part of me wonders if the ‘Quel’thalas’ revamp in Midnight will include areas outside of it, like Lordaeron. If so, Southshore could become a questing hub again at some point.
During the Cataclysm, we didn’t understand the plague as well as we do now. Now we know the way to cleanse a plague area is by using necromantic magic to turn your plague into a giant sentient monster who absorbs all the plague to grow bigger and stronger. But the process could always be improved. It’d be way more productive if you could make the Plague Monster friendly instead of hostile. They could effectively protect against all future plague attacks! And slurp up any remaining plague that might happen to come along.
And his name will be “Goopey Louie.” And when he does something cool, he’ll point at himself with his thumbs and go “Lou-aaaaaay!” and the big twist - he’ll be possessed by the soul of Marshal Redpath, who is still insane, but has gotten a little better. He remembers his old name, he just thinks the new one is cooler, and he’s proud he can defend his home once again.
Are you listening, Blizzard? This is SHAKESPEAREAN and I’m giving it to you FOR FREE. I relinquish all rights to Goopey Louie aka Marshall Redpath, savior of Southshore. I give all intellectual property rights to you, out of pure love for Southshore.
I be surprised if the Blight Fields was destroyed since I think in the BFA Mission Tables you sent troops to destroy the Blight Fields while the Horde side pretty much destroyed Durnholde Keep, and claim the Alterac Mountains for the Horde Side too. I could see the Horde and the Forsaken Alteracis having a another town in the Mountains.
Southshore being rebuilt in game could lead to some great story telling and adventures for both the Alliance and the Horde. For the Alliance I could a renewed push to either resettle or reclaim territory that had been lost from Warcraft 3. For the Horde, I could see either an effort to stop that expansion or an attempt to secure better defended territories.
My ideal layout for a story would be that the Alliance occupies the coastline and begins to cleanse the blight from devastated areas. Meanwhile, the Horde seeks to secure their holdings by building an observatory in the ruins of Alterac both to keep watch for incoming threat and to secure their holdings. The conflict between these two efforts could lead to some fun play throughs for players and stories that could accompany them.
Southshore having been rebuilt could also be used to show cooperation between the Alliance and the Horde, with Southshore sharing methods for removing the plague with Tarren Mill to assist reclamation of the capital for having helped the Gilneans get their home back after the Forsaken acknowledged the Alliance had helped them reclaim Lordaeron at the end of Shadowlands.
I loved Hillsbrad the history of that region is pivotal for the Alliance. I hope when we see a revamp of Lordaeron that the Hillsbrad Worgen/Humans finally get restitution for the Horde did. I’d love to see now villages/towns dotting Lordaeron from Hillsbrad to Eastwald. As the Plaguelands should be pretty much cleared up by Midnight. Cant wait to visit the town of Hilslbrad and have Magistrate Maleb greeting us!
That’d be so awesome. I’m really sad they killed off most of the Worgenified residents of Southshore in the Silverpine campaign. How great would it be to return to Southshore and see everyone back together, but they’re all crazy werewolf people?
Checking the wiki, we have a lot of “unknown” status NPCs. There’s a lot of potential there. And it’s not too late to say a lot of the “dead” worgen were just playing possum…
That could also work. In fact, why not include both with individuals on both sides either seeking to restart conflicts and/or others attempting to work together and letting players choose which they wished to aid.
Most became Worgen and now are part of the Hillsbrad Worgen faction. They are/were led by Magistrate Maleb who we help escape in Shadowfang keep.
Southshore’s rebuilding has pretty major political ramifications imo.
I mean, for instance, it is clear that the Forsaken have totally recognised the Gilnean’s claim to Gilneas, even helping them resettle the area.
The Alliance is not extending the same courtesy to the Forsaken’s claim to Lordaeron. That’s a pretty massive “F*** You” to the Forsaken, and could be interpreted as a hostile invasion.
I don’t think the Horde leadership wants Southshore, and doesn’t seem to view it as an act of aggression. You have to keep in mind, nobody in the Horde actually wanted Southshore except Garrosh, who wanted an eastern port. Building a new one in Silverpine would’ve clearly been the better option, but of course Garrosh was a warmonger. It couldn’t just be made, it had to be taken. It also had the strategic benefit of driving the Alliance out of the region completely.
Even Slyvanas, who carried out the destruction of Southshore, didn’t seem too enthusiastic about it. It was a “runner up” after the failed invasion of Gilneas, and the area was so heavily plagued they couldn’t actually build anything there, and the Horde seemed far less interesting in actually trying to fix it than just focus on taking full control of Hillsbrad Foothills.
So under the Horde, Southshore was two things: for the warmongering camp, it was just an insult to their enemies. To the rest, it was a bad memory for one of the darkest times in the Horde’s existence. By the time Slyvanas was gone, I don’t think there was any enthusiasm for holding on to Southshore.
I imagine the Horde’s primary focus is on fortifying their holdings in Terran Mill and possibly the Sludge Fields. Building up defenses in the places where they’re strong instead of trying to artificially puff up the places they’re weak.
If anyone has a legitimate claim to Southshore, it would probably be the Kirin Tor. Which would probably make Southshore a neutral zone – which would be kinda neat.
To be fair, the war is over and the Alliance won. The Alliance forsook their claim to Lordaeron City and Tirisfal, but with the Forsaken reclaimed Gilneas and Southern Silverpine which belongs to the Gilneans.
Southshore/Hillsbrad belong to the living as it was during Classic. The living of Lordaeron retain the rights to these areas and Eastwald which is being rebuilt by the Argent Crusade. The Eastwald also known as the Plaguelands should be fully recovered by Midnight. We should see new cities and towns dotting the map where the living have begun to resettle.
The undead will retain Lordaeron and maybe down the road both the living and the undead will share the city like how Amirdrassil is shared by both and the Horde can visit. A new chapter for both factions. It would be nice to see the living and undead moving on and a new society forming.
Considering the litany of war crimes Slyvanas and her soldiers committed from the start of Cataclysm, the Alliance even allowing them to remain in the Eastern Kingdoms, let alone reclaim Undercity and Lordaeron, is a testament to the overwhelming mercy of Anudin. Varian would have probably nuked up the remaining ruins out of pure spite.
But Saurfang – Gruumsh rest his mighty soul – wouldn’t have wanted that. So these unhappy compromises are far superior to that outcome.