Southshore Rebuilt

Ivar and his pack are kill on sight. Calia can’t force us to be nice to that rabid monster.

Ivar Bloodfang may get villain batted and you may get your wish. The old wolf vowed unconditional revenge. I doubt he will sit idle and watch the Forsaken retake his homelands without a fight. Even though the lands belong to both the Worgen and the undead. I would be okay with Ivar becoming a world boss or a raid boss or dungeon. He’s an interesting character and the Bloodfangs deserve to show the ferocious side of the Worgen.

Genn and Tess agreed to the peace. That means Ivar has to go rogue to get his revenge. And we saw Calia looking the other way considering the Scarlet Crusade before.

How is Ivar a racist for hating and killing a bunch of undead? The same forsaken would just as happily murder him and every other living being if they could?

Fine just fine.

First of all, I got threads mixed up so my previous comments were, in fact, off-base and I will delete that post.

Though I have to say, when you ask “How is Ivar a racist for hating and killing a bunch of undead? The same forsaken would just as happily murder him and every other living being if they could?” He would be racist for assuming that every undead is murderous monster who needs to be killed first.

I don’t know if Ivar has the attitude. But if he did…

No worries, it happens to all of us at times. Ivar just really hates the undead in general. We also have to remember that the dude is semi feral too and isn’t always in his right mind when he reacts to situations.

But than again, we are talking about a group who did travel all the way to Kalimdor just to fight the forsaken, so I suppose people can take that as they want. :dracthyr_nod:

What I love about that is that they merged Hillsbrad and Alterac Mountain into one big zone… only to do NOTHING with Alterac Mountains (outside of the Plants vs Zombie reference). Horde even have a flight point there and it serves no purpose.

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I think a revamp of Lordaeron would split the zones proper like and give each of these zones the proper treatment they deserve. I can imagine Alterac being a haunting mountain landscape similar to the Azure Span. Hillsbrad is supposed to be a huge province and Southshore as well would be a large proper seaside town. If Dalaran lands, I would love to see a proper Dalaranian zone in the map.

That’s a lot to assume from nameless npcs walking next to each other, tbh.

The fact of the matter is we’ve received no meaningful lore on this, outside of relations between Vereesa and Alleria themselves, which are amiable. But they are also sisters.

I’d argue their exile was not based on a common principle at all, but rather a starkly opposite one. The “High Elves” were exiled, at Lor’themar’s command, for refusing to partake of fel energies. Why did they refuse to partake of said energies? Fel was long seen as dangerous and unpredictable. Additionally, they refused to siphon magic from living creatures, such as mana wyrms.

The case of the void elves is actually opposite to this. The Void Elves were delving into powers considered TOO dangerous and unpredictable for the Blood Elves to tolerate. Alleria’s little stroll that nearly corrupted the Sunwell didn’t help in that space, no doubt, but the fact remains that they were making use of powers that were considered a threat.

So on one hand you have High Elves, who take a very “conservative” approach to magic, in the sense that they are cautious of delving into new variants. On the other you have the Void Elves, who take a very “progressive” approach to magic, seeking to push its limits, to go beyond the stable, the well researched, and the normal.

The extent to which they want to protect their people is largely irrelevant. High, Blood, and Void Elves all share that drive - they all made choices in the interests of protecting their people, they simply went about it in radically different ways. I certainly wouldn’t see it, alone, as something that would unite the High and Void elves, ideological opposites that they are. Certainly that doesn’t happen IRL. In modern nations, political parties share a common drive to advance the best interests of their nation, but this is rarely a source of unity as they have radically different ideas of how to do so.


If you go into the mage tower you’ll see the high elf mage trainer teaching a group of students and one of them is a Void Elf. It’s anecdotal, but don’t you think its interesting that the High Elves of Stormwind aren’t segregated or hostile to their kin? They are literally walking side by side and they trust each other enough to develop teacher/student rapport.

Seems a big debate has started in this thread, so I guess I’ll also have to give my hot take:

Single-faction zones are actually pretty lame.

I like to play multiple alts, on both sides for variety. And limiting my options for leveling/questing can get a little tedious. Of course you want different options and quests for each faction, but cutting off entire areas is a little too much. I’d love to be able to level my Horde toons in Duskwood, or my Alliance toons in Hillsbrad.

The only “Single faction” areas in the game should be lowbie leveling zones like capital city areas and a single area that touches them. Stormwind/Westfall, Orgimmar/Aszhara, Eversong/Ghostlands etc. Even then, QoL improvements like phasing and war mode make this complaint a moot point. The only benefit I could see is a narrative one where it feels like a faction has more control of its borders, but even that could be easily solved by making the other faction’s presence in the area much smaller.


I think the biggest mistake of classic was how segregated the factions were and in Cataclysm when they tried to balance zones to be “fair.” The quest designers did not realize how important certain zones are to both sides. Factions should be secondary to telling a great story or exploring a new zone. Especially for any old world revamps. I think DF did an amazing job integrating each zone with each other and telling a consistent story and making the zones fun to explore regardless of faction.

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Meanwhile we get stuck with boring Tess graymane and the self hating eager to be extinct in a single generation british humans. Yawn.

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That’s a very good response, and I agree to a point, but familial relations and personal friendships have happened in real life and as you cited with Alleria and Vereesa can even put aside political difference to enact common goals and frameworks. Just like you might tolerate your uncle on thanksgivings when opens his mouth on certain issues you may disagree with, you still have him over, and even care for him or any other family member you might find politically repugnant.

For centuries people had a host of varying issues which divided them, and we often put those aside for a pint at the pub, a good joke and banter. People aren’t morally consistent or purely ideological. I would expect no less from a Thalassian elf be they High, Void or Blood. All three represent very different approaches to Thalassian society and if 2 of the 3 can be friendly and put aside their differences. Then that too can build a new society. Maybe by Midnight the Elves shall finally unify as Metzen said. I would love to see that reflected not just in Silvermoon, but across all of Lordaeron. Every region hosting all families and friends former allies and enemies who work together towards a common goal.

No the mistake was that the alliance initally had almost double as much land to quest in peace while the entire Horde was forced to go to the barrens after lvl 15. That was the design mistake that kept haunting them. Other MMOs learned from this ans avoided this problem from the get go after 2011(Aion, ESO, SWTOR, GW2).

In GW2 every race gets ONE zone plus their city, every other place is neutral.

ESO every race has their own zone, Cyrodil is PVP territory.

Aion the world is split between both factions, every side gets 50% of the inside of the world.

SWTOR the leveling path for Republic and Sith Empire matches to a certain point and at max level the expansions start where no side gets anything new so far.

Only Blizzard is adamant of making Azeroth alliance domianted for no reason at all.

It’s funny, you know, it’s for this very reason that I actually LOVE single faction zones lol.

I love having a totally different experience on my Horde and Alliance alts. For instance i felt there was so much more replayability of the fateful last 10 levels in Wrath of the Lich King and Battle for Azeroth, because in most if not all instances, you’re going through a completely different experience, at least twice. Contrast this with Dragonflight, Legion, etc where doing the same damn quests over and over gets pretty boring after a few goes. BFA literally cut that in half.

There’s also something to be said for establishing a sense of faction identity and reinforcing the political divide. Questing my worgen through Silverpine, for instance, would just feel silly, as there’s a clear political narrative established in that zone. And fantasy politics, imo, is fun!

I get the feeling he’s saying more that both factions should have content in a zone, but not that both factions having the same content in a zone.

Like if the worgen/Alliance questline in Silverpine was about conducting hit-and-run attacks on the Forsaken, negotiating with the Southshore refugees, helping Ambermill mages set up their pocket dimension, etc - basically, setting up the current Forsaken/Horde quest experience.

Personally, I’d love that kind of shared zone experience. I love getting to see the same or similar events from two differing points of view, and I feel that would be a good way to explore the fantasy politics of the game.

There are a lot of neat events that get buried because only one faction’s players get to experience them - like Vanilla’s Forsaken defectors watched over by the Kirin Tor in Hillsbrad, the Forsaken looters at the Tower of Althaxx in Darkshore, the Kul Tiran keep in Durotar, etc. These could be a lot of fun, and a lot of faction argument drama, if we had two sides of their stories rather than one.

I agree that contested/shared zones all too often tend to be ‘single questing experience for both factions’, though, and I think that’s the worst approach story-wise. I hope that, going forward, they’ll at least be more like Stomheim - a mostly shared experience, but with large faction-dependent sections which have a lot of impactful story and rivalry (with or without actual conflict) happening.


I get the feeling he’s saying more that both factions should have content in a zone, but not that both factions having the same content in a zone.

Exactly! You hit the nail on the head. Just like we do for a lot of expansion zones. One faction is favored in the area, but the other still has a presence. Another good example is Duskwood in classic, where they used to have Forsaken questgivers in a tower on the very edge of the zone. Or for my favorite example: Kul Tiras and Zandalar in BfA. Both areas are controlled by one faction, but the other faction gets a small presence and can participate in certain side-quests, while the area’s “main quest” is strictly for the other side.

You get a unique experience for each faction, but never get entirely locked out. I think that’s really cool. This is the way I prefer most areas to be.

The only places I think should be 100% non-contested are each race’s starting zone, and the area immediately next to them. (Westfall etc) but even then, having a special contested phase for these areas, or even just putting simple service and a neutral flight-master, would be pretty cool.


Ah in that case I misunderstood, and I 100% agree with your assertions! :saluting_face: Thanks for clarifying, Aviala and Lougo!