I use calculus every day. As far as general education goes, though, the history, rhetoric, and logic classes are more impactful. For example, knowing how to look for and read a scientific study rather than re-post Facebook memes.
I guess Im a ‘climate denier’, lmao…but the hypocrisy makes me laugh out loud. the ones screaming the loudest to save the planet are some of the worse offenders where pollution is concerned.
These elite con artists get them all in a frenzy and the drones just run right off the cliff with the rest of the lemmings.
What ever happened to those planet busting, life ending plastic straws they told us would kill everything…and anything, L M A O?
I’ll tell you what happened…the idiots they worship from DC to Hollyweird handed them some new shiny agenda to foam on about, so they cant even remember those plastic straws being the death knell for us all anymore.
Some are Karens for sure…but what makes me laugh is the hypocrisy, yet again…and so many biowomen diving right into the stupid pool. Literally fighting against biowomen to force them to concede their rights and privacy, lmao
WOMENS rights is supposed to be about …WOMENS…rights.
But right now I can go into a Target store down the road…already asked a manager and she confirmed…take my MALE hairy back rump into the ladies bathroom and the biowomen in there aint got a single say in the matter.
Some CLAIM to be the defender of WOMENS rights…then they take a hefty dump all over women if someone like myself claims to be a woman even if Im not and demand my rights to use the ladies room…or any other space designated women only
gotta love this asylum we’re living in.
Im enjoying every stinking second of it.
Why don’t you just go to college and find out for yourself?
You obviously aren’t reading what I’m writing. Or you aren’t comprehending it, which again, maybe you should go to college :o
Ah yes, just what this thread was missing, transphobia.
Yeah this whole “lol@liberal arts majors” bs I hear just reeks of anti-elitism.
Like, “I’m a certified car mechanic, that makes me better than that ivory-towered educated liberal with a degree in art history.”
Now there’s nothing wrong with being a certified car mechanic, or being an art history major for that matter. But that attitude is in the complaint.
Liberal arts have their place, as do mechanics and other trade shops. Yes maybe it’s harder to get a job on such a degree than with a trade school but that doesn’t change the fact that those are skills we still need as a society.
It was implied. Context clues.
This is also a dumb take. A college student is basically paying for a degree and actually retains very very little of any of it except for their main job once they finish school.
That’s why credits expire after so many years…
Teachers are underpaid in general. People don’t become teachers because of the salary. I will say they do get a lot of time off compared to other professions. My wife is a teacher and she makes a decent salary considering she gets like 7 weeks off a year. She also has almost no student debt left.
as I said…BIOwomen are the ones who get victimized…son.
back to the ignore list you go
“The LA police department (LAPD) announced late on Thursday that it had put out an arrest warrant for Darren Merager, who is now facing five felony counts of indecent exposure at Wi Spa in the Koreatown neighborhood. The charges, filed on Monday, come two months after a viral Instagram video from a woman who filmed herself confronting Wi Spa staff about seeing a “man” naked in front of women and girls in the women’s section of the facility.”
yea, that’s kinda the point. the big draw of learning a trade is supposedly the money yet you have the same salary as your average high school teacher most the time.
Oh no, what shall I do
This, boys and girls, is an example of an ignorant right wing fruit loop.
Supply and demand and skill.
Once again:
This is what’s missing. It’s the broad critical thinking skills that one gets from going to college that is missing from a trade skill school.
I don’t have to use calc or trig in my job, but it definitely helped me develop my analytical and critical thinking abilities.
All college courses aim to improve critical thinking. Even the non-stem liberal arts type classes.
To be fair. Being more knowledgeable is not the same thing as being smarter.
It annoys me that people think STEM is the end all-be all.
It is of course very important and I am not trying to devalue STEM at all. But there is also value in the liberal arts and those should not be ignored.
being woke depends on the situation.
But wokeness destroyed several IPs. Star Wars is one of them. I still cannot believe how badly the female heroine has been written.
You just don’t get it, probably because you haven’t been to college.
A trade school you learn how to do a skill. All the curriculum does is prepare you to fix pipes, or frame a house, or fix a car, or whatever.
A college education prepares you for the world and teaches you how to better think. It’s several years of learning all different subjects and how to think about a variety of things in a critical way. It’s much more comprehensive.
That’s not to mean there isn’t value in going to a tradeschool in order to make a living. But to imply it’s equal, or even better than a college education is really off base.
and then blamed sexism for being an unlikable Mary Sue.
Like you are making Star Wars. Put Han, Leia and Luke in the same room and count your incoming millions, How was that hard?
Ayo can we pump up the salary of teachers? My teachers are great and their salaries should reflect that!