Source: define "woke" "anti-woke"

New generation I’m rightfully getting wrong signals on these. People say them to mean the opposite…losing a frame of reference here.

Please define - it will be helpful.

Also, “virtue signalling” is that the new term for “get off your high horse?” Lol

Oh…and there’s “dope” & “cap” and “cringe” (really? ewww suffices lol)

But WOKE??? Anti-woke???
Where are you going with this? Another way of not saying racist, prejudice, feminist?


Oh Lia, honey, this thread is not going to go well.

For an actual answer, “woke” was originally meant to signify someone who was aware of social issues, i.e. “awakened”. It has since been seized on as a blanket label for anything remotely progressive in ideal and is now primarily used as an insult by the people who oppose that sort of thing.


I put these guys on standby.


like if u wanna suport pepole that wanna be treet as a human , if u wanna suport pepole not get treet as human dope it is a good like i say u get a good score on u job is DOPE get alot ponts ! if u get cringe is like u do a bad or u say a bad , then look on it say is bad LOLHAHAHA then laff on it


This is either the most coherent thing you’ve ever typed or I’m beginning to naturally translate your language.


Basically. It’s taking a moral stance for the sake of getting praise or attention for it. Of course, since you can’t really prove intent, whether someone is virtue signaling or just actually taking a moral stance is up to interpretation.

Dope is just a generic term for “cool” or “awesome”. Cap I don’t know well enough to define for you. Cringe is just literally something that would make you cringe or feel secondhand embarrassment.

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Here’s a nice little rule of thumb; nobody uses either of these terms in good faith. Nobody legitimate who pushes progressive issues will ever describe themself as “woke,” and anyone complaining about wokeness is probably referring to something so broad it might as well be a bogeyman.

If you see anyone using these terms while advocating for X or Y action, feel free to ask them for specifics on the issues that concern them. But “wokeness” as a general movement isn’t really a real thing.


The simple definition is social media outrage without taking action.


I agree alliance is cringe and bad

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ya there so bad do u no nomes do u no vode elfs HAHAHAHA dont do alans !

People who are extreme woke will claim they are progressives and oppressed and anti woke assume everything is woke, legit or not

sad times when we have sides demanding everybody take an extreme stance or assume you are on an extreme side if you agree/disagree with anything.

Okay, so “ewwww?” Lol
Dil just told me Cap means - lie. Okaaay

Here’s an interesting take on the terms.

The term might have been appropriated.


It brings that saying to mind, “90% of the internet is someone imagining a person, tricking themselves into believing that person exists, and then getting mad about it.”


Why is this so true tho

Not your explanation, but that makes absolutely no sense! My goddesses!

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Someone has tapped the hornet’s nest.

Lot’s of people misuse words. Including virtue signaling.
Toxic. Cringe. etc…

Pretty much this.


They are just meaningless buzz words.

Whether you’re “woke” or not depends on which tribe you belong to. It’s so tiring for those of us who don’t believe in joining a tribe.