Souldrinker Bug Alterac Valley Classic (Korrak's Revenge)

The item from Cataclysm, Souldrinker (, currently is broken in AVC. It one shots enemies and heals the user for the amount of damage done. Please disable this weapon until the event is over.


Can confirm this. Have seen several people abusing this bug. They are damn near unkillable in Korrak.


Can confirm; warrior was absurdly outhealing his healers and outDPSing the entire BG simply by using this item.


Can also confirm. Our entire team reported him for blatant bug abuse. He did 3 million damage, 36 killing blows, and 1 MILLION healing.
As a warrior.


I will say the player’s name and immediately edit it out so the post doesn’t come under fire for the callout rule. [REDACTED] during an AV at around 11:30 PM Eastern.


Yep a warrior wiped our whole raid and constantly healed to 100%. He had two souldrinkers equipped, and he had 2.7 million damage done before i left the BG.


Yep. Cheat to win right?!?!?


Was this me? People keep telling me its not against ToS and spent a few weeks getting this build

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Constantly healing to 100% and being able to kill a raid group solo is obviously an exploit.


It’s very easy to kill that person through CC/disarms. Stacking stam w/ flasks, food, gems, gear for a weapon that does a % of damage is what I assumed was theory crafting. It is working as intended which I doubt makes it an exploit. However it does seem unfair and I’m not using it until i get a clear answer if it against ToS or not.


It’s improperly scaling, so I would recommend not using it until it’s fixed by Blizzard. I do not believe 1.3% of 7k healthpools is equal to 1k per proc.

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You can try to justify it any way you want but using a level 85 item to become nearly unkillable is obviously unintended gameplay. In the end its up to blizzard whether or not it is a bannable offence, but if a player is causing enough grieve for other players, blizzard will not hesitate to ban them.


I am so confused about what is considered actual cheating exploits. In Ashran our raid leader kept telling us to use the store mount warhorse with the hitching post in combo with the riding crop so that you can insta mount in combat and run away.

Neither the warhorse or ridingcrop had the ability of combat mounting. It’s literally a bug that happens when you combined the two.

So is that not an exploit/cheating as well? The whole team would just insta mount and run from battles.

Maybe the lower your level the stronger it gets. At level 85 it leeches a normal amount, then the higher level you go it does less and less % healing/dmg. Kind of like how the SoO trinkets have “reduced effectiveness” over level 91.
Maybe this is why it is the way it is in a level 60 scaled version.

I was on my shammy, so I ghost wolfed, but there is a combat bug that’s pretty bad in there. You sometimes have to run to base to get out of combat.

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about 25-30 of us focused you and you just kept healing. It’s FUBAR and needs addressing.


It’s strong but not that strong. If you had 25 people on me I was definitely getting pocketed by healers, there were times a single pally killed me recapping a tower with Divine Shield and and HoJ.
Nevertheless it is OP and should be fixed

a lot of alliance people abusing this right now


The item is bugged and isn’t scaling properly. It’s basing the 1.5% off of your health outside of the BG at level 120 and then doing damage/healing for that amount. It has nothing to do with theorycrafting or stacking stamina. People on reddit have already said there have been temporary bans for using it, so I’d proceed at your own risk.

I just had a monk who was doing that in korrak’s revenge. Horde monk, reported him for cheating because let’s be honest, it definitely is. He held, 25 alliance players, at stormpike graveyard, on his own. No pocket healers at all. Is it against the rules to call them out with their toon name? It’s been a while since I have used the forums. Attempts to whisper them, have failed due to them using an addon called badlevels which blocks whispers, even from max level toons etc.

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Yes, it is still against the codes of conduct to name and shame people on the forums.

And yeah, I can see blizzard giving people the ban bat because of this. If you are using this weapon in the BG during this bugged state, you are exploiting. Plain and simple.