So....she will return on the Midnight expansion, right?

I don’t think it’s even a minority. Because she still has a lot of fans. And they keep creating merch of her, so it must be selling.

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I really hope she is just a shattered, broken utterly traumatized version of herself and is killed (permanently) in the first few quests. I mean, time moves differently in the shadowlands and she’s been roaming the maw for a while now returning lost souls – she should be totally messed up.

There was a tiktok video I believe where the writer for Arthas from Warcraft 3 just said he was evil and a bad guy removing all the ambiguity and mind control from Frostmourne. So in that case I think it’s possible that the writers just hate those characters or hate them because 2023 social media hates them.

Killing Sylvanas would be a mercy.

They’ve basically killed off what her character used to be, post-Wrath.

Cataclysm-era Sylvanas is ultimately what we got stuck with, all the way through to Shadowlands.

They retconned Wrathgate and she threw Putress and Varimatras under the bus- originally she wasn’t with them, but they later changed it to say she gave them those orders years after the fact.

Real shame too, there was a lot of potential for her instead of just “plague and break everything”.

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I hate the idea. The whole concept of Midnight and focusing on the elves is making me want to skip the expansion. I hate the elves, I hate how prominent they are and I hate the favoritism blizz shows them. They are annoying and boring and I’m not doing a whole expansion about them.

No, she was bait with giant ta ta exposed cleavage

If we’re lucky, no. She lost her Azeroth privileges for the next eternity or two.

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:heart: Sylvanas and Blizzard couldn’t put her into enough content if they tried! Screw ALL of you alliance nerds crying about her! She’s the real OG and leader of the Horde!!!


sylvanas is my queen she needs to come back an expac without her is too long. now itll be 2? no thanks we need our queen back


Well if Blizz would actually put some thought into what they’re writing and target an audience older than 11 it’d probably be ok.

Right. Current-Blizzard having the empowered Yahs-Queen female character sacrifice herself for a male character when the running trend of writing is to do the exact opposite. I’ll take “Stuff that won’t happen” for 500, Alex.

I agree 100% OP, but it’s pre BFA Sylvanas. Anything else and I’m getting a charge of regicide against my name.

They better not. That’d spit in the face of the very little lore void elves have, that they resist the whispers.


Yeah perhaps. But even if she doesn’t die specifically for Anduin, it just feels like they’ll want to make her a martyr if they do in fact bring her back.

1+2+3+4+5+6 = Your Opinion

She’s not the only one. I killed my share while fighting in the Maw.

Sylvanas as a character has been ruined and there’s no way anybody will believe in a redemption arc for her. It’ll just come across as ridiculous. The whole “mind control” thing has been done to death.


I think it’s amazing as long as they do it right.

They wrote Sylvanas into a terrible direction while simultaneously upsetting every fan of the game, it was amazingly horrible or just a lot of bad luck, maybe?

Either way, I could see TWW introducing Anduin’s inner turmoil, hence the name of the expansion, then Sylvanas coming along to help him through his issues and probably dying somehow, unfortunately.

I don’t think so, I think they’d tease her coming back, with like that owl that follows her around or her symbol showing up some sort of Maw related thing.

Then again it’s Blizzard so they might just throw the information right at us and then question why people aren’t surprised.

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I have 0 interest in seeing her return. Let her be queen of the Maw for awhile. Save souls, build her own rag tag army… go fight the Drust they never did anything with. Or go off with some cartel soul traders to other afterlife realms in search of Nathanos. Do something fresh with her character rather than recycle the hero/villain/redeemed hero recipe.

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And how many have you murdered? Every player is a murder hobo in this game. Kill 20 defias here. Kill 600 orcs there. We have slaughtered our way across several planets and dimensions. One tree wasnt that big a deal compared to the corpses we have left behind. After cutting parts off and taking them with us.

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