Sorry, unholy death knights are not necromancers get over it

The point is, the idea that a necromancer has to be a cloth wearer who stays in the back line isn’t necessarily so.


Necromancer as a class is not going to be added. Maybe has a hero spec or a lock skin but not as it’s own class. Locks and DKs already have everything one would do covered.

Maybe you can put a UH DK in a robe and run around. Would that work?

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What would a Necromancer do that an UH DK or Lock doesn’t?


Not in any way shape or form. They are being honest.
If folks want the in-universe version of necromancers, congratulations - you can already play death knights, mages, priests, warlocks, and if we count Sir Zeliek and Sally Whitemane we can add paladins to that list. If people want the gameplay version of a necromancer you have warlocks and death knights to fulfill that.


  1. All caps:ing and pretending to be quoting someone else just demonstrates that you are a bad faith actor so… Stop acting like a kid throwing a tantrum.

  2. I said there’s no difference lore-wise between a paladin and a priest beyond that one has martial training and the other doesn’t. Gameplay-wise there’s a big difference but you are the one who asked (dishonestly) what the difference is between priests and paladins.

  1. Blizzard won’t be adding fourth specializations to classes. Druids already demonstrate the insane problematic nature of having four specializations.
  1. Because necromancy is a school of magic (sort of, more of a classification, even if traditional necromancy is a school of magic also), not a class. A necromancer is anyone who raises someone from the dead. This is the literal definition and yes, all undead exists as a result of necromancy and yes, all forms of revival magic is necromancy as well.

To paraphrase when Anduin was discussing the nature of the light, undeath, and reanimation magic with Saa’ra in the Netherlight Temple: “a sort of light based necromancy, but also not quite, for it was different than necromancy derived from dark magic.”

This conversation was also had between the Margrave Sin’dane, Calia Menethil, and Lilian Voss.

You won’t read all of this is my bet, but in case you do, and you are acting in good faith despite everything pointing towards the opposite…

You are simply just wrong, and it is unlikely that Blizzard will add a class that necessarily will have to disappoint people. Your example of Demon Hunters is just a flat out false dichotomy, because it was a clearly defined class whereas necromancers aren’t. Literally anyone able to raise someone from the dead engages with necromancy, regardless of whether we call it that or not.

Edits: fixed some errors I spotted.

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I feel like the necromancer type of class faces more competition from Demonology locks more than death knights.

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Necromancer >>> A class that raises and controls the Undead.
Death Knight >>> A class that raises and controls the Undead.

We’re done here.


Title says nothing but provocative clickbait. UH DKs can summon one undead ally as a pet. Not only can a true Necromancer summon a platoon of undead, they can also release while hurling curses, dealing out spell damage through Darkness, Corruption, Bone, and Blood, and summoning Bone Spears and Walls to further inconvenience and indeed destroy enemies.

They are not the same.

I don’t really see the problem. If we can have multiple DoT casters and multiple direct damage casters, why can’t we have 2 minion swarm casters?

If you just boil everything down to the bare bones then most of the classes are redundant with each other and we should be deleting classes rather than adding them.


Except it’s not boiling down classes to the bare bones, it’s having two classes doing the exact same thing.

Shadow priest and affliction warlocks are both DoT casters that use shadow magic. Yet they play completely differently.

Why can’t the same be true for demonology and a potential necromancer?



So imagine.

How are they different. Mechanically. From current classes


I am not against it happening.

But I haven’t seen anyone outline how it would happen


DKs can have more than one undead ally as a pet via All Will Serve, and they can summon a platoon of Undead via Apocalypse. The can deal out spell damage through darkness ( Death and Decay, Death Coil, Soul Reaver), and can corrupt (Diseases), and they can utilize bone and blood to protect and damage.

We’re not talking about two different classes, we’re talking about degrees of difference which doesn’t justify two separate classes.


Wait what? Please tell me if the below abilities are a death knights or a Necromancers.

Death Coil
Unholy Blight
Vile Contagion
Death and Decay
Virulent Plague
Raise Dead
Control Undead
Sacrificial Pact
Death Pact
Soul Reaper
Army of the Dead


The chad Heigan the Unclean vs the virigin Gothik the Harvester.

One gets a lot of physical exercise. The other just sits on a balcony expecting others to do things for him.


And are all those extra pets permanent? Are they specifically skeletons and other undead mage style minions? Can the UH DK put up walls to block enemies, or do major heals to others intead of minor heals to themselves? I mean, we saw what actual necromancers looked like in Maldraxxus. I mean, Kel’Thuzad was a very noteable Necromancer and had nearly nothing in common with a Death Knight, who is ironically a necromancy themself. Hard to consider yourself a master of death and the undead, when you are simply one of its minions/creations.

Obviously Blizz seems to understand the difference.


Me? No. I don’t think Anduin is a traditional priest. He’s a “hero unit”, to borrow from WC2.


i see dks as people who don’t wash their hands but instead sneeze on their hands and call it a day

Anduin is in a super weird place. Turalyon was originally a priest who learned how to fight and became a paladin. Anduin was originally a priest who learned how to fight and isn’t a paladin because ???

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[quote=“Dracarian-medivh, post:76, topic:2029939, full:true”]
And are all those extra pets permanent?

Blizzard isn’t going to allow a class to run around with several permanent pets up at once. Imagine taking that into a raid where someone has 6 permanent pets up on top of several summons. That would be a problem.

Are they specifically skeletons and other undead mage style minions?

Via glyphs you can have two permanent skeletal minions up at all times.

Can the UH DK put up walls to block enemies, or do major heals to others intead of minor heals to themselves?

Not necessary for a class to be a Necromancer.

I mean, we saw what actual necromancers looked like in Maldraxxus. I mean, Kel’Thuzad was a very noteable Necromancer and had nearly nothing in common with a Death Knight, who is ironically a necromancy themself. Hard to consider yourself a master of death and the undead, when you are simply one of its minions/creations.

DKs have multiple Kel’thuzad abilities.

Obviously Blizz seems to understand the difference.

Which is why we got an expanded DK class instead of a Necromancer class in Shadowlands?