Sorry, unholy death knights are not necromancers get over it

I do recall you insisting back in the day that [Glyph of Demon Hunting] made Demo Warlocks into Demon Hunters.



Quick, little baby Teriz, go delete these posts of yours!

The thing people miss is that wow intentionally does some of this stuff to disrupt what a fantasy game can be.

  • Thats why the first expansion was in space
  • Necromancers are plate wearing knights
  • Dragons are ballerina-framed wizards
  • No one knows how Shaman work
  • Monks dont know how to use weapons
  • The zombies have free will
  • The Minotaur are peaceful

Yes and? They used one ability, that is Unholy Frenzy. The Raise Dead ability isn’t even the Necromancer’s since those raised pares of skeletons that stacked. So I’m not sure what you on about.

Look, I don’t care what your problem is. But show a little honesty here, just say you don’t want them because you think they rob you of your desired class, or you just get off on arguing with people, I’d get that. But don’t bs me about how it can’t be done like you would know what can and can’t be done, especially when time and again I’ve proven that your ideas about how it can’t be done are full of holes based on the history of the classes in this game.

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I play a mage in D4.

I play a mage in WoW.

They are not the same.


I play rogue in D4.

I play rogue in WoW.

They are not the same.


I play druid in D4

I play druid in WoW.

They are not the same.


DKs are literally Necromancers.
Get over it.


I agree.

If we ever get Necromancers we should focus more on the summoning aspect and have them control swarms of creatures.

If we aren’t taking more flavor and abilities from Warlocks and spinning it off into other classes then what are we even doing is it WoW anymore?

The first generation, sure.

Now? Not so much. We’re unholy warriors that rely on our weapons. We don’t need to raise the undead to fight.

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lmfao what? Maybe you should go back and reread the talent tree.

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“The” talent tree? As in one? As in the other two doesn’t need it?

As in the unholy talent tree.
Also I know you like to pretend to care about the English language based on your other tantrums so I thought I’d tell you its raise the dead, not the undead.

This is true they have a lot of abilities like runecarving, dots, melee, blood healing, and even the ability summon an army of ghouls. But they aren’t specialists in necromancy are they?

What makes hero classes cool is they can cross lines and do cool things that other classes can’t.

Exactly so back to what I said: death knights don’t need the undead to fight.

Some decide to though, which is fine, but it’s not required.

Unholy needs to raise the dead (emphasis) to fight.
The other two specs know necromancy but don’t specialize in it. Very simple stuff.

It is very simple and I summed it up here:

Unholy quite literally needs to raise the dead to fight.
Bro grab a cup of coffee. Unholy is a necromancer.

But in realty they aren’t.

Yeah I get that some death knights decide to walk that path but my point is they don’t have to.

And some paladins are Holy. Does that make them Priests?