Sorry, somebody has to say it, the Chronoboon Displacer is a big fail

The one hour CD is meant to encourage you to get them all at once, and it allows for PvP in the world zones people go to collect buffs

Stop trying to Min/max an item then complain when doing that isnt fun. Min/max isnt always fun.

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wew lad it could be so much worse lmao

Hey, Blizzard allowed us to remove buffs on our own. It’s been around since the original Vanilla.

“Right click” on said buff. Bam… gone!

Raid leaders can easily ask every member of their raid to do so. It’s really easy. It just takes this thing called “free will.” Try not following the meta for once. You might actually have fun!

Thanks for the tip. You should write a guide.

I just did. Not much to it. :smiley:

Did op forget they can still play the game during the hour cooldown on each chrono? I love it! Grab/store a buff and go play with friends!

The way op writes, he’s probably sitting at his computer, tapping his foot, waiting for the displacer to come off cd before he can go store the next one.

What do you think does more raid dps…

20 dps alive with world buffs
30 dps alive with no world buffs
.Just as a basic example.

Point being… world buffs will not help your guild as much as just playing good and not dying

Probably the 20 with buffs.

Also the chronoboon is nothing more than an artificial gold sink implemented by blizzard.

“wtf why does this not appeal to my exact specific gameplay?? FAIL”

You people are insane.

I would prefer that Blizzard simply got rid of world buffs entirely, but I don’t see anything wrong with this change. I do wish Zanzas were added to the chronoboon, but what happens if you pop another while your first one is saved?

The main reason I support the change is that it is a good gold sink. It removes thousands if not tens of thousands of gold from a server economy every week.

You know both (people being alive and having more world buffs) can also be really helpful too.

Or maybe you’re just being way too anal about it.

Is there a reason so many people need to be “that guy” who goes in a thread talking about how to optimize things with the sole purpose of just leaking their useless ideas about the “right” ways to play all over the thread?

Some people like to discern the most optimal methods of taking advantage of things. Get over it.

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Wait … are you talking about yourself or somebody else?

I think it’s pretty clear the comment is directly referencing both you and many others. Do I need to go further in to detail here or can you clear this gap on your own?

Hopefully I’m not taking this out of context.

I can see why you are struggling in mediocrity.

I’ve literally explained this entirely as to why you don’t need to go do this ridiculous dance to extend your buffs a few more minutes. And if you were that hard core you would extend your buffs usage by decreasing your raid down times

Nevermind that if it’s parsing you are after you are not achieving it unless your raids are under the two hour mark.

Because speed equals high parsing. Which isn’t the raid you described your guild does.

Now I haven’t checked yet but I’ll bet you don’t even last long enough for any buffs to naturally fall off.

Let me go check

Dude. You died to maexxna just over 30 minutes in and you are honestly complaining about needing to scrounge up an extra 2 minutes more of buff time you will never see?!!

God damn.

whats your point? you dont seem to be making any relevant point.

I have been this entire thread

your point doesnt seem to be very relevant, as it focuses on the OP and what they do, rather than the chronoboon displacer itself, and its odd design.