Sorry, somebody has to say it, the Chronoboon Displacer is a big fail

Nevermind the fallacy in her logic to take all that effort to squeeze in a few more minutes of buff time just to watch it bleed in a instance standing idle while boss fights are still being explained.

That bit makes zero sense.

If they were really worried about buff duration, than they need to find a way to cut down on raid idle time related to talking about boss fights or slow trash pulls…

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BOOFS!!!1!!1 lmao

I agree. It’s pretty bad in it’s current form.

You should be able to have one permanent chrono boom that lets you update it’s buffs at you go along and collect them. And then a disposable one that lets you use them. Or something like that.

Nah. Youre just being a drama queen. You can grab your zanza just before your raid once all your buffs are stored. It’s literally 4mins from stormwind.

And as for the multiple displacer thing, that’s your choice to min max that hard. If youre in a good guild you won’t be needing more than 1.5hrs on your buffs anyway. Then few minutes you might save from storing them all as you get them is negligible

Well, I am not about to attribute the general ridiculousness of the OP to the OP’s raid. They might be trying to limit downtime and the raid can’t. They might also be falling victim to what a lot of raids are running into right now and that’s having to run a lot of players who are new to the raid due to many of the old raiders burning out / waiting for TBC / etc. So, the raid might just kinda be stuck.

But the idea that somehow an extra 2-5 minutes is going to make or break that raid is where it gets all sorts of silly. Ultimately, if the OP is that worried about buff uptime and the raid either can’t or won’t make changes to accommodate that level of sweat, then the OP either needs a new raid or some perspective on how the buffs work. Plenty of people have given perspective. Hopefully some of it stuck.

Well that’s exactly my entire point. I bring it up the op’s raid as an an example that’s more personal to the op’s situation in that if they want that extra few minutes of buff time then start looking at how to decrease idle time while raiding.

But I’m not having any luck explaining that sweaty players who would go the extra mile to save 1-2 buff time minutes are at the point they don’t need them because the entire raids don’t take two hours anymore.

And if to all the people who are claiming to want to parse do not seem to understand that in order to parse you need to have speed and if they had speed, they would be clearing it in under 2 hours.

I dunno. I give up. Let the thread starter do this crazy dance to accumulate two more minutes of buff time to watch tick down as they are idle in the instance…


I don’t like the Displacer, either. TBH, I would much rather have had a WB NPC, that gives you all the Buffs you want/need but like…can only be used like once every 12 hours or something :woman_shrugging:

Or you could just do your usual thing & click them in after collecting them.

But I guess complaining on the internet is cool too.

I think this communities reliance on these buffs is what is fail. The irony is you all screamed for no changes and then proceeded to change the game to the point of being trivial by exploiting these buffs.

You people are never satisfied

The buffs are not being exploited they were always available during vanilla. We’ve just min maxed the game by acquiring the best possible stats in the game.

That’s what half the game is about. Collecting and increasing your stats

Imagine caring about getting World Buffs in a game where the bosses practically kill themselves for you.


Vanilla classic has become the OCD version with all this min/max.

Go hardcore and kick anyone who has any buffs at all.

the proper way to do it is; DMT first --> hearth to BB for HoH --> Port to Org/SW for Ony/Rend --> use chronoboon --> go to songflower --> log off for an hour till you can place your buffs in the bottle again.

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Lol, what? It’s not wasted standing idle, we just logout and wait until pulls are happening. They are used in combat.

Also, your logic is still ridiculous. Every single moment of world buffs counts for something in a raid. It doesn’t matter how slow or fast your raid is.

How is this optimal if you aren’t storing dmt buffs between each ogre? That’s like… a whole minute shaved off your slipkik’s!

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Any raid that is capable of clearing in one night (<4 hours) should only ever feel any need for world buffs on a select few bosses. These bosses typically are Patch, Loatheb, Sapph, and KT. With the displacer you can choose to clear the raid in such a way that you save 100~ minutes of buff time for those difficult bosses.

Any extra buff time you saved by going through the extra sweaty displacer steps would pretty much only be used on bosses or trash where the buffs are largely irrelevant outside of time saving. There is little point in spending hours of time and extra gold just to be stronger for trash and bosses where the wbuffs are entirely unnecessary.

If your guild cannot clear in one night then it is even more unnecessary since you get to split the raid up further and only really should need buffs for Patch and Loatheb which should only take an hour even for the slowest of guilds.

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So what about those of us who are on the cusp of a one night clear but don’t quite make it due to a wipe or two here and there, and world buffs would greatly reduce the complications or serve as very advantageous for eliminating said wipes and prevent us from missing out on finishing sapph/Kt, so we aren’t forced to save it for the second night?

Yeah? You following?

Optimizing world buffs durations could literally be the difference in us making the one night clear, in fact, diligence to maximize world buffs is what has gotten us the closest to that one night clear (getting to saph by end of raid even after some wipe-ey stuff earlier in the instance).

I’m sorry but none of you are going to be able to convince me that any single second of the insane advantages world buffs provide are somehow “not worth it” lmao. It all contributes and adds up from every single person to amount to our finally making a one night clear.

Your raid night should absolutely be structured around the idea that any problematic area will be within the 100~ minutes that world buffs will be guaranteed to last. You are basically sitting here trying to tell me “yeah with world buffs we can clear Patch and Loatheb, but what if our buffs fall off right before Grobbulus!? Surely its worth 3 hours and 30g to have an easier Grobbulus!”

For any guild capable of clearing Naxx, the only hard parts should be Patch, Loatheb, Sapph, and KT. If you can’t figure out a way to clear Abom wing, Frost wing, and Loatheb within 100 minutes then your guild needs to fix things. The only other potential wall would be 4h and I wouldn’t even recommend having wbuffs for that fight if you have problems with it. I agree that buffs could speed up the easier parts, but you are trying to save 5-10 minutes total and if those 5-10 minutes of trash clear make or break the raid you have other problems.

Just because you or your guild haven’t figured out how to properly structure your naxx in such a way to ensure you have wbuffs on the important parts doesn’t make the displacer a “big fail”.

Well, yeah, if you fundamentally ignore all the exact reasons I specifically addressed why it fails at what it does simply by misdirecting to my personal guilds performance, yeah I suppose it’s not a fail.

Calls it a fail yet still using it…somethings not adding up here…