Sorry, somebody has to say it, the Chronoboon Displacer is a big fail

Sorry but there aren’t going to be any huge dynamic raid organization changes at this point in the classic expansion for my guild, sorry to disappoint you, and if there were it very likely wouldn’t be at your advisement! Sorry lol.

You simply have no argument to the completely logical assertion that any world buffs help, no matter how long you have them with you in the actual raid. The longer you can have them while in the instance (to a maximum of their highest potential duration), the better, along with keeping them on as many people as possible. It’s the reason we always DI the main tank on wipes. They help. Plain and simple.

No. He is arguing that your original post’s obsession with milking every ounce of time out of them isn’t warranted because the only reason to do so is to parse…and your guild isn’t running it fast enough to parse meaning the extra 2 minutes you get out of that songflower isn’t making or breaking your run.

That’s not even dogging your raid. My raid is similar. We don’t clear it fast enough for us to be super sweaty about the amount of time the buffs are being stored. It really is as simple as that. The guilds where that extra minute matters are the guilds that are 1 night clearing in less than 2 hours.

For the rest of us, this buff saver is actually a pretty big boon because it allows us to pick and choose which bosses warrant the attention from the buffs.

Seriously, this isn’t difficult. Your original premise was just bad.

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You can still parse individually without having a record speed time of Naxx, or even competing lol…It’s completely irrelevant how quickly we, as a guild, clear Naxx.

I mean…feel free to look me up. I am aware. Thanks.

Edit: and it isn’t irrelevant. How you parse is partially your performance and partially your raid’s performance. There is a cap to how you will parse if your raid isn’t clearing the content fast.

I think it works properly tbh. It’s a good gold sink for the future of classic era, anybody that really wants to tryhard with it can use 3-4 per raid to absolutely max out their buffs.

For everybody else, losing a few min and just using 1 per raid will be fine.

At 10g each and 1 hour cd, that’s a sensible tradeoff that lets you play your char without stressing buff logging.

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And you can potentially have 2 toons buffed more easily while still being able to play. It is a win.

You said that people who are super sweaty going to try and min max this thing to maximise their raid buff times.

And I just explained to you that people who are sweaty enough to do that dance described in the op are not the same sweaty players who watch those buffs burn for 15-20 min each week with slow trash pulls or boss explanations.

Super sweaty players are in guilds that can run the instance in under two hours. Those are the ones who are parsing. It’s not you. And those sweaty players only really need to manage their 1 hour buffs.

You can’t tell me you are sweaty enough to do that stupid dance only to watch it slowly bleed away while standing idle in the instance.

That makes you look incredibly stupid.

All you should be focused on is surviving at this point and trying to play the mechanics properly. Nothing of which requires raid buffs.

So go ahead. Lol do your sweaty raid buff dance to have those few extra minutes you can watch bleed away standing idle in the instance.



While it will be a gold sink, its also going to be somewhat helpful in Forever Classic, a lot of the sweatier people are probably going to leave for TBC, which means some content, specifically Naxx is going to get more difficult as the overall DPS will be far less, and where they might be doing it with under 40 people making buffs more important. At the same time the number of world buffs is going out each week is going to drop, so this will allow people to plan ahead for to do Naxx where they can have buffs for Patch and some of the other bosses.

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hmmm…i dont remember this being in vanilla wow :expressionless:


Yeah I think this is item as is is pretty good for classic era in all respects.

For most players, just using 1 or 2 would be enough per raid (i.e. to protect DMT while grabbing SF using an intermediate one before a final one after).

And yeah as buffs get fewer and farther between and the full geared T3 players quit Naxx/move on to TBC, this will allow the forever players to keep hitting Naxx with WBs.

Thank you. We are the greatest generation.


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According to Jimmy McGill (AKA Saul Goodman,) that was the generation before you.

I don’t know her.


you know you can still get world buffs the old way without the displacer? nobody is forcing you to get it. this post is total FAIL

The only necessary change would be to make them pickpocketable to preserve the dispel meta. :slight_smile:


Hopefully they introduce a permanent item rather than a 10g consumable. This thing is going to bankrupt me.

That’s exactly what many people complaining about this change are asking for.

Removing world buffs makes raids harder, nerfs overpowered melee, removes the need to be summoned all around the world, removes the purging/griefing meta, allows people to play their characters whenever they want and means that one death in a raid isn’t the ‘end’ of your night because you can’t compete on parses any more.

Additionally, it would have meant developers could have spent their time doing something useful instead of developing a new item and system to go with it.

For some reason modern Blizzard loves implementing convoluted solutions that create more unforeseen problems than they fix. Just look at the LW drums ‘fix’ in TBC for another example.


If you are caring about optimal play so much, the hardest content in the game is around an hour long, with the absolute top being 45 minutes. Losing a few minutes on a 2 hour duration buff is meaningless.

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I still use a Nokia phone, so this Chrono Trigger in a bottle won’t affect me for another 20 years.

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I do feel that removing world buffs in raids wouldve been the best solution for that true vanilla feel. it’s nice that another gold sink has been added to the game and depending how risky you want to be you can choose how much you want to spend.