Sorry, somebody has to say it, the Chronoboon Displacer is a big fail

That’s right. But you also can’t sit around spending time explaining things to people either.

Think about this.

If your guild on average spends 15-20 min a run explaining things…should you be trying to find a way to save that 15-20 min of buff bleeding or should you be stressed about trying to squeeze and extra minute or two from your world buff round up?

Just blew your mind didn’t I?

Welcome back, boomer.

Lol, OK dude now you’re just being funny.

Ten times, huh. What else happened in all these magical raids that supposedly, definitely happened?


I’m not arguing this point at all, I’m arguing that people can and will now be using these things to keep max duration on their world buffs in order to parse well, complicating the buff gathering process even further, while still keeping their character logged to preserve buffs not affected by them.

You’re a druid lol you don’t even need buffs. Innervate and decurse. That’s your purpose.

So did you do spider last or were you wrong about what happened in your own raid while telling me I dont know how to read logs?

Just for those following along at home

Should have just made it so every world buff is deleted as soon as you enter a raid, problem solved!


The fact of the matter, and his point, is that if you’re not clearing fast enough for buff duration to not matter… than you’re not really in much danger of parsing super high in the first place so you probably shouldnt worry about a couple minutes of buff time

Songflower lasts one hour, are you telling me you can’t parse unless you have a <1h naxx clear time?
by the way it is still possible to parse with a 2h clear time, if your clear times are around that mark then yes every second of your buffs will matter to you

And I’m saying that if you are not clearing the instance in under two hours those extra few minutes of duration are not going to help you parse because you are not running the instance fast enough to parse high.

So relax

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This :point_up_2:t4:

the group i run with clears in 2-2h30m, and several dps regularly parse 95+ on bosses in which they are buffed for, so relax


Lol. If it ain’t pink I don’t care about the number.

again… we are not just talking about you

95’s are not high to anyone. Heck. Even a 99 parse has a varying degrees of suckage to it. As in not all 99’s are the same.

And now we’ve just established what I’ve been saying all along.

95s is not parsing.

  1. Get Songflower.

Everything after that is irrelevant and obviously not worth reading

this is your opinion
to the people parsing 95s, and looking for the 99, on a 2 hour clear time, it is parsing.

Ill wager you are not even getting rend each week…


I still don’t see what this has to do with the original point.

You’re trying to argue that world buffs make no difference to a guild that…doesn’t clear as quickly?

Sometimes the buffs are used to perform better on a per boss basis, rather than looking at it from the perspective of the overall run, consider that some bosses are just a lot easier for us with them as opposed to without.

Does that mean all 40 people make it to every boss without a death on trash, every week consistently? No. Does that mean we need to clear the whole raid in 2 hours for it to have been worth it to bring them at all? No.

Like, you have literally no good argument, and have instead chosen to attack my logs which provide literally zero data of use to your point, if not directly countering it.

We usually do Spider wing last, but sometimes we do military last. It varies depending on world buff timers. Either way, mentioning 1, even 2 or 3 raids where I died and didn’t get to fully utilize the full duration of my world buffs, is absolutely irrelevant. I’ve had plenty of raids where I live out the whole duration of the world buffs. So like, what is really the point of this complete non-sequitur?

The boss fights are mostly mechanics with some gear checks.

Sure patches is nice to have with world buffs loatheb…saph. that’s it. The rest are mechanics. World buffs are not going to help you speed through it faster. And besides. I just explained that if you want to stretch out your world buffs then focus on on finding a way to speed up your runs by not having to explain boss fights every week.

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