Sorry, somebody has to say it, the Chronoboon Displacer is a big fail

Imagine wasting hours of your life to collect buffs to tackle 15 year old content only to always die within the hour to said 15 year old content, only to then come on the forums to try and spout a git gud attitude to people telling you to chill out. Just imagine it.


Edit: Bud it’s the definition of being a tryhard, both in poor performance coupled with a poor attitude. You’ve got no right to even try and talk down to anyone in this thread lol.


If you are not clearing the content in under two hours you are wiping.

If you are wiping then the few minutes difference isn’t anything of value.

This can be explained with sock puppets if you are still confused


We start raiding at ~5pm PST.

You’re referring to a time where I died because I challenging shouted the skitters in bear while in cat gear to be helpful and save the mages from dying, and took a death as a result. I’m perfectly happy to be the fall guy to save the mages buffs.

You aren’t good at logs. Just stop.

lol there are loads of guilds that clear without wipes and take more than 2 hours… Stop with the low key bragging about how awesome you are

that was the entire point of making this thing, and yes, people will do this if it means having max timers on every world buff.
the new “meta” is more complex and people will still be logged out to keep their zanza up. complete failure

It doesn’t matter WHEN you started… the time in WCL is still relative. Whether its CST or GMT or QBTFHTFTT, you still died just over an hour after the 1st pull.

How? How without wiping do you spend 2 plus hours to clear the content?

Do you still explain ever pull? Do you take bathroom breaks or rp walk?

How does one NOT wipe but take two hours?

It’s just not possible in my brain.

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Last raid we did spider wing last.

The raid prior we pulled anub at 6:39pm.

I’m sorry, you just aren’t very good at this.

No. They won’t.

We clear in an hour and 20…I don’t even bother getting summons to island or song flower anymore.

I just fly to both.

Only thing I get summons to is xroads.

That’s it fella.

I think you’re smart enough to process this, I know that you’re hung up on coming off really edgy and “brutally honest” as a player in a higher tier skill environment, but pause that for a second.

Wbuffs are more useful for players who actually use them to bridge a gap in skill.

Ok? Make sense? Lmk.

“I won’t do it so therefore no one else will”
great argument there fella

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Ok let’s do this again really slowly.

If you keep your world buffs for their entire duration without dying then you e one shot every boss.

Do you compute this yet or are you still confused? There isn’t enough bosses for the actual instance to take 2 hours unless your guild is standing around explaining bosses. And if it’s doing that then you are dying a few times anyways.

The whole premise that being optimal requires you to “stop playing” is completely flawed to begin with.

Anybody who is trying to be optimal and parse 99s or quickly clear content is invested enough in the game that they play multiple alts.

So no it does NOT require you to be logged out.

BTW Chronoboon Displacer is a big fail. Welcome to Classic WoW: designed for retail babies edition.

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I mean, we still have new recruits from week to week, so yeah, we honestly still do explain bosses a lot.

We also don’t clear trash very quickly in order to be safe. Our boss kill times are also a lot longer than I imagine optimized groups are.

Wbuffs honestly have made the difference in us killing Sapph, Loatheb, and Patch in the past. These days we might be able to get through those without, I think we did Saph last week without. So it’s getting better, but yeah, sorry, but guilds worse than yours exist. A guild who’s raid lasts longer than the world buffs themselves obviously gets more use out of the buffs than a group that clears the whole place before they wear off.

If you are getting new recruits then what use are you going to have for a few extra minutes of world buffs? So you can watch them tick down while someone is told how to do a boss fight?

You are arguing for a few extra minutes which isn’t going to help your guild. What’s going to help your guild is to find a way to stop taking time each week to explain bosses to new recruits.

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it will help people parse though, which is what most people use the world buffs for

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Like I said, at this juncture in the current proximity to TBC, I am not expecting everyone else in my guild to all the sudden become better players.

It’s best I just do everything within my own power to better my own performance, and encourage it in others (which I do).

I’m sorry? Are you trying to tell me what does and doesn’t help my guild? lol

Yeah I’m sure you’d come in as a guild leader/officer and just whip us right in to shape! I’m sure you’d be a real gamechanger!

If you are in a guild where you have to take time on pulls and explain boss fights to new recruits to the point it bleeds away a chunk of your world buffs so you can’t complete the instance in under two hours then you are not parsing.

To parse high you need to do it fast

and what makes runs go faster?
world buffs?

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You can’t possibly be this dense right?

No you didn’t… You did DK last because yall seem to always wipe 10x there. This is YOUR RAID. How is it I can tell what happened better than you can AND YOU WERE THERE?!