Sorry, somebody has to say it, the Chronoboon Displacer is a big fail

Blizzard designed it just fine, you get all your buffs, you use the device, you can then play and do other things. It won’t let you store and collect each individual buff at a time. Its also relatively easy to maximize buffs.

Organize some friends to do a buff train, get DMT buffs, get summoned to island, get ZG buff, port to SW, get Head buff, then get summon to songflower, get buff, use the device and go play.

Now of course you can mix up where you get the ZG and Head buff depending on whats easiest, and if you don’t’ have any friends with a handy warlock, getting the songflower could be challenging, though since your a druid not terrible. There are also probably people on your server that will sell services to port you around if you need assistance in getting buffs. While yes you will have to log in/out to wait for the individual head/heart buffs since those tend to be timed, but overall its about 15 minutes worth of effort, and maybe sitting around for an hour.

Here, I got you a car so you don’t have to spend so much money on Uber rides.

Thanks for the car. But I always put super premium gas in because I want to feel like a race-car driver. And I had to get big rims of course, and I spent at least 2 grand on a new stero. So really in the end all you did was cost me money. Kind of an epic fail on the gift man.


Except not even close to a logically sound comparison, but OK.

And really… You died 7 times last Naxx and 6 the time before(and you had several people that died 15+ times!!!.) and it looks like you rarely make it more than an hour without dying.

What exactly are you min/maxxing every second of your buffs for? When was the last time that actually mattered in your raid?


The fact my guild isn’t perfect is precisely why wbuffs are so important.

Wbuffs compensate for a lot and help us to clear content more smoothly that would be difficult in a lot of cases otherwise. At this juncture in the expansion, do you think I’m expecting every player to just become a professional and not need world buffs?

Not sure how this is hard for you to understand. Where my guild falls on the totem pole of skill is irrelevant.

Also, pickingany Naxx run where we perform poorly and die a lot is a pretty flawed method of arguing that buff conservation is not useful. We don’t all always survive the full duration of wbuffs, but many often do, from week to week. Sometimes we fully wipe like dummies in the first wing, and yeah, sucks to be us, but it’s still irrelevant to the point.

No one is saying world buffs aren’t helpful.

What is baffling is why you’re complaining about “having” to spend all this extra time/money so you can get an extra 5-10 minutes out of buffs you’re almost always losing in the 1st hour anyway.

Just no part of your post makes any sense at all

I actually checked several of your naxx runs. You almost always seem to die early and as a whole your raid seems to average around 10 deaths a person. Which is whatever… but it’s just comical you’re going to all this effort (and then complaining about it) when its entirely pointless in your raid


With summons all over the world you’re talking about 1-2 mins on buff times just getting them how you would normally then chronobooming.

People will find anything to complain about.

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You are just making things up, I don’t always die early. Nice try. Sometimes being a tank, you die. It happens. Doesn’t mean I show up with 0 consumables/buffs.

Now this is just getting annoying because you think cherry picking performance flaws is somehow a strong argument against the logic that conserving buffs is important, when it’s not.

You have the reading comprehension of a bowl of oatmeal. Maybe that’s insulting to oatmeal.

You always die before the 2 hour mark. You regularly die before the 1 hour mark. Thus: You complaining about “having” to spend time/money maximizing every second of buffs you’re not going to keep to duration anyway is just ludicrous


You were just given a tool to make it easier, more convenient and you’re complaining that it isn’t optimal enough for you.

Go away.


Made even funnier by the fact that his method isn’t even the most optimal.

What kind of pleb wastes 30 seconds on dm buffs getting them all in one go. Chrono them separately you filthy casual.


Literally false, but OK.

You can LITERALLY see I have wbuffs almost 2 hours-ish after the beginning of the most recent raid on Maexxna. Like, do you get off on just lying about and bullying people for their logs on the forums in public just to get a rise out of them and feel cool?


Just let world buffs become consumables.

Someone drops ony head “Hey Renthak, give me a charm of the Dragonslayer!”

much less annoying.

the intention was to do the buff train then use it once lol

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Give it a 24 hour cooldown then.

The fail is that you have to do all this to feel relevant in content this old lol. Probably the ONLY reason you can even manage is with the buffs. But I know… “we just want to be as efficient as possible!! /cry” Bull. Truth is, you’re incompetent, inefficient, irrelevant, and quite possibly just incapable :slight_smile:

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Wut? We don’t clear in under 2 hours. What we do have is a certain set of bosses that we know with absolute certainty we can down without world buffs. That’s how we plan on optimizing this. Kill those bosses first. Roll into Loatheb or Patch and start rolling that content with the buffs. Not sure what order we are going in yet, but the idea is that we have world buffs for the 7 fights where they are most helpful to our raid. That should increase the opportunity for us to do a 1 night clear. We aren’t a super sweaty group either. We are typically 12/13 out of 15 night one then finish night two and go do something else with the remainder of the raid time on night two (like BWL + Bindings + Ony + Idol run that we did Monday).

This helps us. The 55 minutes of SF / Rend is probably going to be enough for us to get through Sapphiron with the 1h buffs and through KT with the 2h buffs. That’s a pretty big step towards a one night clear for us. It means something else on the table like potentially AQ40 + BWL + Bindings on night two. That’s fun!

I guess I don’t see the negative here.


Classic is over and were on to TBC where world buffs are gone anyways.

Bring on the pvp


You pulled your 1st mob at 7:20. You died to a skitterer (lol) at 8:38. You barely made it an hour.


should’ve just deleted world buffs simple as

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