Sorry, somebody has to say it, the Chronoboon Displacer is a big fail

i actually love it, i use my buffs for a few fights that i want and i just store them, it’s saved me going to do multiple DMT’s now. the only fail is you haha

If spending 40-50 gold per week for raiding costs too much at this stage in phase 6, then I’d imagine the chronoboon displacer is likely not your biggest ‘problem.’ Truth be told the chronoboon displacer is one of the best things to happen to wow classic and should have been in the game from day 1.

Also if you’re getting songflower first you’re doing it wrong. Not to mention there’s no need to log out while you’re waiting on the chronoboons cooldown. Either get all your buffs and store them in groups (I.e. get heart, log to SW pick up head and store the 2 together before going to DMT and getting those buffs) or just get them casually throughout the week. Pick up head/heart today, pick up dmt tomorrow, get songflower the next day…

there’s loads of ways you can get your buffs without having to raid log now. If you want to super try hard min max and lose <1 minute on each buff then yeah you’re going to have to spend ~40-50 gold, but if you’re fine losing a couple minutes here or there you can still get all the buffs with 1 chronoboon. Let’s face it though, 50g is nothing.

Where, at all, did I complain about the gold cost associated with this?

The lack of reading comprehension on these forums is downright impressive.

Also, given the nature of how the boon works, it’s irrelevant which buff you get first.

They aren’t bad at looking at logs, they are calling out that your concentrating on the wrong things, and that you shouldn’t worry so much about 5-10 minutes of buff time, which all things equal shouldn’t be an issue. Instead they are pointing out the other problems which your raid can address that will make your overall raid much better without trying to micro manage peoples buffs down to the last second, or dropping another 30-40g on multiple Chronoboons each week…

Also from a buff stand point, one thing that helps with it is to schedule a weekly buff train, where most of the people joining in the raid can get all the buffs, DMT, ZG, Ony/Nef, SF, and Rend if your Horde, where you have warlocks and clickers at key locations. Doing this you should be able to get your lost time on buffs down to about 10 minutes for most people. Even with logging off, I think it took on average about one hour total depending on the Ony/Nef and Zg buffs. It also becomes a bit more of a social event.

It only doesn’t matter if you want to use multiple Chronoboons which most people don’t and which you shouldn’t need to.

Here is the order I would recommend: Get DMT buffs, then get summoned to ZG island, log off until ZG buff, Port to Org/SW and log off until buff (also for Rend if your getting it), get summoned to Felwood and log off, have someone with Nova World Buffs, find and get the songflower buff at a close location to start the timer, wait until songflower comes back, and click on it on cooldown (along with others of course), then hit your Chronoboon.

Now the key is the summons, which is why its better to do this as a group/raid. You can get by with 2 summoners and 2 clickers at each location, which allows you to summon everyone. The summoners can be level 20 and the clickers can be level 1.

If you are holding them in the boom for specific bosses then again, you wont need those few extra minutes. Either you kill the boss or you don’t. If you don’t your buffs are gone. If you do then you are fine.

What I am looking for when I check your logs is to see if you have the ability to live for a full duration of buff time to even bother about worrying about the difference between 1:50 minutes or 1:58 minutes.

Checking your logs and it is very apparent that you have never lived long enough to see those extra minutes anyways.

So why beat yourself up over trying to obtain them?

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NEVER underestimate the playerbase…

Oh, I have no doubt they will…for a time. They’re doing that right now. But a year down the road?

At some point it’ll be like when I did the Ony quest on Retail. Most of the server was like “wtf is that?!”; it was years after Ony was ‘current content’ and right before her lvl 60 version was retired. So I think that was like Cata or something.

The difference will be these rare head drops will be for sale only. At which point Blizzard will need to step in and either do away with the buffs or make them automatic or at the very least ‘just go talk to the npc’.

Dude it’s so easy… get your buffs in two different groups. Get songflower first and hearth back to capital, then get rend and ony when they drop. Then use the displacer, and go sit on the island to get hoh. Then just get dmt buffs after that and use the displacer again.

im not talking about people who play so poorly they blue parse

You’re just being an id.

It would have been better if you buy one reusable Displacer once for a bit heftier of a price without the hour cool-down. There’s probably some balance reason I’m not thinking of, but this still seems crappy. What’s wrong with a reusable one with like a 1 minute CD?

The point should be to let people play their characters, which it already does, but also making the gameplay of buffing less obnoxious too. Why did they think having to use like 3 displacers a week and adding 2 one hour waiting periods to use the item was a good idea?

I buff like I did before and use one at the end. If your going through 4-5 to maximise uptime on your DMT/ZG you should look at raiding faster instead of burning gold to save 4 mins of buffs.

My car has 3 seatbelts in the back seat. It’s a Honda Civic. Just because the niddle seatbelt is there doesn’t mean it was necessarily intended for use. Instead, it’s there just in case it needs to be used. It’s not a perfect analo8, but it does illustrate my point.

Only Blizzard could come up with an idea to make the world buff meta worse not better.

Neither am I. And whats with the elitists with the 4 hour clear times? :rofl:

Super obvious really… For one, you lose the gold sink aspect. But mostly… if you could basically cork and uncork your buffs at will there is no longer a cost/benefit to weigh. You just always have your world buffs up on bosses and yuo cork them after.

Because it is/was

this character is for gdkps only.

Yes, they are, because they keep citing my deaths without the context that invalidates their point. Literally every major mention has had context around it that made their reference incorrect. Mentioning our raid died on Maexxna before the 2h mark therefore world buff duration = pointless to stress about is not an argument, because we weren’t world buffed on Maexxna, we were saving them in the boon for harder things. Eventually we actually had to leave Maexxna, only to return later after we popped the boon because we found it too difficult without the world buffs.

Other mentions about me dying relate to deaths that I can’t really avoid, because I tank a lot and sometimes I die, it happens. Does that mean I’m not going to get world buffs? No, because I’m not a degenerate player who protests world buffs just because I die sometimes early on to whatever random number of circumstances. I will come fully buffed, with as much duration left on them as possible to maximize the chances of us performing as optimally as possible, and again, the gold cost is irrelevant. I haven’t thought or worried about gold for as long as I can remember.

I’m happy your guild has a whole setup thing for everyone getting world buffs, but not all guilds are your guild, some guilds obligate the players to put in their own effort and at this stage I’m not in the business of becoming a guild politician to push for change. I’m going to do what I have to do to ensure the success of the raid and contribute as much as possible, and that means being buffed for as much of our raid window as possible. Maybe mind your own business…

I live to the end of my world buff durations quite frequently, you’re just repeating blatant falsehoods in order to bolster your own fairly useless point. I’m not “beating myself up” to contribute to my raid more. Whether the possibility of me dying exists or not, isn’t relevant to my desire to show up to my raid buffed with as much duration remaining as possible.

We have made it to Loatheb before with mere minutes remaining on world buffs before, and used that last couple minutes to eck out a kill where, without them, it might have not been possible. There are countless situation where saved minutes could have been the difference in a kill or not. That’s my experience, which you have no part of, and can only attempt to articulate a reasonable inference from.

Strong log-warrior persona, though, from someone who posts on a BFA character.

You’re doing this to yourself… Don’t blame the displacer if you’re actively looking for ways to abuse it.