Sorry, somebody has to say it, the Chronoboon Displacer is a big fail

They call your deaths out because your not making it to the end of your buffs consistently, and if your buffs don’t fall off naturally there is zero point trying to get every single second of them.

Also as for my guild its great, they are wonderful people, but the buff train, that happened just because someone started doing it, guild leadership had nothing to do with. It started with a few people and a post on discord just because people were looking for something to do and they wanted to be sweaty one week when the DMF was up. At the end everyone was jumping in. This was more a suggestion that you could potentially try to coordinate something like this instead of shelling out gold to other people.

Also if you want people to mind their own business, and not provide feedback, perhaps a forum isn’t the best place to come.

If you can’t show that you can’t live for the duration of your buffs. Then the last thing you need to worry about is buff duration and nickel and diming 2 minutes.

But hey! You do you fella! Go spend 60 gold each week on chrono’s only to die 30 minutes in.

Guess what, you don’t have to actually do all that stuff. Just save 1 or 2 buffs and move along.

Don’t listen to these guys, keep using your 4+ displacers each week. We need the gold sink.

There is a very simple change to this. Make them BoP, and Unique.

wait your log shows your best parse …

Just get your best parse that you believe you can get then trow all this work away.

I think human social kind of issues 8 guys always get all the world buff possible and some other feel oblige to do the same because they dont wanna fall off the band wagon.

I did my first aq 40 with hunter this week and ad 0 world buff and 0 consume and in a raid MIN MAX how did i get this invite? Well needed gear hunter who could make sure tank ad nr while shamy twist agi wf . So I parse 30 …

I think i was more upset about parsing low not the fact that 0 consume 0 world buff. Ummm while i get world buff next and consume Probably. I would like to see if i can get good parse by getting all avatage i can get. But would i do this all the time. MMMMMM ?

Its a pretty good question.