Sorry night elves, you're once again neglected by Blizzard writing

Now that this is going to happen, it proved my point about how Tyrande is set up to be a boss/to die in Shadowlands

Shandris could lead the night elves probably, now that this happened, wouldn’t doubt it Blizzard did

Why I think of this? Because they did the same thing with Cordona Felsong, removed how she joined the Legion in WoD (WoD ring quest), and then became a 5 man dungeon boss without any info, leaving new players thinking she just a bad villain in general


You guys sure are reading a lot into Blizz changing the wording of some quests to make whats going on less complicated for new players.


Look, the elves did in fact probably die in a really harsh, horrible way. They are well-suited to becoming a vengeful and productive member of the Alliance’s Team Practicality.
The way I’m reading it is that Sylvie’s Loser Squad is going to be taking most of the blame for the event for a large number of the Alliance and Horde forces.
Will there be those who still hold the Horde and Forsaken responsible? Probably.
Will that be a plot point in the story? Maybe.
Is it too early to say? Yes.

That’s a HUGE stretch IMO. Blizzard is effectively changing the whole personality of The Forsaken with this laughable direction.

Its literally a single line of text. The Forsaken havent irrevocably changed because of a single line of text.

I don’t think thats going to stop people from frothing at the mouth. Making a mountain out of a molehill is kinda gds thing.


They already did that with Before the Storm though. The writing was on the wall already.

In Before the Storm the desolate council disobeyed Sylvanas and she killed them. Prior to that we mainly experienced “All hail the banshee queen”. But in that book we got Forsaken who said “Why do we need the banshee queen?”


Still a fan of the Desolate Council. Shame how that went down.

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And it made the Forsaken way more interesting and less of a monolithic entity.

I really enjoyed how it went down. I know people are upset when folks defend Sylvanas as “misunderstood”. But I can see why she killed them.

The Forsaken were hers. She saved them and was their protector. It really spoke volumes as to how she lashed out against them. She was afraid of losing what, I assumed she felt, were her children.

Or she’s just a crazy woman who is a control freak. Either work I guess.

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Sorry but I don’t think a non Night Elf’s opinion upon who should be leading us really matters. I am perfectly fine with our current leadership, my issue is with the writing team either making them the butt of a expansion joke or constantly down playing them so they can advance their poorly written story lines.


Be thankful all of the night elves of Teldrassil escaped.

Losing the “arrows in her quiver”, the “shield against oblivion”. In a few bits of media, the Forsaken are her method of staving off the void she saw after swan-diving into an Icecrown tile floor.

Even Nathanos gave her a silent “wtf” during that event.

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Damn Clárk, when you take off your cape and put your glasses back on you go from superman to supertroll.

Stop making bait threads.


Very agreed

Never fear, nelves, the Forsaken shall protect you!

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I feel sad for Tyrande. I really like the character.

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That would not be wise. Only the Alliance can protect the night elves, man.

You must not have heard, but…

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Yeah but in that book, she did come across an Orc family and waved to the small child with them. Then talked about protecting all the Horde. Then Nathanos tells her about the Council and how the Forsaken “miss her”.

I think they tried to portray her with some heart. She always confuses me as a character. Like she just has too big of mood swings and motivational swings at what seem like an instant.

We get a sister who consoles her younger sister. Then she’s killing again. Then we get a woman who wants to protect Horde families. And now “The Horde is nothing”.

Blizzard needed to make up their mind with her.