Somewhat Balanced PvP Server?

Looking to make a paladin alt on an eastern PvP server. Does anyone have recommendations when it comes to servers that aren’t too horde dominant (stalagg) or too alliance dominant (heartseeker)? I can’t seem to find any reliable data.


best we can do now is go by Warcraftlogs clears of MC

There are 104 guilds who are 10/10 on Herod (horde and alliance) for MC
44 are alliance
60 are Horde
This is one of the most successful servers for alliance in terms of raiding in Classic.

There are 57 guilds who are 10/10 on Faerlina (horde and alliance) for MC
23 are alliance
34 are Horde

There are 45 guilds who are 10/10 on Pagle (horde and alliance) for MC
38 are alliance
7 are Horde
This is vaunted as “the alliance server” but as you can see it has fewer than Herod as well

There are 79 guilds who are 10/10 on Stalagg (horde and alliance) for MC
28 are alliance
51 are Horde
considered the most dominant Horde “only” server still has a very healthy alliance raiding pop.

There are 62 guilds who are 10/10 on Heartseeker (horde and alliance) for MC
50 are alliance
12 are Horde
by far the most imbalanced server by these metrics

so the best server would be Faerlina and the second best Herod if you want to roll alliance, and have WPvP that isnt an outnumbered mess.


Thanks for the advice!

That’s a pretty reasonable metric to look at numbers. Very nice.

Also, not sure why you put Pagle though, it’s PvE.

yeah your right left it in as it was requested earlier from another thread

Ah ok! Either way it’s a good way to gauge servers with some sort of tangible number.

Thanks for doing that!

That is the best approach to metrics I’ve seen. Advise is solid.

now that i think about it if we take a server like Herod

and from what i understand the Server caps are 5000, if 104 guilds are all sporting 40 man rosters for there MC clears that means 4160 players are clearing MC every week on Herod OR 83.2% of the server.


Just reviewing warcraftlogs right now, how did you filter for the metrics? I’m having trouble finding it once I get to “ranking” per server.

At the top above rank there’s a graph that counts the guilds… I was able to verify the number 104 guilds as of today that full cleared MC on Herod.

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People recommending Herod and other servers like it are ignoring the elephant in the room. Layering is being removed. Those servers’ queues will return. If you value your time then you may wish to avoid those servers.

I am on Earthfury. Seems well balanced and has no queues. I was on Herod and it always felt overrun by Horde. Alliance avoided STV like the plague. On Earthfury I did almost every STV quests with nominal ganking. And having a 50+ hour work week I’ve come to appreciate the lack of constant ganking.

That said our economy pales in comparison to Herod and there are definitely a lot of down times. EF has been affectionately labeled the “dad server”.

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Your point on layering is legit. I’ve spent the last couple of days in Hillsbrad and I never found anything remotely indicating the vast imbalance people are spewing. That may change when layering goes away. I do intend to level in STV and complete every quest. I’ll get back to you on the balance update from a leveler’s perspective.

I’m on Herod BTW.

Well I leveled on Herod in August and September. Server may have mellowed.

None. Cause everyone raid logs so thus the appearance of imbalance is just that. No one knows.

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Yeah you may want to consider coming back… I don’t know what it was like when you leveled but it’s been very relaxing for me. Granted pvp did happen but nothing that spelled doom.

When I read all these balance concerns I knew something wasn’t quite right with that picture judging by the recruitment threads alone I knew Herod Alliance wasn’t as weak as people make it out to be but I didn’t know Herod was amongst the strongest most advanced servers for Alliance endgame beating out even Faerlina by a mile and Pagle the designated Alliance server. That was surprising.

It totally seems like this is the case, with a slight leaning towards Alliance. I’ve recently decided to roll here, and form a guild on the Horde side. You’re welcome to join though I see you’ve explicitly stated that you want to play a Paladin.

See you in WPVP then, I guess :slight_smile:

Pick any eastern realm that isn’t mentioned as a “horde or alliance” dominated server. There is plenty of complaining on the forums about faction balances on specific servers. If you are choosing today do not pick one that says layered, or you are in for a queue next week.

So I would avoid

Another insight from your data. Not only does Herod have a higher volume of Alliance guilds that cleared raids compared to Faerlina but the Horde to Alliance ratio is also more balanced.

Herod balance being 58/42 horde favor
Faerlina balance at 60/40 horde favor.

That makes Herod the #1 server for Alliance. That’s more in line to the true story if we base balance off endgame progression.

That really does not say anything either. Sure they have overall more people but not everyone is in a raiding guild or raids actively. Best way to check out a server is to run census for a week or so before saying “yes” or “no” to it (both sides ofc).

Alternatively you can spam /who on different times a day and then multiply it from there. Or type /who druid on different times a day as its always the least played class and then decide based on that.

They just shouldnt have broken the census addon in the first place.

You claim herod is great, but from the people I know that play there and even in your own forums alliance claims its always outnumbered by the sheer amount of horde.

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Nope, I am happy where I am. Enjoy your hours in queue unless you plan on using illegal means to circumvent them. :stuck_out_tongue:

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